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Manx Radio

Desperate Dan

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There was a PAG meeting at the Legion regarding radio stations on IoM. It was to do with Ron Berry's idea of amalgamating stations/3FM getting their hands on some of that money.


Highlight of the night was when Roger Watterson (genuinely and without a hint of irony or malace), in describing the radio stations on the Island said 3fm was "musical wallpaper". At that, the 3fm camp, all decked out in their red 3fm jumpers and fleeces etc, stoop up en masse and left in silent protest, led by George Ferguson.


I suppose I can't blame them but it was interesting to see.



Roger Watterson is correct thoughthumbsup.gif

If it was PAG was it not Roger Tomlinson?

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I think it was interesting that Mr Peters did not pick up on the Bill Mummery interview today for repeating and therefore having a debate about the radio station. Surely more interesting than fraking in Blackpool.

Why don't you cover it tomorrow as a subject? Clearly there would be people ringing in on both sides of the arguement.

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I've always thought this should be covered as any other current news story would be. It would show that the station is not afraid of scrutiny. The MD could be there to put the station management's side and to answer the callers' criticisms. Stu could be neutral for the occasion.


I know there is a reluctance on the part of media to "be the story" but there is certainly public interest in this.

Edited by woolley
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There was a PAG meeting at the Legion regarding radio stations on IoM. It was to do with Ron Berry's idea of amalgamating stations/3FM getting their hands on some of that money.


Highlight of the night was when Roger Watterson (genuinely and without a hint of irony or malace), in describing the radio stations on the Island said 3fm was "musical wallpaper". At that, the 3fm camp, all decked out in their red 3fm jumpers and fleeces etc, stoop up en masse and left in silent protest, led by George Ferguson.


I suppose I can't blame them but it was interesting to see.



Roger Watterson is correct thoughthumbsup.gif

If it was PAG was it not Roger Tomlinson?


It was at this PAG meeting.


Roger Watterson said a few words, I think as his capacity as having experience in the UK as a national broadcaster, as well as his knowledge of local affairs. He wasn't being unkind, but he just provided a brief overview of the history of broadcasting on the Isle of Man, and only had a few words to describe and differentiate each station (including Energy FM and Kik FM).

Edited by gettafa
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I think it was interesting that Mr Peters did not pick up on the Bill Mummery interview today for repeating and therefore having a debate about the radio station. Surely more interesting than fraking in Blackpool.

Why don't you cover it tomorrow as a subject? Clearly there would be people ringing in on both sides of the arguement.

I'm not convinced Will Bummery is taking the right approach. As long as I can listen to Freebird on full blast as I drive round the fields shooting rabbits from the cab of my Hi Lux then Manx Radio delivers everytime for me. It's just the sort of retro playlist ultra hillbilly radio station that we should be proud of listening to in the Deep South.

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I am a Manx Radio fan and I am proud! I do not listen to it all of the time, just sometimes, I like Ashley and I like the man but I don't know who he is. I don't like that they have competitions where you have to text in - how can I do that when I am driving? FFS.


I didn't used to like MR, but then, my friend was going on and on about how much she loves it and then as I drove home from Sulby that very night...the only radio station I could get was MR, the Ashley show was on and I got totes bopping away (concentrating hard on the road too, ofc) and so then I thought "Give it a try." - I switch back to Radio 3 most mornings, blithering idiot on MR annoys me (but that is more likely to be me, not him if you get me...).

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You have to be unbiased and give equal airtime. You (actually not you personally) attempted to do this by not allowing any opinions to be expressed, unless that's by Roger Watterson and it's an arrogant and condescending response to any suggestion of change.

I would respectfully contend that any condescension is coming from your posts rather than mine Declan. Shame - if it wasn't for your imperious posts I expect we'd get along quite well as I often respect your opinions even if I disagree with them. The fact is that there are strict rules about impartiality in the run up to a general election and a programme like mine can't risk taking public calls for fear of inadvertently breaching those rules. Mention any one candidate and you have to give the same coverage to every other candidate for that seat. Someone calling in to express pleasure at (say) Bill Malarkey saving the pub could have meant a logistical nightmare in lining people up on a strictly for/against basis AND having to mention the other three candidates. It would be easy for an eager supporter of a candidate to skew the process. That's why my media colleagues' radar is set to detect any back door attempts (especially after nominations close) to gain headlines and unfair exposure during that period. If you Google the Communications Commission bible on election coverage I think you'll understand that the establishment takes these matters pretty seriously.


JackCarter suggesting that MR's coverage of the general election as the cause of voter apathy is, as usual for him, complete twaddle.


And I'm completely open to constructive criticism - whether I'm willing or even able to act on it is another matter - but I won't tolerate lies and misinformation being promulgated as facts.


As to the overspend story, it was covered extensively on Manx Radio news today, and probably at length on one or more Mandate programmes, so it's hardly been brushed under the carpet.

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I switch back to Radio 3 most mornings, blithering idiot on MR annoys me (but that is more likely to be me, not him if you get me...).

Probably disc jockey Chris 'Kinners' Kinley. He does blither and witter a fair bit.


I usually turn over to Radio 4 but wait until he gives one of his incisive opinions on a song. Usually "good number that" or as a variation "Good disc that, good disc" but "good number" is the default. I don't usually have to wait too long before I'm listening to Woman's Hour, or anything else for that matter.

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