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Manx Radio

Desperate Dan

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Hey, Manx Radio had an interview with one of the weather guys on Mandate this morning. He sounds a bundle of fun at dinner parties - I only asked if it is going to rain later, I don't want a lecture  about temperature differentials and cumulonimbus occlusions etc. 

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Trademark illiteracy from Manx Radio website leads to some amusing results:

In a statement issued by Mr Boot, he said his department was currently considering a response to the letter, and went on the make a few points in the meantime.

It says, "However, as I said in Tynwald last week, and in response to previous questions, continuous monitoring ceased because testing carried out over the preceding 12 years had not identified significant problems.


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Got to ask why it’s taken a year for the government to not make any headway on putting the contract out to tender. After all Tim Glover and co thought they had lost it at the end of the last Event with all their big goodbye speeches etc.

Surprised Juan Turner did not kick in on this

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