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Manx Radio

Desperate Dan

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45 minutes ago, Stu Peters said:

You're wrong, but I don't suppose I can prove that to you, or that you'd believe me if I did.

You could point us to the accounts etc, other than that, no I really can't believe the unbelievable.  

Manx Radio get a whacking subvention not including capital costs etc.  MT will only pick up the bill if he performs, he probably gets a fairly decent salary but will be self employed so have zero job security nor government pension.  I have been at events that Paul has covered, he had no backup, just him, a camera and shotgun mic. He does barely any editing, plenty teenagers do much the same with vlogging but you make it sound like a dark art that costs mega bucks money that it doesn't unless you do it wrong like MR.

Time to get real.

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53 minutes ago, parchedpeas said:

Cost-per-minute! Come on Stu, you can do better than that. Manx Radio is largely filler. Some great original content, but lots of stuff is rehashed over and over again: once you've written a news story, it's written. Paul Moulton's content is varied and various and it's posted online forever - a source of content and a slice of Manx Culture that will survive for future generations of Manx people. Manx Radio's "content" is largely broadcast into the ether and disappears, never to be heard again.

IOMG should be funding the former: a databank of culture and news, available to all, forever. An investment in the present AND the future for the Manx people.

A media fund - where people like Paul, and yourself, could bid for funding and go off and provide such content would serve the nation better than the ephemeral content that Manx Radio provides in between Phil Collins records.

I've argued against this in the past, but seeing how people now consume content, including myself and family, I'm coming around to it.

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28 minutes ago, woolley said:

I've argued against this in the past, but seeing how people now consume content, including myself and family, I'm coming around to it.

First, sell Douglas Head. Then build a new studio at IOM College with the money from the sale and move any viable kit from the old place, in. This is the new "Manx Radio". They will run a commercially-funded service, playing songs and doing 'requests'. They will be removed from the PSB requirements but they will get no subsidy.

Then, get £250,000 budget per annum. This will fund 5 "Paul Moulton" style content producers who will bid for the gig. They will receive £50k a year, in two year contracts. They will be required to produce 4 hours TV / Podcast and 4,000 words online / news content per week, 100% of which must be locally based or derived content. They will publish this on the "Manx Media" Youtube channel for free and it will be free for any local radios stations / newspapers to use if a link-back is given. Any advertising income derived from this content will go back into the fund, but authors  can - in addition - provide their own content for which they can take an income. They can do this via their own channel, should they wish. This potentially opens the way for Isle of Man TV. The "Manx Radio" studios will provide a workspace for these content providers, should they wish. It will also be available to the College, for Media Production courses.

This, or something like this, would produce 20 hours and 20,000 words of Manx content, each week. After one year, we'd have 1000 hours of Manx content, and 800,000 words of new Manx articles published. it will have cost us a quarter of what Manx Radio costs. Manx Radio would continue, dedications would still get read out, the weather would still be announced, we're still get the hilarious banter. And we'd get a whole lot more as well.

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4 minutes ago, parchedpeas said:

First, sell Douglas Head. Then build a new studio at IOM College with the money from the sale and move any viable kit from the old place, in. This is the new "Manx Radio". They will run a commercially-funded service, playing songs and doing 'requests'. They will be removed from the PSB requirements but they will get no subsidy.

Then, get £250,000 budget per annum. This will fund 5 "Paul Moulton" style content producers who will bid for the gig. They will receive £50k a year, in two year contracts. They will be required to produce 4 hours TV / Podcast and 4,000 words online / news content per week, 100% of which must be locally based or derived content. They will publish this on the "Manx Media" Youtube channel for free and it will be free for any local radios stations / newspapers to use if a link-back is given. Any advertising income derived from this content will go back into the fund, but authors  can - in addition - provide their own content for which they can take an income. They can do this via their own channel, should they wish. This potentially opens the way for Isle of Man TV. The "Manx Radio" studios will provide a workspace for these content providers, should they wish. It will also be available to the College, for Media Production courses.

This, or something like this, would produce 20 hours and 20,000 words of Manx content, each week. After one year, we'd have 1000 hours of Manx content, and 800,000 words of new Manx articles published. it will have cost us a quarter of what Manx Radio costs. Manx Radio would continue, dedications would still get read out, the weather would still be announced, we're still get the hilarious banter. And we'd get a whole lot more as well.

You are Ron Berry and I claim my £5

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26 minutes ago, WKRP said:

I have an email into Stu's programme on this Charles Guard thing. Awaiting to hear it read out.

If anyone is rubbing Charles Guard up the wrong way, they must be doing something right. He does rather represent the higher echelons of the establishment.

Edited by gettafa
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39 minutes ago, parchedpeas said:

First, sell Douglas Head. Then build a new studio at IOM College with the money from the sale and move any viable kit from the old place, in. This is the new "Manx Radio". They will run a commercially-funded service, playing songs and doing 'requests'. They will be removed from the PSB requirements but they will get no subsidy.

They spent a king's ransom refurbishing the place as a state of the art radio station, which served nicely to make sure they keep their room with a view for a few more years.

Technology moves quickly and the next refurb will probably be in one of the industrial estates or in bleak cellar somewhere. Come on, it's only a radio station. 3fm do ok from, erm somewhere? That Manx Radio place on Douglas Promenade was actually in a nifty spot, to be fair.

Edited by gettafa
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Interesting how, even on Manx Radio, they hardly get any calls or texts on the subject of their future. It does make you think that most people are just not that bothered about them or their funding.

Of course it can't help when someone writes a text in saying maybe, just maybe,  3FM or Energy could do it better and Stu makes an aside that he thinks it's with Ron or Juan that's behind the message. I'd would be pretty upset/mad to be tarred with that brush - without any proof what so ever. Why shouldn't people hold that opinion without owning one of the other broadcast licences?

It does make you think what PSB remit there is in the TH programme in its current shape.

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2 hours ago, WKRP said:

It does make you think what PSB remit there is in the TH programme in its current shape.

I couldn't quite believe my ears this afternoon. I listened for 40 minutes and heard more Britney Spears than I heard 'talking' about the subject. When the email was read out, there was little context given for the listener to understand what it was referencing and then Stu was obviously compromised by the topic - because it's the station and he has to support it - and the interview in question - because he was implicated in parts of it (very unprofessionally by both Charles and Paul, I might add) - so he wasn't able to give a full answer or to use the email as an opportunity to talk up the subject again. If it's not possible to discuss the future of the station because of supposed "impartiality", then don't do it as a subject!

The "impartiality" thing is a fig-leave anyway - all that is required is a variety of views across the station, across the week. In the PM interview, Charles Guard suggested that impartiality meant that NO opinions could be expressed without people being suspended, but that is plainly untrue. All that is required is that all angles are given an opportunity across the schedule.

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3 hours ago, WKRP said:

Interesting how, even on Manx Radio, they hardly get any calls or texts on the subject of their future. It does make you think that most people are just not that bothered about them or their funding.

Of course it can't help when someone writes a text in saying maybe, just maybe,  3FM or Energy could do it better and Stu makes an aside that he thinks it's with Ron or Juan that's behind the message. I'd would be pretty upset/mad to be tarred with that brush - without any proof what so ever. Why shouldn't people hold that opinion without owning one of the other broadcast licences?

It does make you think what PSB remit there is in the TH programme in its current shape.

Because most people don't have an issue or an axe to grind. Why is that so hard to take in ?

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