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Manx Radio

Desperate Dan

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I don't take to having pop music thrust down my throat in the morning, but I do like to know what is going on.

So as for over 30 years, Manx Radio is switched on at 07:30. These days I just listen to the headlines, to decide whether I switch to BBC Radio 4. 9 times out of 10 I do.

Today it was

1. Should condoms be issued in the schools?

2. Brexit

3. Port Erin Cosy Nook cafe

4. Tractors lit up.

I quickly switched over to BBC Radio 4 for fear of hearing more Little Minx or whatever and Ben's Banger.

Incidentally my thoughts are:

1. The kids are responsible to vote and tell us about climate change but not responsible enough to stick a rubber on it. 

2. There's been 4 years of conjecture and bollocks. I'd rather hear that from the BBC

3. Cosy Nook will be demolished. Cubby does not fuck about.

4, Saw it. Very good.




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2 hours ago, Barlow said:

I don't take to having pop music thrust down my throat in the morning, but I do like to know what is going on.

So as for over 30 years, Manx Radio is switched on at 07:30. These days I just listen to the headlines, to decide whether I switch to BBC Radio 4. 9 times out of 10 I do.

Today it was

1. Should condoms be issued in the schools?

Incidentally my thoughts are:

The kids are responsible to vote and tell us about climate change but not responsible enough to stick a rubber on it. 




I’m the first to defend opportunities for the young in our society and it wasn’t their doing to reduce the voting age to 16 but items like this illustrate the nonsensical paradoxes of our social policy. You can vote at 16 and hence influence the nature of our laws but you’re not responsible enough to acquire and use alcohol and although you can legally choose to engage in sexual intercourse we won’t allow you to access contraception because that’s too naughty. (Even though shagging is much more fun than voting). FFS what a total shambles. I suspect the unwillingness to allow access to contraception in schools is because our idiot legislators are still fearful of the god squad and the undue influence exercised by local churches in (quite a number of) Keys constituencies. At times I think we’re living in some medieval theme park.

Edited by Uhtred
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In one Uhtred, but to add that it a male teacher has taken it upon himself to stock Ballakermeen with sanitary products for girls who can't afford proper protection.  You wonder if our iegislators would much rather girls locked themselves away whilst "unclean" re-using the old rags that were boiled after the last visit of the curse. 

Shocking really that a teacher can see the need, but no one else can. 

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13 minutes ago, Uhtred said:

I’m the first to defend opportunities for the young in our society and it wasn’t their doing to reduce the voting age to 16 but items like this illustrate the nonsensical paradoxes of our social policy. You can vote at 16 and hence influence the nature of our laws but you’re not responsible enough to acquire and use alcohol and although you can legally choose to engage in sexual intercourse we won’t allow you to access contraception because that’s too naughty. (Even though shagging is much more fun than voting). FFS what a total shambles. I suspect the unwillingness to allow access to contraception in schools is because our idiot legislators are still fearful of the god squad and the undue influence exercised by local churches in (quite a number of) Keys constituencies. At times I think we’re living in some medieval theme park.

I presume when you say contraception you're referring to the chaps, not the chapesses? In which case may be they can fund the purchase of rubbers themselves? They're not expensive are they?

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21 minutes ago, Gladys said:

In one Uhtred, but to add that it a male teacher has taken it upon himself to stock Ballakermeen with sanitary products for girls who can't afford proper protection.  You wonder if our iegislators would much rather girls locked themselves away whilst "unclean" re-using the old rags that were boiled after the last visit of the curse. 

Shocking really that a teacher can see the need, but no one else can. 

It's a bloody disgrace. 

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34 minutes ago, Uhtred said:

At times I think we’re living in some medieval theme park.

It is ludicrous and we are, but in all fairness we are catching up. We can donate our organs now at 16 apparently. Perhaps Mr Harmer has some particular organs in mind....

27 minutes ago, Gladys said:

Shocking really that a teacher can see the need, but no one else can. 

Foodbank have been asking for them for months now, but you are correct. Why hasn't Dr Allinson picked this up yet, especially with his expertise?

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"An MHK wants to see government take a pragmatic approach in making contraceptives more accessible for young people."

From Manx Radio Access to contraceptives 'vital' for young

This was Dr Allinson when he was a bit of a newbie to the Keys. He is the Education Minister now and will surely do something about it.


Anyway, all I've got to say is:

Oh won't someone please think of the children

Edited by Barlow
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1 hour ago, Uhtred said:

I’m the first to defend opportunities for the young in our society and it wasn’t their doing to reduce the voting age to 16 

Absolutely correct.

It was just a cheap gimmick from Rodan, who has dined out and had a few single malts on that little ruse. OBE and Tynwald Presidency too.

Aye, just a cheap gimmick.


19 minutes ago, Shake me up Judy said:

Every time that condoms or sanitary towels have been tried in schools the kids just flood the school with giant water bombs and empty the machines of tampons for amusement. School kids do not act maturely in a school environment. Nothing excites the teenage mind more than a condom or a sanitary towel.

Blowing a condom up after slipping it over your head is definitely the best one though. I have to say I have never laughed so much first time I saw that.

Anyway, these kids can vote now. And go on strike for climate change.

I never saw any of them whinge like a bastard that they couldn't vote though. Stevie Boy Rodan just went ahead anyway.


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1 hour ago, Barlow said:Blowing a condom up after slipping it over your head is definitely the best one though. I have to say I have never laughed so much....


Yeah, it’s ok for you pal...until I was 26 I thought that’s how you used them. 

Edited to add: It’s a pity Rodan’s parents didn’t practice contraception that night.

Edited by Uhtred
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They rushed through the reduced voting age to 16 on the whim of a couple of MHKs who thought it was a great idea and that they were 'catching the mood' of the times. It was a stupid idea that should've been given proper thought and careful consideration. Still, at least we got Jason Moorhouse into the Keys so it wasn't a complete disaster ;)

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On 12/14/2020 at 4:05 PM, Shake me up Judy said:

Every time that condoms or sanitary towels have been tried in schools the kids just flood the school with giant water bombs and empty the machines of tampons for amusement. School kids do not act maturely in a school environment. Nothing excites the teenage mind more than a condom or a sanitary towel.


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