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Manx Radio

Desperate Dan

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5 minutes ago, woolley said:

I like Manx Radio in essence, particularly Stu with his wit and style and the station has nurtured much talent over the years, not always repaid with gratitude. It does local and specialist coverage well to the extent that it sounds as though it is produced by a much larger organisation.

That doesn't mean I am blind to its shortcomings. I think some of the output has become tired through there being little innovation in recent years. Considering the subvention there is far too much advertising and advertorial content, much of it being an affront to the ears and the intelligence. As the word suggests, my beef with advertorial is that it seeks to dress up advertising as editorial/entertainment which I think is simply wrong.

I still believe that too much is spent on management and not enough at the sharp end for output. I know for a fact that some of the people who put out the much vaunted "specialist" and "local interest" programmes do it for buttons relatively speaking. I'd prefer to see more of the existing resources going there.

It's been around for over half a century. I just wonder who it is going to appeal to in another 20 years.

Completely agree. However on MR news recently there has been some very biased reporting on the abortion reform issue with pro-lifers being given air time to express their views without challenge. Yesterday for example some woman called Joss or Jess stated that abortion was murder from the moment of conception and that late term abortions were included in the abortion reform bill for 'no particular reason', which was a downright lie and went unchallenged.. Today Lord Brennan QC was given free rein to waffle on about his concerns, but no mention was made of his high ranking position in the Catholic church and the trust he set up to further religious advancement.! Surely there must be a code of ethics for broadcasters regarding biased reporting?!

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I'll bite, as I respect the views of Snaipyr, Woolley and Dilli.

As far as I know, the station doesn't do 'advertorials' as such. If a furniture shop has a sale they could sponsor a live OB, but I'm not aware of anything else - I've certainly never been asked to get someone on TH because they're a commercial client, although other presenters do sometimes have sponsors on (Sure, MT et al). The likelihood is probably more that an advertiser has a contact in the sales office and can ask them to 'put in a word' that they're happy to field experts for talk shows or news comment - but ANY organisation can do exactly the same thing (incredibly few do!). When I was a staffer and had time to work up stories more I had a list of 'go to' contacts - for legal stories John Wright was always very helpful, as was Kevin O'Riordan (then at Simcocks). I don't think either advertised on the station. Bernard Moffat was another regular, and Dr Helen Nightingale the psychologist - and before people moan, when you've got a deadline looming you need to know who will give you a good quote quickly.

On the abortion issue, I've been worried that the vast majority of people seem in favour of reform and choice, and the pro-lifers run the risk of being marginalised as meddlers, religious zealots or plain crazy and offensive people. Whilst every fibre of me disagrees with their position, I'd be failing my audience if I didn't allow them and their supporters a say, and I guess my colleagues feel the same way. To be honest, the more I hear from them the more entrenched my views have become - so a part of me thinks that giving someone enough rope is sometimes the better option.

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35 minutes ago, gettafa said:

Stu the flu

Well, I don't know if it was a microburst of Less Lethal Man Flu, or my body totally rejecting Tesco Quinoa with Pomegranate Seeds, which on reflection is probably only suitable for soft southern shandy drinkers. I won't risk it again.

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10 minutes ago, Stu Peters said:

Well, I don't know if it was a microburst of Less Lethal Man Flu, or my body totally rejecting Tesco Quinoa with Pomegranate Seeds, which on reflection is probably only suitable for soft southern shandy drinkers. I won't risk it again.

It'll be the Chimichurri Dressing ...

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1 hour ago, Stu Peters said:

Well, I don't know if it was a microburst of Less Lethal Man Flu, or my body totally rejecting Tesco Quinoa with Pomegranate Seeds, which on reflection is probably only suitable for soft southern shandy drinkers. I won't risk it again.

Whatever it was, looks like you gave it to Beth.

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Here we go again...... more BS from MR:


So, who says that Pinewood generated £10 million for IOM??

It certainly wasn't the act8ing CEO of Pinewood in the article with Variety:


The more I read/listen to the MR news the more I'm convinced that there's an IOMG sponsored mouthpiece in-house.

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