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Manx Radio

Desperate Dan

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On the MR website, the headline declares...

'No pay increase for Tynwald Members' 

It's not until you read on that you find the headline is misleading and it's yet another proposal to be discussed in the house by, er, Tynwald members.

Maybe I'm being pedantic...  

Edited by quilp
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So a firm of advocates sponsors Manx Radio Mandate, and also get 'news' articles when they merge with another company. I remember the days when law firms weren't allowed to advertise let alone have apparent access to the broadcast content. S'pose you've got to look after the sponsors.


Edited by gettafa
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Nope - my programme is sponsored by Magic Carpets but I'm not expected to endorse Karndean flooring. If advocates merge, it's a 'business' news story and would get coverage whether they were sponsors or not. There is a healthy passion in news/editorial to never sell out to a demanding sponsor (and I expect there have been some who needed to be educated over the years). Of course, most editorial interviews available on the wires are sponsored, but they're pretty overt about it.

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19 hours ago, quilp said:

On the MR website, the headline declares...

'No pay increase for Tynwald Members' 

It's not until you read on that you find the headline is misleading and it's yet another proposal to be discussed in the house by, er, Tynwald members.

Maybe I'm being pedantic...  

Not at all. The story relates to a report published last Friday which is on the agenda for Tynwald next week. The report is here http://www.tynwald.org.im/business/opqp/sittings/Tynwald 20162018/2018-PP-0018.pdf

It deals with the Bishops vote and pay for members. They want to give a payrise to those members who sit on "scrutiny committees" and indeed the report recommends that they do, but crucially it also says that the overall pay bill shouldn't increase. They'll have to rearrange the deck chairs a bit, but there's a wealth of experience of that!!

They are of course linked to CS pay and whatever the CS pay award is for 2018 (if any) will permeate thru to Tynwald members. 

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10 hours ago, Stu Peters said:

Nope - my programme is sponsored by Magic Carpets but I'm not expected to endorse Karndean flooring. If advocates merge, it's a 'business' news story and would get coverage whether they were sponsors or not. There is a healthy passion in news/editorial to never sell out to a demanding sponsor (and I expect there have been some who needed to be educated over the years). Of course, most editorial interviews available on the wires are sponsored, but they're pretty overt about it.

I'm not having that, Stu. I am one of your keenest advocates on here but "advertorial" content masquerading as news on MR is rife and it always has been. I think it's an embarrassment to the "nation station". Prominent advertisers are frequently invited in to pontificate, usually talk crap and inevitably drop in their plugs. Non-advertiser advocates merging might, and I stress, might be covered briefly as a business news story, but if you are telling us that they would be invited into the studio to strut their stuff on a scheduled programme as in this case then I for one don't believe you. Disingenuous.

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26 minutes ago, woolley said:
10 hours ago, Stu Peters said:

Nope - my programme is sponsored by Magic Carpets but I'm not expected to endorse Karndean flooring. If advocates merge, it's a 'business' news story and would get coverage whether they were sponsors or not. There is a healthy passion in news/editorial to never sell out to a demanding sponsor (and I expect there have been some who needed to be educated over the years). Of course, most editorial interviews available on the wires are sponsored, but they're pretty overt about it.

I'm not having that, Stu. I am one of your keenest advocates on here but "advertorial" content masquerading as news on MR is rife and it always has been. I think it's an embarrassment to the "nation station". Prominent advertisers are frequently invited in to pontificate, usually talk crap and inevitably drop in their plugs. Non-advertiser advocates merging might, and I stress, might be covered briefly as a business news story, but if you are telling us that they would be invited into the studio to strut their stuff on a scheduled programme as in this case then I for one don't believe you. Disingenuous.

Wooley, even if you are correct and I am not convinced of that, why would it matter ? Is somebody losing out through it ?

I really can't see your gripe here at all.

 I am a big fan of Manx Radio and like about 95% of it's output. I just for the life of me, can't get my head around all the negativity towards the station and it's staff and broadcasters like S P.

The alternative does not bear thinking about , so why don't we just let OUR national station get on with doing what they do best, as in, providing a National Community radio station.

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27 minutes ago, dilligaf said:

Wooley, even if you are correct and I am not convinced of that, why would it matter ? Is somebody losing out through it ?

I really can't see your gripe here at all.

 I am a big fan of Manx Radio and like about 95% of it's output. I just for the life of me, can't get my head around all the negativity towards the station and it's staff and broadcasters like S P.

The alternative does not bear thinking about , so why don't we just let OUR national station get on with doing what they do best, as in, providing a National Community radio station.

I like Manx Radio in essence, particularly Stu with his wit and style and the station has nurtured much talent over the years, not always repaid with gratitude. It does local and specialist coverage well to the extent that it sounds as though it is produced by a much larger organisation.

That doesn't mean I am blind to its shortcomings. I think some of the output has become tired through there being little innovation in recent years. Considering the subvention there is far too much advertising and advertorial content, much of it being an affront to the ears and the intelligence. As the word suggests, my beef with advertorial is that it seeks to dress up advertising as editorial/entertainment which I think is simply wrong.

I still believe that too much is spent on management and not enough at the sharp end for output. I know for a fact that some of the people who put out the much vaunted "specialist" and "local interest" programmes do it for buttons relatively speaking. I'd prefer to see more of the existing resources going there.

It's been around for over half a century. I just wonder who it is going to appeal to in another 20 years.

Edited by woolley
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11 hours ago, Stu Peters said:

Nope - my programme is sponsored by Magic Carpets but I'm not expected to endorse Karndean flooring. If advocates merge, it's a 'business' news story and would get coverage whether they were sponsors or not. There is a healthy passion in news/editorial to never sell out to a demanding sponsor (and I expect there have been some who needed to be educated over the years). Of course, most editorial interviews available on the wires are sponsored, but they're pretty overt about it.

Get well soon - lovely though she is Beth definitely doesn't play devil's advocate and Andy Wint just annoys me. Every time I hear his name it remonds me of all the people who went to the trouble of sending him photos and other contributions for his book, which still hasn't materialised. If he just announced that it was too mammoth a task and will never see the light of day  I'd have more respect for him.  Hurry up back please!


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