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Desperate Dan

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5 hours ago, gettafa said:

Well erm, it never was on Hansard. Certainly not at first.

Hansard is a verbatim record of what goes on in Tynwald.

That said, a poster on Manx Forums predicted that the phrase would not be recorded. Oh but that can't happen, not with Hansard. It's verbatim.

But it did.

Oh it did.

The reason given was the recording machine broke down. Just at the moment the Tynwald Member spoke. And it fixed itself just at the moment he finished.

Because this is the Isle of Man.



Incidentally, I believe there were string denials that the phrase was ever used, and Hansard would not be updated. Unfortunately/fortunately a later speaker whose words had not been subject to the Hansard gremlins, referred back to the phrase. Bit of  a bugger that. 


I couldn’t say whether Lowey is racist. But he’s most certainly a prick.

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5 hours ago, Declan said:

It is ok to describe someone as black, but it's not that helpful really without other characteristics. And when you get to distinguishing between black people with phrases like "the blacker than black guy" rather than "the Jamaican guy with the red shirt" maybe you are only seeing the race rather than the person.

how do you know what nationality someone is by their colour ?   everything to describe an individual is just that,  we don't get all this shit over eye colour or hair colour (  maybe gingers ) but mention skin colour and your automatically a racist , the police use IC codes to basically describe a persons race / skin colour and that's all ok ?    it won't be long before 'guess who'  is banned due to some racist snowflake shit.

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12 hours ago, Gladys said:

 More than that,  the police are assisting them in a gathering of well over 30 people.  Yes, they will be in groups of 10, that will last won't it?  When did the police have the authority to decide what the law is and how to bend it in this state of emergency?


Re-posting this because there is little discussion on how or why the police are assisting this demo.  Seeing reports of what has happened at BLM demos in the UK, I hope our local guys' faith in the locals is confirmed.  I would also appreciate an explanation of how any organised gathering of more than 30 people can be within the current law. 

Our CV status is very different to that of the UK, but if this demo is allowed to proceed with the backing of the police while we are in a declared state of emergency, you have to question why and how. Or should the state of emergency, and all the consequent regulations,  be rescinded?

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4 minutes ago, The Duck of Atholl said:

I'm looking forward to attending on Tuesday. I'm glad the young people of the Island are making their voices heard on this point.

In the current circumstances, really?

I have not seen my mother, who is in a nursing home, for over 2 months, I get that and comply.

I could not take my friend, who cannot drive, shopping  even though she could get on a bus, I get that and complied.

I could not have my daughter and granddaughter round for a meal, I get that and complied. (Still can't if her partner comes too.)

I have to queue to go into any shop, even though I shop also for an elderly couple who are shielding, I get that and comply.

I cannot have a trip off the island without having to isolate on return, I get that and comply.

We have happily given up many freedoms to minimise the impact of CV on our island, but because a group of people want to demonstrate for BLM contrary to the current rules, all those freedoms we have all given up are for nothing.

What happened in the US was despicable and attitudes in the US need to change, absolutely.  But, a demo on the IOM right now is not going to make one jot of difference.  There are other ways of showing solidarity without some state supported showboating at the current time. 

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1 minute ago, Gladys said:

In the current circumstances, really?

I have not seen my mother, who is in a nursing home, for over 2 months, I get that and comply.

I could not take my friend, who cannot drive, shopping  even though she could get on a bus, I get that and complied.

I could not have my daughter and granddaughter round for a meal, I get that and complied. (Still can't if her partner comes too.)

I have to queue to go into any shop, even though I shop also for an elderly couple who are shielding, I get that and comply.

I cannot have a trip off the island without having to isolate on return, I get that and comply.

We have happily given up many freedoms to minimise the impact of CV on our island, but because a group of people want to demonstrate for BLM contrary to the current rules, all those freedoms we have all given up are for nothing.

What happened in the US was despicable and attitudes in the US need to change, absolutely.  But, a demo on the IOM right now is not going to make one jot of difference.  There are other ways of showing solidarity without some state supported showboating at the current time. 

You are making the very point that Stu made. He is getting lynched. Mind you I agree with you. 

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1 minute ago, Shake me up Judy said:

Great post Gladys.

There'll be no 'debate' on Manx Radio. That would involve all shades and nuances of opinion; rational logic, facts and evidence, reasoned argument, objectivity etc.

That's not what this is about.  

Absolutely. Anyone reading this forum should take the time to watch the Trevor Phillips documentary that I posted earlier. The race issue is not as black & white as some may perceive it to be. Pun intended. 

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1 hour ago, Uhtred said:

I couldn’t say whether Lowey is racist. But he’s most certainly a prick.

To a degree racism is subjective. But hey, isn't that a whole new can of worms.

Back on topic: Well said Gladys re coronavirus and the state of emergency.

(No doubt I will be called gammon for saying that, and probably a racist too).

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3 minutes ago, Andy Onchan said:

Absolutely. Anyone reading this forum should take the time to watch the Trevor Phillips documentary that I posted earlier. The race issue is not as black & white as some may perceive it to be. Pun intended. 

I re-watched it after you posted, it was very interesting,  measured and informative.  But, even though Trevor Phillip's is probably the most qualified, on a number of levels, it doesn't fit the narrative.  But, that is what is happening, anything contrary is dismissed as "ist" without any thought or analysis.  The effect on freedom of speech and thought is worrying. 

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10 minutes ago, Gladys said:

I re-watched it after you posted, it was very interesting,  measured and informative.  But, even though Trevor Phillip's is probably the most qualified, on a number of levels, it doesn't fit the narrative.  But, that is what is happening, anything contrary is dismissed as "ist" without any thought or analysis.  The effect on freedom of speech and thought is worrying. 

It’s the new law. All debate is futile. 


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