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I suppose that two separate computers which would have different IP addresses would do the job, one at work, one at home, a lot posters will have access to a 2nd PC at work and even a mod would not be able to say with certainty whether 2 posters were one and the same.


Funny that neither FCMR or Crumlin have posted since mid February and now it's April, if FCMR was told to shut up for the sake of the trial, then why has Crumlin also shut up - he had as much to say about the Neds and would be able to carry on posting without a problem not being a witness, perhaps they have both taken an extended vacation together and persuaded the Skeat to take over the mantle of the "Neds Trial Bulletin Service"





I'll put money on it that they are.


I'll take that bet. Free money is always appreciated.


So will I.......FCMR is deff not crumlin ( my arch nemesis ) - crumlin, poss manxchatterbox!


But I'll take your bet....£100?


Please send cheque to......






Now that FCMR has exposed himself as Crumlin and The Skeat.....................


I'm waiting for my winnings folks, just thought I'd remind you both.

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CW- do you think either FCMR or Crumlin is smart enough, to come up with the two IP thing?


However, your guess doesn't fit the facts -


Crumlin (apart from a couple of posts in April) stopped posting in December.


FCMR carried on to February.


But anyway, the simple fact is they aren't the same person. You don't need any special tricks to prove it. Just read their posts.

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I'm not sure about who's hiding under which new name, tho, I must say , I remember reading a thread, lost views, started by theskeat, which included pictures. You clicked on the pictures, and the link showed a photobucket thing belonging to someone called FCMR, whoever that might be........


I just rechecked and the pics have been altered to the ownership of a patiom.


I would suggest a career in the secret service isn't beckoning...... :ph34r:

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I'm not sure about who's hiding under which new name, tho, I must say , I remember reading a thread, lost views, started by theskeat, which included pictures. You clicked on the pictures, and the link showed a photobucket thing belonging to someone called FCMR, whoever that might be........


I just rechecked and the pics have been altered to the ownership of a patiom.


I would suggest a career in the secret service isn't beckoning...... :ph34r:


The pictures were sent to me which identified the sender so i reposted them with the permision of the owner of the photos, so whats the big deal. if you had checked properly you would have seen two names on the pics

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no big deal at all, just adds a bit of fire to the nicely simmering conspiracy theories as to altered idenities.


Not sure about not checking properly:








and then all the pictures were re-edited with a copyright VRAG, which wasn't there to begin with, two names??


Anyway, I for one are convinced that you aren't FCMR, obviously just a very close confidante of FCMR, who started posting at pretty much the same point that FCMR stopped posting, which is obviously, entirely co-incidental. Case Closed.

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The trial of Mrs Ned starts next Friday and she has already got her first let off, she has been excused from sitting in the dock during the trial due to her position.


Is Will Kelly going to be sitting in the dock?

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I don't care what any of you say, if you look back at all the posts by FCMR, Crumlin and the Skeat they are all about the same boring bloody subject, i.e. The Neds, it's so bloody obvious that they are one and the same person, one stops posting then another pops up on the same subject, at one stage we even had FCMR arguing with himself as Crumlin. The information posted and the timing of the posting is such that only someone intimately involved with the Neds case would know such detailed facts.


The Skeat even sent me this denial in a PM, if he wasn't FCMR or Crumlin why would he bother his arse.



Am I realy FCMR


the answer is no, im not that old, but I know him very well and spend a lot of time with him when on the Island.




Sorry folks you are all wrong and I'm right.

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or to post up a PM do you not understand what a PM is :angry:


You're free to do whatever you like with any PMs you receive. If you don't feel comfortable committing information to PM to random people on the Internets, then don't send them. There is no rule that states a private message must stay private, that's completely at the discretion of the recipient.


I'm quite sure that many of my PMs to you have been forwarded onto your little gang, you can't have it both ways sadly.

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But the rules do forbid members to disclose the details of other members and that any posting that does will be removed.




Please do not post personal information about any individual on the forum (including name, address, telephone/mobile numbers or e-mail addresses, photograph's or any other information that will identify an individual or user of this forum). Any such information will be deleted and the offender's user account suspended indefinitely.

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But the rules do forbid members to disclose the details of other members and that any posting that does will be removed.




Please do not post personal information about any individual on the forum (including name, address, telephone/mobile numbers or e-mail addresses, photograph's or any other information that will identify an individual or user of this forum). Any such information will be deleted and the offender's user account suspended indefinitely.


You have already posted the offending information yourself in the discussion on Vicarage Road.

This might excuse someone repeating it.

I should imagine, anyhow, that although Im sure you are a unique person,your 3 letter name is shared by numerous females on the Island :rolleyes:

I havent been able to identify you anyhow.

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