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Manx Radio

Desperate Dan

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7 hours ago, flaps said:

The program content of Manx Radio is very good, but the quantity of adverts is rendering it unlistenable. The same annoying jingles every few minutes soon make me have to turn it off, even when it's a show I want to hear. The thing is, the market is changing. Why would anyone listen to annoying jingles over and over, when you can put on a streaming service without them? Commercial Radio needs to offer something fresh and worth tuning in for. I wouldn't mind Manx Radio going fully public service, as long as it didn't go mad with the costs. What they do, they actually do very well. 


Most of the jingles on the commercials are made in the UK, by a company called S2Blue.

There’s also something internal called ‘Amplify’ that Manx Radio run, as part of it’s selling of advertising.  S2Blue work with Manx Radio on this too.   They visit every couple of months or so (February, April and were in today too).  You might see them hanging out at The Empress, with John Marsom and Alex Brindley.

S2Blue also make the sung station jingles too, so the Manx Radio brigade headed over to the UK to oversee the recent work earlier this month.

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17 minutes ago, Gagster said:

Most of the jingles on the commercials are made in the UK, by a company called S2Blue.

There’s also something internal called ‘Amplify’ that Manx Radio run, as part of it’s selling of advertising.  S2Blue work with Manx Radio on this too.   They visit every couple of months or so (February, April and were in today too).  You might see them hanging out at The Empress, with John Marsom and Alex Brindley.

S2Blue also make the sung station jingles too, so the Manx Radio brigade headed over to the UK to oversee the recent work earlier this month.

It's nice to know that customer relationship face-to-face is still in-vogue. Which is ironic really when you think about it.

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On 7/22/2019 at 8:52 PM, Ham_N_Eggs said:

Listening figures are dropping and will keep dropping as people curate their own content via podcasts and music streaming services. As has been pointed out previously politicians won't do anything to Manx Radio as long as they keep giving them airtime. Why would they get rid of something that keeps their profile up?

Yes, the figures have been falling for a couple of years:


Quarter 2: 47,000

Quarter 3: 45,000

Quarter 4: 43,000



Quarter 1: 42,000

Quarter 2: 36,000

Quarter 3: 35,000

Quarter 4: 37,000



Quarter 1: 37,000

Quarter 2: 34,000

Quarter 3: 35,000

Quarter 4: 34,000



Quarter 1: 32,000

Quarter 2: 32,000

Quarter 3: 32,000

Quarter 4: 29,000



Quarter 1: 30,000


Data source: RAJAR / Ipsos MORI / RSMB

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On 7/26/2019 at 6:35 PM, MrPB said:

I bet if you track the IOM aged death rate there’s some sort of correlation. 

And rise of the internet. We don't need all these presenters relating to us stuff they're reading off wiki.

Incidentally, and slightly off-topic, I was reading an Isle of Man newspaper from 1957 the other day where they were saying how television was responsible for the empty cinemas, churches and pubs.

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1 minute ago, gettafa said:

Incidentally, and slightly off-topic, I was reading an Isle of Man newspaper from 1957 the other day where they were saying how television was responsible for the empty cinemas, churches and pubs.

"G", in case you're not already aware, pop up the Manx Museum and have a skeet at old the old archived local press in the library, hilarious. In 1980 there were Tynwald concerns that a population of 90k could put a strain on infrastructure. Govt spending was out of control. Etc etc.

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Thanks, I will. I'm not doubting what you are saying. The archives are not so easy to search on after 1960.

The thing is, we have grown up with this sort of knowledge, and it is when you get the likes of a fair few of the current House of Keys, who are from the, erm, mainland and consider themselves to be well educated, and come here to tell us thicko Manx how it should be, that gets me.

I realise that is 1970s and before thinking, but I am gradually getting to revert back to it.


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4 minutes ago, gettafa said:

Thanks, I will. I'm not doubting what you are saying. The archives are not so easy to search on after 1960.

The thing is, we have grown up with this sort of knowledge, and it is when you get the likes of a fair few of the current House of Keys, who are from the, erm, mainland and consider themselves to be well educated, and come here to tell us thicko Manx how it should be, that gets me.

I realise that is 1970s and before thinking, but I am gradually getting to revert back to it.


It's all up there, earlier stuff is on microfilm, later on electronic record. TBH, some of it is like reading current press in respect of the local politics.

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Yes, up to 1960 it is searchable, but the microfilm is a longer drawn out process as it is not digitised yet (still fun though). I am told the later stuff (10-20 years) has been digitised but maybe heavily censored..

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1 minute ago, gettafa said:

Yes, up to 1960 it is searchable, but the microfilm is a longer drawn out process as it is not digitised yet (still fun though). I am told the later stuff (10-20 years) has been digitised but maybe heavily censored..

Take a day off work, and go up and prepare to have a laugh. I did...plus a lot of memories.

Ever remember the "Summer Scene" what's on pullouts in the Manx Star...? White City....Lido..it wouldn't surprise me in the least if later stuff has been censored given what's gone on.

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1 hour ago, hissingsid said:

 Jo Brand.

Didn't she come over once and slag the Island off when she returned? Appalling woman. Funny as toothache. I remember her complaining that she went to the Edinburgh Festival and nobody laughed "because they thought women weren't funny". Not women in general, love. Just you.

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