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Car Egging Vandals

Stu Peters

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A dear friend has just come round for advice on how to clean her 'new' car (it's actually 5 years old, but she's just bought it after years of wanting one and loves it to bits).


It was parked near the Hilton and the Queen's Apartments last night, and some high-spirited fun lover has decided to smash eggs and (what looks like) tomato ketchup all over the car's bonnet, front wings and roof.


Now, I'm all for wizard japes and a bit of a lark, but I'd like to have the person or persons responsible for this thrown into jail with Knuckles and Mr Big as their new best friends, and have them physically sterilised on release so they can't breed any more pikey, loutish, yobby, arsehole descendants.


We're hoping the damage is only superficial and will wash off, but we also realise the car will stink of rotten eggs for months.


Two requests - if you can help identify those responsible, please PM me and I'll do my best to have them in court to plead "I was drunk and don't remember" - which John Shimmin tells me is now considered an AGGRAVATING rather than a mitigating factor (about time too).


Second is - and this is only a hunch - but do you have a teenage son/daughter who came home smelling of eggs or tomato sauce last night? If so, would you give them a good sound thrashing and a lecture about being respectful of other people's property in future? post-75-1144421327_thumb.jpgpost-75-1144421351_thumb.jpgpost-75-1144421367_thumb.jpg

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That sucks. Egg is very hard to clean off when it's dried in. A couple of 17 year olds did that to my house windows a few years ago. Took me ages to clean it off. I wouldn't have known it was them except they started taunting me about it. Luckily I caught one of them and explained to him the error of his ways.... ;)

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How to Wash Egg off a Car







If your car has been the target of some neighborhood pranksters, act quickly to wash it off. It takes about two hours for dried egg to damage the finish of a car.




1. Get to the egg mess as soon as you discover it. Do not let egg sit on your car, even overnight.


2. Remove by hand the egg shell pieces that are not dried onto the car.


3. Wipe up as much of the egg as you can with a soft towel, being careful not to scratch the paint with eggshell remnants.


4. Soak a towel in a solution of half warm water and half white vinegar.


5. Place the saturated towel on the egg stain, letting it sit for 15-20 minutes.


6. Remove the wet towel, wipe away remnants and dry the area with a soft, dry towel.


7. Take your car to a body shop if the paint or clear coat is cracked, crinkled, scratched or bubbling up. You may need to have to have the car spot-painted or completely repainted.



Overall Tips:

Contact your insurance company to see if "egging" is covered under your policy. If damage costs come to more than your deductible, insurance may pay for it.


Keeping your car waxed and the finish protected may help avoid damage from eggs.



Overall Warnings:

The longer the egg sits on your car, the more damage will be done, especially if egg is allowed to "bake" on in the sun.

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Those pictures were taken in the driveway of MY house, and the tyres are perfectly legal, but thank you for your keen interest.


Meanwhile, back to eggs....

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1) I don't recognise the location in the thrid photo as being "near" the Hilton/Queens Apartments

2) looking at the photo I wonder are the tyres on the Merc legal - especisally the front offside??


Apologies for going off-thread - what is the point of this post by manxchatterbox?


But at last I see. Please add me to the (long) list of mcb dis-likers.



Back on thread - wouldn't it be great if the egg throwers were found. All that shame for the very rest of their lives.

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I have a grudging respect for certain types of career criminal (I'd quite like to be a safecracking diamond burglar I think) but vandalism, criminal damage, yobbish and antisocial behaviour just appalls me.


I'd love to see these people caught and publicly humiliated...


Nitro...the grounds to The Official Residence include plenty of hedges to hide French cars in...

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Quick fix for you, buy a bottle of Autoglym Tar Remover.


It will remove any kind of surface problems such as those above, just be sure to wash it off thoroughly afterwards as soon as you have cleaned one area as it can and will damage paintwork if left on for too long.


Very fast acting stuff and should have it looking like new in no time and no real effort.

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1) I don't recognise the location in the thrid photo as being "near" the Hilton/Queens Apartments

2) looking at the photo I wonder are the tyres on the Merc legal - especisally the front offside??


MCB Presumably you have forgotten to put forward a positive contribution to Stu's excellent thread.

I really do wonder what goes through your mind at times.


Stu, I hope the paintwork survived the effect of the eggs. We had some thrown at our house last year by American style trick or treaters and our pvc window frames have been permanently stained.


Agree with you mindless vandalism should be punished.

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Despicable! Best thing to do to the perpetrators is to egg them then put plastic bag over their heads to let the full effects sink in! Why do some people feel that they have a right to mar something that someone else takes a pride in?


For that matter, why should anyone feel that they have the right to damage anything belonging to somebody else, be it an old wreck of whatever or a very smart anything else? Beyond me!


However, our prospective candidate has shown their true colurs, yet again! Not that they were hidden very well.


Stu, having applied the best forensic brains to the legality of the front off-side tyre, could I suggest that you make sure there are three others matching, as the boys in blue do hate to see a car with just one tyre on the front off-side and the rest running on the axle! Just a tip!

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Thanks all for the suggestions and messages of support for my pal...who texted me a while ago to say that a couple of thorough handwashes and lots of elbow grease seem to have removed the yuck...she's just hoping none of the raw egg ended up inside the air intakes, but only time will tell.


Glad - prospective candidate...who? MCB?? Shurely not!

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Well that is what MCB has been trailing recently. Off to write the manifesto, seeking funding on the Forums, trawling for manifesto topics, etc. etc. Strikes me with absolute horror!


Anyway, pleased the egg has been removed. I didn't know it was such a bitch to sort out (one assumes a kettle of hot water will soften it, to be wiped off later). In the old days it used to be Nitromors and a key scratch! Still, the stupid little buggers ought to be dealt with like we were dealt with; do something really daft and destructive and you have your head bashed into it, repeating the lines "I will not do this again"!

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Stu - I hope you catch the pizza faced, alcopop fueled, shellsuit wearing pr1cks responsible.


I've had two different vehicles vandalised by this kind of arsehole within the last couple of years being unfortunate enough to live just above glen falcon where most of the chavs seem to hang out on a friday night.


It strikes me that once they're nicely drunk and when they get bored of watching the police watching them they decide to go on an unhindered vandalism jamboree, with the vehicles in close proximity coming in for most of the damage first. Great when there's a big lack of parking spaces already and it's a case of gambling between your car getting vandalised (again) in a proper space, or getting a ticket for parking on double yellows etc. Don't you just love a lose/lose situation!


Still, gambling is meant to be fun so trying to figure whether you might get a £40 fine or get some damamge costing a couple of hundred is all just part of the fun of these little loves being allowed to roam free untouched to do as they please each weekend....

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