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Manx Radio

Desperate Dan

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19 hours ago, Rob Callister said:

I made a genuine mistake and I am grateful that Manx Radio gave me an opportunity to correct my error....

I was led to believe that the costs relating to the TT & FOM commentary formed part of the Governments subvention before Radio TT was set up several years ago, but no one at Manx Radio or in DfE can confirm this, so I corrected my statement. 

stop the cheque and i'm sure they'll know.......

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23 minutes ago, MrPB said:

I thought I had been clear on that before it all kicked off specifically about Mr Callister and therefore I completely agree with you. However, that said it does seem clear to me now that you have to steer well clear of any mention of Mr Callister on here as people seem to instantly jump down your throat accusing you of all sorts just for questioning something he has said. So it’s a lesson learned. If this is a frequent thing it’s worrying although as I said based on his usual radio performances I can’t see much evidence of anyone inviting Howard Quayle back up to correct something he had completely put his foot in. In fact they seem to delight in catching him out. 

Oh I agree.  There's nothing more tedious that the way in which any topic even remotely connected to Callister or Onchan can degenerate into attacking/defending him along predictable lines from predictable posters, irrespective of the actual facts of the issue or whether it relates to him at all.  You just have to ignore it.

In this case my point was that Callister was 'given the opportunity' to 'correct' his mistake, not because he was getting special treatment but because Manx Radio was giving itself special treatment - so again it's not really about him.  Of course if they had just let it be, we wouldn't now all be examining the way in which Manx Radio is getting these hidden subventions, so they'd have been wise not to make a fuss.

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On 3/17/2019 at 12:18 PM, woody2 said:

poor photoshopping..........

manx radio the fakenews site.......


Identity of the bearer unknown

A Manx flag has been spotted on a pro-Brexit march to Westminster.

The 'March to Leave' campaign, currently fronted by former UKIP leader Nigel Farage, is a 14-day protest from Sunderland to Parliament Square in London.

At present, it has been reported that more than 200 people are walking on the first leg to Hartlepool.

Over the course of the next two weeks, the protest is expected to make the journey down to UK capital to arrive on the 29 March, coinciding with the country's scheduled departure from the European Union.   

Supporters of the campaign say it's to highlight what they're calling the 'Brexit betrayal'. 

The three legs has been photographed with fellow marchers somewhere on the Durham coast. 

The identity of the flag bearer is unknown.


come on stu...........interns fault again.......



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2 hours ago, woody2 said:

manx radio the fakenews site.......


come on stu...........interns fault again.......


I wondered if it had been photoshopped as well, because it was almost too good to be true, especially the sign directing the marchers to Cuckooland.  But the Manx flag has appeared consistently in photos of the march throughout the last few days (it's certainly been sighted a lot more than Nigel Farage).

I think the photo on the Manx Radio piece comes from the Twitter of a group called Led by Donkeys.  Who are basically shadowing the march, sticking up embarrassing tweets from various Brexit leaders on billboards that the marchers are walking past or following them round with a mobile billboard pasted up with similar quotes from Boris, Davis, Grayling etc how easy Brexit was going to be and so on. 

It's basically epic trolling, which seems to have been crowd-funded and is now providing endless amusement to the social media and indignation in the more Leave-supporting London press.  A quick scroll should provide at least a few smiles for the less ideologically committed. 

And lots of sightings of that Manx flag.  Clearly seen here for example, or looking particularly damp here.  And here is a very clear shot, presumably next to its carrier while he rests with some of his fellow marchers sitting on ...the edge of the mobile billboard carrying the words of Boris Johnson saying "Brexit means Brexit and we're going to make a titanic success of it".  Accompanied by a drawing of an ocean liner. Sinking.

I suppose they could have all been photoshopped in, but it seems a lot of work for something that most people wouldn't even recognise.  And of course, like most things Brexit-related, the flag is a massive self-own.  Because not only is the Island not in the EU to leave in the first place, but it reminds people and indeed journalists of the Manx companies that Aaron Banks channelled the mysterious millions that helped pay for the Leave campaign with.

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46 minutes ago, Declan said:

Why would anyone want to photoshop a Manx Flag into picture of that march?


The facebook page IOM Panic might have used it with a caption about protesters marching on Tynwald to have marksies sandwiches airdropped in when the boat isn't sailing

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1 minute ago, piebaps said:

The facebook page IOM Panic might have used it with a caption about protesters marching on Tynwald to have marksies sandwiches airdropped in when the boat isn't sailing

Wouldn't it have been better to use a less straggly looking protest?

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8 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

I wondered if it had been photoshopped as well, because it was almost too good to be true, especially the sign directing the marchers to Cuckooland.  But the Manx flag has appeared consistently in photos of the march throughout the last few days (it's certainly been sighted a lot more than Nigel Farage).

I think the photo on the Manx Radio piece comes from the Twitter of a group called Led by Donkeys.  Who are basically shadowing the march, sticking up embarrassing tweets from various Brexit leaders on billboards that the marchers are walking past or following them round with a mobile billboard pasted up with similar quotes from Boris, Davis, Grayling etc how easy Brexit was going to be and so on. 

It's basically epic trolling, which seems to have been crowd-funded and is now providing endless amusement to the social media and indignation in the more Leave-supporting London press.  A quick scroll should provide at least a few smiles for the less ideologically committed. 

And lots of sightings of that Manx flag.  Clearly seen here for example, or looking particularly damp here.  And here is a very clear shot, presumably next to its carrier while he rests with some of his fellow marchers sitting on ...the edge of the mobile billboard carrying the words of Boris Johnson saying "Brexit means Brexit and we're going to make a titanic success of it".  Accompanied by a drawing of an ocean liner. Sinking.

I suppose they could have all been photoshopped in, but it seems a lot of work for something that most people wouldn't even recognise.  And of course, like most things Brexit-related, the flag is a massive self-own.  Because not only is the Island not in the EU to leave in the first place, but it reminds people and indeed journalists of the Manx companies that Aaron Banks channelled the mysterious millions that helped pay for the Leave campaign with.

I see Dudley Butt is not backward in coming forward when it comes to others' politics.

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