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Labour Party 'donors' And Nominated Peers...are They Uk Non-domiciled


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I didn't think either


Chai Patel ( Born in Uganda to Indian parents) nor


Sir Gulam Noon (He began his career in Bombay at the age of 17, managing the family business, Royal Sweets, after his father's death. Sir Gulam came to Britain in the 1960)


were UK domicilled...


The Labour Party has in the last few years made noise about revoking the special and beneficial and privileged tax status of UK non-domicilled persons.


If you were a wealthy "non-dom" and thought you could buy some influence don't you think making a large 'loan' or donation and getting a peerage would be one way of making sure your voice was heard....

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Not sure I understand your point here MCB. The whole honours system in the UK stinks now, even more so than when it was hereditary. But there again, the hereditary system was borne from patronage and favours!


I don't have a problem with non-doms being given honours PROVIDING they have contributed something (other than party funding) worthwhile to GB and by that I include the IOM, but that is a sticky point as, really, it shouldn't concern us. However, non-doms being given a seat in the Upper House? Now that is just daft!

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what is corruption?


Hypothetically - if I was a very very wealthy individual who was born overseas and was able to take advantage of the very beneficial tax status of being not UK domicilled and the UK Labour Govt said they were going to look at doing away with the privilege so that I would be taxed like any other UK domicilled individual then do you think it would it be worth my while saying "I'm a Labour supporter" and bunging a big fat hefty wad towards funding the party? would it influence those that decide policy and how and when changes might be implemented? And think how much better it would be if I were to get a peerage and a seat in the upper house...that way I might be able to influence legilslation if it ever came forward...


think about it..who is ever willing to pay more tax than they have to??

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