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Advice For Prospective Mhks

Albert Tatlock

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I would rather offer advice to current MHK's - get off your arses.


There is rarely one person who you could actually attribute much to going back 5 years, and the frenzy of money thrown away on ridiculous projects like the incinerator means that all many have been responsible for over the last term is wasting tens of millions of taxpayers money on things that don't work or things we didn't strictly need.


Hopefully we will see some humility from these people who shouldn't expect to get back in on the basis of past performance.

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I would rather offer advice to current MHK's - get off your arses.


There is rarely one person who you could actually attribute much to going back 5 years, and the frenzy of money thrown away on ridiculous projects like the incinerator means that all many have been responsible for over the last term is wasting tens of millions of taxpayers money on things that don't work or things we didn't strictly need.


Hopefully we will see some humility from these people who shouldn't expect to get back in on the basis of past performance.



Agree with you but getting on my incinerator high horse, that was the term before. (Walter Gilbey did it)

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Anyone willing to put a stop to the building of any more blocks of so-called "luxury apartments" gets my vote! How many more of the blody things do we need FFS! :angry:


Thats a function of the market.


My plea to prospective MHks would be ... Please put a proper and decent funding system in place for the care of elderly Manx citizens.

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Anyone willing to put a stop to the building of any more blocks of so-called "luxury apartments" gets my vote! How many more of the blody things do we need FFS! :angry:


But we need all those £400,000 apartments because of the housing shortage local residents are experiencing. How dare you question this policy which is good for the property aspirations of normal manx people.

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But of course!! In our officially "never had it so good " economy, we can ALL afford a super-duper £300,000 shoebox! :D


Seriously though, for prospective MHKs, sorting out the housing situation by perhaps legislating in favour of the ordinary hardworking individual wouldn't be a bad place to start. Incentives for property speculators and overseas investors are all very well, but persuing such policies when many are struggling to buy even a starter home, or paying punitively high rents, doesn't (IMHO) make for a happy electorate. I don't know what the answer is, but I'm sure it's not more blocks of apartments. I'm off topic! Time for bed.

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MCB took a sabbatical from the Forums to write their (gender confused) manifesto.


Having taken 2 or 3 weeks to carefully hone this important document in crayon, they (gender confused) are now having to do a bit of spellings with "Miss" who tells them (gender confused) that pay and people both start with a "P" so they (gender confused) must be standing for both! QED!!

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Agree with you but getting on my incinerator high horse, that was the term before. (Walter Gilbey did it)


I find it quite strange that £50m down the line, he kicked it off, and PC saw it through and neither are representing the people anymore.


Its just another example of crass short-sightedness and elected representatives "need" to be seen running these flagship projects, even if they are white elephants. There are a whole host of projects that are of similar quality - IRIS to name the most costly and least operational of them all.


Its as if they are stashing up points to be used on post MHK CV's "Oversaw £50m major infrastructural project" equates to "I'm an important person used to spending big money, give me a job I'm worth it"


All in all the message should be - you can be in charge of a £50m project one week and back running a post office the next. We all have to be accountable.

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