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Are You Out Of The Door If Your Suspended?


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Does anyone know if any of the Co's mentioned are IOM or IOM-related?


Shares in the following companies have been suspended from trading on AIM: Healthcare Holdings, Azure Holdings, Strategic Global, Petsome, Gasol, Actif Group, Catalyst New Opportunities, BWA Group, Quintessentially English, Medici Bioventures, Pannal, Archimedia Ventures, Chian Resources, Transvision Resources, Isis Medical Technology, ISIS Resources, 9999, Techcreation, LHP Investments, Croatia Ventures, GruppeM Investments, Magna Investments, Perspective Capital, CCO Capital, Raven Capital, Matisse Holdings, Global Structured, EP&F Capital, Castor Investments, Camelot Capital, Sino-Asia Mining, Capricorn Resources, ESV, Reflexion Cosmetics, Bora Communications, Enola Resources and Taurus Storage. Some of the above companies, including BWA, Bora, Reflexion Cosmetics, Petsome, Archimedia, Transvision, Isis Medical, Isis Resources, 9999, GruppeM, CCO Capital, Perspective Capital and Magna, said they are in talks about potential acquisitions or have signed heads of agreements for a deal.

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Does anyone know if any of the Co's mentioned are IOM or IOM-related?


Wouldnt think there is anything sinister about stopping trading on AIM. Its quite a frequent occurrence, nature of the beast and all that.

How many of them are start ups ?

I have a punt on AIM occasionally not with much success though up to now !

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There is nothing wrong with some co's being suspended if it stops investors being burnt..


Thing is.. are any of the co's mentioned connected with the IOM and which might reflect badly on the ability of IOM being used as the HO of co's that want to float on AIM...


But how on earth could that be ?

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co announces it is to float on AIM stock market...issues prspectus...gullible people invest money...company has a pile of cash...sits on it..burns the cash pile paying directors fees and expenses..goes bust..investors loose money....


which AIM quoted co's are IOM registered?

which if any of those are cash shells?

if there are any IOM cash shells who is behind them and what are they doing with the investors cash?

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MCB, not had first hand experience of trying to get a listing (although I am aware of a nascent business that is eventually hoping to get a listing), but I don't think it is as easy and issuing a prospectus, hey bingo, a listing. Preparing a prospectus in itself can be along complicated process, often involving legal and accounting input.


AIM is intended to be a capital market for less established/innovative businesses and so is more volatile and possibly risky.


To answer your specific questions re AIM quoted companies, you should get onto the AIM website which I am sure will have alot of info for you.

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MCB, not had first hand experience of trying to get a listing (although I am aware of a nascent business that is eventually hoping to get a listing), but I don't think it is as easy and issuing a prospectus, hey bingo, a listing. Preparing a prospectus in itself can be along complicated process, often involving legal and accounting input.


AIM is intended to be a capital market for less established/innovative businesses and so is more volatile and possibly risky.


To answer your specific questions re AIM quoted companies, you should get onto the AIM website which I am sure will have alot of info for you.


I don't think you've got the hang of manxchatterbox yet.

The idea is to start a vague rumour that something may be a bit fishy about something - then find/suggest/invent a local connection and sit back while everyone else digs out the facts.

If you're proved wrong, it really doesn't matter - because by that time there'll be so many other flags run up poles that no one will notice.

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Oh I have the measure of MCB alright, just sometimes when the posts are so obviously contrived to point to some IOM connection that can only be alluded to, I like to reply playing a straight bat and other times I like to throw a googly. Just depends on how irritating the domination of the Forums by MCB's drivel is at the time!

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Should I have said throwing a straight bat and playing a googly? Even I, with my encyclopeadic knowledge of cricket (which can be set down on any postage stamp), know that the metaphors were unmixed, just had two of them!

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Should I have said throwing a straight bat and playing a googly? Even I, with my encyclopeadic knowledge of cricket (which can be set down on any postage stamp), know that the metaphors were unmixed, just had two of them!


Opposite sides :rolleyes: (hence mixing cricket metaphors)

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Lone Wolf, even I know that you can do both during a match, but you can't do both at the same time! (Played rounders, see?) Which is why I gave the alternative. So not mixed metaphors, just two in the same theme.


A mixed metaphor is when there are two metaphors (of the same meaning) which you mix up, strangely enough. Such as, "plenty more fish on the beach".


Small point, but one worth making, .... I think!

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