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Desperate Dan

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5 minutes ago, The Dog's Dangly Bits said:

 There isn't anything to address.  You seem touchy and overly sensitive about something that you really have no proper reason to be. Sort yourself out.

If you believe that wishing people would treat each other fairly and with respect is "overly sensitive" that's quite sad.

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9 minutes ago, 2112 said:



Stu made a mistake, which I don’t think was intentional or deliberate. Stupidity possibly and not really engaging his mouth before putting his brain into gear could be said. Sadly the damage has been done. 



Nobody has won, neither Stu, the supposed Caller, and those on either side of the argument. It’s exposed horrible, hateful and ignorant divisions. Even some those who purport to support BLM can’t really pertain to be ‘purer than pure’.

There is no in between with these people. They are treating Stu Peters as if they had discovered a leader of the KKK in the middle of a hanging ceremony.



Oh, the caller will have won alright. Now basking in the accolades, the attention...oh the attention....the recognition, the twitter glory and the Facebook fans. They will want more of what they are feeling now, like a massive drug hit that knows no limit. It's not enough for them to have found and exposed what they feel is an 'evil racist', they want him sacked and shamed to the nth degree, forever more.

But more importantly to show similarly minded people, 50% + of the Isle of Man population apparently, that they ain't gonna get away with it. 

They're picking off the targets to put into their box. And it's a target rich environment to get their juices flowing.

The Isle of Man. 

Watch out.





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42 minutes ago, Mr Newbie said:

I agree with most of that. He’s got into these scrapes before - the autistic kid one was straight out of something like Alan Partridge or Ricky Gervais in The Extras and I remember the Facebook outrage from all the mums demanding he be fired. It wasn’t that long ago. I think he will actually be fired over this one too. But I also feel sorry for him. His call in show is at best typical amateurish Manx Radio crap and in fact not much different to Partridges Radio Norwich call in shows scripted by Steve Coogan. I think they probably did seek him out with the intention of using the outrage generated when he dropped the inevitable bollock as a bit of a prop to advertise the forthcoming Black Lives Matter protest. That’s a bit low I think as any halfwit could make him make a twat out of himself in about 2 minutes flat. It’s not like you need much ammunition as he’s a willing victim the way he usually operates and likes to play the Clarkson or James Whale act without having the intelligence or charisma of a Clarkson or James Whale character. The social media storm was far too quick and content heavy to be anything else.

That whole recording reminds me exactly of this 



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50 minutes ago, Manximus Aururaneus said:


Both of the above statements are basically correct - Slavery was indeed "a significant part of the UK economy in the 16th+ centuries"  (Sugar trade mainly) and also few people do not "know about the UK's contribution to shipping slaves from Africa to the Americas". Many people also believe that they are fully aware of the other side of the debate by acknowledging the contribution to abolition made by William Wilberforce and the acts of 1807 and in particular 1833 and therefore have a balanced view of the subject.

But how many people would be able to describe the fact that Britain used it's newly-found domination of the seas to force treaties upon Portugal (1810) then Spain, France, Netherlands, Sweden and eventually the last country to ban slavery (Brazil) in 1831.

Fewer still would be aware of the existence of 'The Preventative Squadron' from 1815 which patrolled off the coast of Africa. 3,000 miles of infected swamp coast were patrolled for decades (half a century) costing many British lives in the process. As well as illness, physical battles were fought, slavers arrested, corrupt court cases fought, and even Portugal and Brazil threatened with war if they did not cease slavery.

HMS Black Joke (True) under Commander Downes and his successors (Capt Collier!) was the most successful anti-slavery ship of them all - releasing far more slaves than the 3,000 she had transported in her previous life as a slave ship before being captured by the British navy and becoming poacher turned gamekeeper. The preventative squadron captured some 1,600 slave ships between 1808 and 1860 and released 150,000 slaves in the process.

Brazil (by far the worst slave trade country) refused to buckle to British demands, Palmerston ordered British warships to search and arrest within Brazilian waters and rivers 'as if we are at war'. Only 11 Brazilian slavers escaped the raids and every single one was later caught. Brazilian slave trade was all but eradicated by the 1850's and the last slave market (Havana) was closed in 1869 (by the British).

Portugal welched on the treaty in 1839 - Palmerston passed a law indemnifying British Naval officers for searching, seizing and sinking Portuguese ships engaged in slavery even if they were in international waters (technically an act of war)............

Whilst the USA did indeed ban slavery shortly after the UK - The fact was that most slave ships thereafter flew the American flag as that gave them protection from searches at sea by the British!

I could go on - the story is not as simple as sometimes made out.

I've tried to engage these types in conversations about the history in the past. They're not interested in fact or detail. They prefer to latch on to simple messages that they can promote while beating themselves, and everyone else, up about the sins of their forebears. At the same time they are happily continuing to live the comfy life bestowed on them by the acquisitive exploits of those forebears around the globe. It's the ultimate hypocrisy.

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3 minutes ago, woolley said:

I've tried to engage these types in conversations about the history in the past. They're not interested in fact or detail. They prefer to latch on to simple messages that they can promote while beating themselves, and everyone else, up about the sins of their forebears. At the same time they are happily continuing to live the comfy life bestowed on them by the acquisitive exploits of those forebears around the globe. It's the ultimate hypocrisy.

I don't have a dog in this fight Woolley. I was simply pointing out to PK that Britain had previous in the slave trade, in addition to that of the USA.

As MA has pointed out, with an enlightened approach, Britain then made a contribution to the ending of the trade. I'm not beating anybody up over previous sins or any gains that may have arisen.

