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Pings Whilst Gaming


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Low is anything under 100. High is anything over. It's kinda arbitrary though. I always use that 100 mark because the lowest I ever saw anyone get on an analogue modem was a few ms under that.


0 ping is best :) It's unreasonable to expect that of course. I consistantly ping 20-35 to UK servers which I'm very happy with. Generally, I would only not play on a server that I was pinging over 50 on.


It's all down to how comfortable you feel with lag. I know people that wont play if their ping isn't 25 or lower and I know people that will give it a go with 90 ping and 8% packetloss.

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depends on the game also, if it's a twitch game (quake series) then the lower the better, but for other types of game (racing, strategy) then it's not so important -- I play battlefield 2 on servers in the US with a ping of 130-150 and it's fine.

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Thanks for the info, I am not an avid gamer but just like to dabble now and then and I was particularly thinking of CS so cheers.


I remember getting a game of doom (1) going modem to modem and being delighted and now we've got games like wow and ever increasing connection speeds it's great.

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I've got a friends copy of wow sitting on my desk at home which I've had for a while now its just waiting to be installed, I want to take full advantage of the free pass when I do install it and not waste it while my free time is short.


I read on bbc that blizzard are set to expand game


bbc clicky

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We are all quite addicted in the Bee household, Mr Bee has his own account now. My priest is lvl 45, warrior lvl 32 and stoopid Mage is about lvl 15 but I hate playing him, its just the best game ever. Bit of a life eater but hey ho, I'm saving my imaginary friends in an imaginary world, you dont get much better than that!


Edit: must updat beeoelfs pic...shes got great stuff now :-)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Woo hoo first post (been reading the forums for a while and i thought i would start here!)


The pings on WOW seem to be highly irregular especially when you do the 40 man endgame content like BWL or AQ40.


I have been on different server at different times and got wild variations, my highest recorded ping was 19k ms (yes 19,000 ms).


Normal game play i usually get between 50-150 ms and recently i slapped another 1G of ramm which made a huge difference to FPS but didnt really notice the ping,but i can now run through Ironforge at peak times with no lag whatsoever.


I do a few tracer routes every now and again but these dont seem to show up anything out of the ordinary although i know the link off island that is ran by cable and wireless can be temprimental sometimes so maybe thats where some of the randomness lies.



Oh and i play a lvl 60 prot warrior with half wrath half might and a few nice weapons to boot, I play on the hellscream server and my char is in one of the top guilds who have cleared everything up to the princess in AQ40.


It truley is an amazing game and imo it dosnt really start until you get to the later lvls

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My mate has a lvl60 and said theres 60 man instances - wooooohooo. Can't wait. Still hanging around at lvl 48, getting my BG xp up, but its tough for us priests, not to mention I have to work and look after things IRL. Have been playing my Mage and Warrior too, having a rich level 48 certainly helps the poor 'alts'.

I was talking to an 18 yearold in the pub last Friday...imagine how excited I was when the conv got round to WoW. Sad beyond all Bee sadness.

I was sorely tempted to move to France and get a job at Blizzard, how great would that be? getting paid to play Wow all day....

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my highest recorded ping was 19k ms (yes 19,000 ms).


That's not a real ping. TCP would time out long before that.


Normal game play i usually get between 50-150 ms and recently i slapped another 1G of ramm which made a huge difference to FPS but didnt really notice the ping,but i can now run through Ironforge at peak times with no lag whatsoever.


More RAM wont make any difference to your network ping, but it will undoubtedly improve your FPS lag which will alter your perception of how fast you and the game thinks it is responding. Client side prediction will improve and this can cause you to think that you have massive network improvements.


Also, WoW is for benders.

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World of Warcraft. How's that game progressing? Its been a few months since I beat the habit. Still lots of stuff to keep you interested?


Still hopelessly addicted. The guilds going great on Runetotem, we have 40 player raids several times a week, have killed a lot of the tough stuff, ragnaros, onyxia, stuff like that. Bizzarely with some 60 days played my main char I've still not seen everything the game has to offer, we've barely touched two of the six raid endgame areas and there's another one being added next patch.


Stunning game though, nothign quite compares to taking a hard boss down for the first time with 40 mates, rules :)

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