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Politics - Say It Like It Is!


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Silvio Berlusconi, the Italian Prime Minister, is in serious danger of losing the imminent election. So far, he's admitted phoning late-night erotic chat lines (and claimed that seven out of nine chatline girls said that they would vote for him!), vowed to give up sex for the election and compared himself to both Jesus and Napoleon.

All of which, apparently, was forgivable. But he appears to have finally overstepped the mark by saying that left-wing voters were 'dickheads'.


Personally, I think it's an excellent approach and should be encouraged at both local and national level. It may even be the way to engage people in politics who normally have no interest in the subject.

Could you imagine, for example, a public declaration from Gordon Brown that Tony Blair is a complete arsehole if he doesn't resign in the next few months/days/hours etc.

Or how about David Cameron saying: "I may be an ambitious and obsequious little twat, but vote for me anyway... because I think you'd be a dumbass not to"?


And if it didn't work, they could always follow Signor Berlusconi's example and say: “I apologise for the crude but effective language.”

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In Italian politics I personally think that La Cicciolina had a better approach, and certainly better appeal, than Berlusconi.


But really, honesty in politics? Look at the recent furore that surrounded Tessa Jowell. In order to stay in her job and thus keep her nose firmly in the trough of Government largesse she had to claim that she was completely unaware of her partner's financial dealings. Despite living with this person claims were made, which we were all supposed to believe of course, that this government minister was completely unaware of borrowings, mortgages, grants and so on. And if this minister really was completely in the dark about their partners financial dealings would you then trust them anywhere near your Government and thus your money? The whole thing was a complete farce.


In any event, what has this got to do with Manx politics? Errr - wait a minute.....

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it was revealed later that Tessa had been omitted from cabinet talks on Iran as her husband had been using her name to try and sell aircraft to the Iranians, that she did know about, but the red tops had found another target and the story slid away :(

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Silvio Berlusconi, the Italian Prime Minister, is in serious danger of losing the imminent election. So far, he's admitted phoning late-night erotic chat lines (and claimed that seven out of nine chatline girls said that they would vote for him!), vowed to give up sex for the election and compared himself to both Jesus and Napoleon.

All of which, apparently, was forgivable. But he appears to have finally overstepped the mark by saying that left-wing voters were 'dickheads'.


Personally, I think it's an excellent approach and should be encouraged at both local and national level. It may even be the way to engage people in politics who normally have no interest in the subject.

Could you imagine, for example, a public declaration from Gordon Brown that Tony Blair is a complete arsehole if he doesn't resign in the next few months/days/hours etc.

Or how about David Cameron saying: "I may be an ambitious and obsequious little twat, but vote for me anyway... because I think you'd be a dumbass not to"?


And if it didn't work, they could always follow Signor Berlusconi's example and say: “I apologise for the crude but effective language.”


Chatline girls. Does he lack common sense?


If you rang saying "I've got my 3 inch penis in my hand" they're paid well to say "Gosh thats huge. I wish I could see it" which sort of takes the edge off any credibility Mr Berlusconi might have attached to their validation of him or his policies.


If he asked them any question the answer would be "yes" because they're paid to say "yes" to any bizarre, perverted, or obscure question put to them.


Proof indeed that Berlusconi has really lost the plot.

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