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38 minutes ago, gettafa said:

Oh, the caller will have won alright. Now basking in the accolades, the attention...oh the attention....the recognition, the twitter glory and the Facebook fans. They will want more of what they are feeling now, like a massive drug hit that knows no limit. It's not enough for them to have found and exposed what they feel is an 'evil racist', they want him sacked and shamed to the nth degree, forever more.

I remember years ago I had a mate who used to get a bit pissed and prank call these sort of shit radio call in shows which were really popular at the time and used to record tapes of the exchanges for a laugh. You’re never going to score any political points. They’re generally shit shows run by the same type of small town egomaniac trying to make a name for themselves to the point that they can probably blag free use of a car from a local car dealership. You’re not socking it to “the man” or changing the views of society. Which makes this sort of thing more than a bit pathetic. Some slackers got to make a man old enough to be their grandad who works for a backward provincial radio station look like an idiot because they don’t share the same generational view on the same subject. If they tried the same tactic with Piers Morgan they’d have got ripped to shreds. 

Edited by Mr Newbie
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Is the slavery museum still down at the Albert Dock? That was totally worth a visit.

I went to a former plantation/historic house museum in Louisiana. Some of the stuff that went on there makes you ashamed to be a human. Absolutely unbelievable how savage people can be.

Those wounds run seriously deep in the black communities of the deep south.

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18 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

Is the slavery museum still down at the Albert Dock? That was totally worth a visit.

I went to a former plantation/historic house museum in Louisiana. Some of the stuff that went on there makes you ashamed to be a human. Absolutely unbelievable how savage people can be.

Those wounds run seriously deep in the black communities of the deep south.

If you are widening it to the whole of humanity, stuff has gone on every day since the dawn of time that would make you ashamed of the species, and it continues to do so to this day. Slavery was but one aspect of man's inhumanity to man. Genocide continues unmolested:



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1 minute ago, woolley said:

At the same time they are happily continuing to live the comfy life bestowed on them by the acquisitive exploits of those forebears around the globe. It's the ultimate hypocrisy.

Or enjoying the fruits of (say) the Chinese economy while ignoring genuine human rights abuses.

Then again, I'm pretty sure you wouldn't get a "Like" on FaceBook for #uyghurlivesmatter because no fucker on there would know what you meant. 


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1 minute ago, woolley said:

If you are widening it to the whole of humanity, stuff has gone on every day since the dawn of time that would make you ashamed of the species, and it continues to do so to this day. Slavery was but one aspect of man's inhumanity to man. Genocide continues unmolested:



Oh I know Woolley, people are twats.

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1 hour ago, Roger Mexico said:

No one has kippered Stu up except himself.  You're basically complaining that he got into an argument with people who knew more about something than he did, refused to back down and so made himself look an idiot.  You can't even say that he was putting up an alternative point of view to callers to create a discussion because he doesn't do that when people say something he agrees with.  And the be fair to him he's admitted that much in the past on MF - he's not a dishonest person.

The 'motivations' of those that rang in to discuss things with him don't matter in the slightest - though you would imagine that like most people who ring up phone-ins, they simply wanted to put their opinions across.  If he failed at the job he is paid to do, it's his own fault.

The first caller in the piece kept on and on rattling out lots of facts and figures without hesitation, deviation or repetition and just wouldn't stop for anything. Stu just couldn't get in.

To me it was very obvious they were reading from a prepared script. So I wonder - why? Why prepare a script and just stick to it come what may? Listen to it again bearing in mind what I've just posted.

I think that, like a lot of people, you don't understand what institutional racism is.  It's when the operation of an institution produces outcomes that are racist.  It doesn't mean that everyone or indeed anyone in that institution is racist (though some may be).  It doesn't even mean the society is racist - it's about how things work.  It can even be the result of good intentions, wrongly applied.

A good example of this actually involves the Met Police.  It was found that BAME officers were much more likely to have disciplinary charges against them.  It turned out that in a lot of cases senior officers were afraid of being called racist and so decided to do things 'by the book'.  But if they were dealing with a similar minor failing by a White officer, they might just decide to 'have a quiet word'.  So the overall effect was racist because White police were being charged less - even if the disciplinary process itself wasn't racist.  (That doesn't mean that the Met disciplinary procedures can't be racist as well though - there have been some shocking examples over the years).

Is now a good time to mention I worked for the Met Police at New Scotland Yard as a computer geek for 10 years in the 70's - 80's?

It's rather like how we describe Tynwald as being 'institutionally corrupt' .  That doesn't mean that every single member is on the take - it's because the way the members are paid means that they are rewarded for behaving in a certain way.

It takes no time at all to forget their promises to your electorate and get their noses in the trough....


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2 minutes ago, Mr Shoe said:

Or enjoying the fruits of (say) the Chinese economy while ignoring genuine human rights abuses.

Then again, I'm pretty sure you wouldn't get a "Like" on FaceBook for #uyghurlivesmatter because no fucker on there would know what you meant. 


Very good point. They'd have to grapple with words of more than 3 syllables.

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43 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

I don't have a dog in this fight Woolley. I was simply pointing out to PK that Britain had previous in the slave trade, in addition to that of the USA.

As MA has pointed out, with an enlightened approach, Britain then made a contribution to the ending of the trade. I'm not beating anybody up over previous sins or any gains that may have arisen.

I posted this:

6 hours ago, P.K. said:

Of course, a massive difference between the UK and the USA is that as a nation we are nothing like as scarred by the evil that is slavery

Here is a little clue, known as a cluette, as to what I meant.

There are FORTY MILLION citizens of the US who describe themselves as African American. Some 13% of the population? That's an awful lot of people. More than the entire population of Poland.

Why is that?

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