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Manx Radio

Desperate Dan

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4 minutes ago, Augustus said:

As our supposed public service broadcaster,  you might have thought Manx Radio news website would have mentioned the clocks going forward?  It's a pretty standard thing for news sites to do.

But no, nothing.

You’ve missed it...it’s in the story about the Salisbury nerve agent. There’s a parargraph which says “As the incident occurred before the clocks went forward in the early hours of this morning, the family who have no newsworthy association with the Isle of Man were even 1 hour closer to a horrifying experience”.

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4 hours ago, Augustus said:

As our supposed public service broadcaster,  you might have thought Manx Radio news website would have mentioned the clocks going forward?  It's a pretty standard thing for news sites to do.

But no, nothing.

Try and keep up 007...somebody already posted that an hour before you did.

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Manx Radio are running an advert about a cafe on Douglas Head Road where you can eat and leave your dog in the car....completely irresponsible with the Summer coming up, even on a cool day if the sun is shining dogs should not be left in cars.The police tell you not to. Manx Radio ....take note.

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The newly discovered word amongst DJs these days seems to be "segue" (yes, pronounced fucking 'segway') . There's one guy on Manx Radio in the evening can't stop himself throwing it in a few times each programme.

It took the local DJs about 10 years to stop talking about 'man flu' as if it was the trendiest  phrase ever.

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If they were not getting a hand out from the tax payers they would be treated with affection and a bit of pride because for a small Island it is great to have our own station, but while it is being subsidised the value for money aspect comes into it and always the feeling of Government intervention, perhaps when there is none. The fact is would you intentionally cross someone who pays your wages ? No, or someone who keeps you in a job, again No..  It would be a more popular and productive station if it was made to stand on its own two feet and catered for the audience that actually listened to it....the oldies.   If anyone thinks this is incorrect, walk down Strand Street....ask 50 young people do they listen to Manx Radio and I bet 48 or more will say no.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Who on earth is responsible for the latest batch of adverts, putting new words to old tunes?

Williams' two new adverts for his Friday morning fuel competition are excruciatingly bad, and make me want to throw up.

There are a couple of new ones from paying advertisers, too, which are equally horrendously appalling. As I switch off when they come on, I can't remember who they are supposed to be advertising.

Come friendly bombs, and fall on Slough Douglas Head (after Betjeman)

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I find the adverts unbearable, Middle Park Metals, DPM etc. Those awful tunes with the words changed. I'd rather see MR become a total PSB and sack off the adverts altogether. Some of the programme content is good, but hearing those same annoying jingles every 10 minutes is unbearable. You simply can't have the radio on for more than half an hour as it's like torture. I really like Christy D on a Sunday afternoon, but had to turn off due to the adverts.

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1 hour ago, flaps said:

I find the adverts unbearable, Middle Park Metals, DPM etc. Those awful tunes with the words changed. I'd rather see MR become a total PSB and sack off the adverts altogether. Some of the programme content is good, but hearing those same annoying jingles every 10 minutes is unbearable. You simply can't have the radio on for more than half an hour as it's like torture. I really like Christy D on a Sunday afternoon, but had to turn off due to the adverts.

You must be too young then to remember,

"Boski" "Boski" "Boski" Now that WAS bad


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The advert that puts different words to the Madness song "Driving in my Car"... never found out who it is advertising as I switch channels or just turn the radio off to avoid hearing it. Local Radio adverts are bad everywhere but some here are make listening to the radio whilst keeping your temper or sanity, impossible. Having said that, Alex Brindley needs no adverts...

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Just now, joebean said:

The advert that puts different words to the Madness song "Driving in my Car"... never found out who it is advertising as I switch channels or just turn the radio off to avoid hearing it. Local Radio adverts are bad everywhere but some here are make listening to the radio whilst keeping your temper or sanity, impossible. Having said that, Alex Brindley needs no adverts...

That is exactly what they are meant to do. Make you talk about them and keep the advertiser's name to the fore. If you have to mention them, they have spent their money well.

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