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Desperate Dan

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1 hour ago, John Wright said:

 Of course, most of its down to his (mis)handlers.

Whilst it is true that his mishandlers are themselves clearly bereft of common sense and political nous, a judicious and alert leader would independently recognize an ill-considered proposal.

As I say, a judicious and alert leader.

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22 hours ago, Stu Peters said:

So not Head Bully in a CoMin full of bullies then? Who didn't bully Colas on the Richmond Hill surface dressing fiasco before Colas fought back with email evidence? Who didn't bully Dr Glover? Who aren't bullying Dr Ewart? Who didn't try to bully the suppliers of the original replacement NSC slides until they were forced to buy a second set that were actually the right size? Who have shown their true fascist colours on the matter of a perfectly legitimate Manx Radio question (and who have been equally intransigent with Paul Moulton and others)?

The same Council of Ministers that have overspent and underdelivered on the Promenade 'scheme'? Are throwing money at creating a glass palace in Liverpool when a few posh Portacabins would have done perfectly well? And who have now thrown their hands up on Covid and told us (effectively) it's every man for himself?

I don't know who you are (unlike others it seems) but I suspect you're living in a parallel universe where everyone is equal, except CoMin members who are more equal than the others.

I think you may be confusing strong leadership with bullying.

“Fascist  colours” . Bit strong that. Can you elaborate?

Not sure a few posh Portacabins are the image we want to present to the world as the departure/ arrival point to/ from the IOM. It would support the Fast Show comedic view of the Island however. Yes every project could be reduced to that which is absolutely practically necessary and no more but image is also important.

Re myself I don’t know who think may know me. I was given to understand that if you used a nom de plume on here then your anonymity would be preserved. ( Subject to legal stuff obviously)

Finally good luck in your efforts to become an MHK  The way in which you were hung out to dry over the alleged racism sting on the radio still rankles with me.

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18 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

I think you may be confusing strong leadership with bullying.

“Fascist  colours” . Bit strong that. Can you elaborate?

Not sure a few posh Portacabins are the image we want to present to the world as the departure/ arrival point to/ from the IOM. It would support the Fast Show comedic view of the Island however. Yes every project could be reduced to that which is absolutely practically necessary and no more but image is also important.

Re myself I don’t know who think may know me. I was given to understand that if you used a nom de plume on here then your anonymity would be preserved. ( Subject to legal stuff obviously)

Finally good luck in your efforts to become an MHK  The way in which you were hung out to dry over the alleged racism sting on the radio still rankles with me.

No it's not strong leadership (an oxymoron for anything connected to our government) it's well documented out and out bullying tactics.

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2 minutes ago, finlo said:

No it's not strong leadership (an oxymoron for anything connected to our government) it's well documented out and out bullying tactics.

It’s always easy to take the populist approach. Sometimes the hard decisions have to be made even if not always understood immediately, The benefits may take a while to come through. 
Patience my friend 

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9 hours ago, The Voice of Reason said:

It’s always easy to take the populist approach. Sometimes the hard decisions have to be made even if not always understood immediately, The benefits may take a while to come through. 
Patience my friend 

2,308 cases, how much patience do we need, I think you are the one mixing up hard decisions with a Comin that listens to the chamber of commerces before it listens to  health experts advice. I feel fortunate to still be working, as people seem to be dropping like flies.

The PAG meeting tonight "Coping with Covid" with Dr Spin and the Boy Blunder says it all.


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7 hours ago, Shake me up Judy said:

Do you think they'll turn up tonight ? They might have to take some heat. Will the meeting go ahead in the circumstances ?

No, they will do a virtually meeting,so staying safe.

While the rest of us are packed in side by side.

I can only think it is part of Comins herd mentality policy.

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  • 3 weeks later...

They write words as they speak them. And they often can't pronounce words properly either.

I've just checked "feasability" on a Word document, and it is picked up as wrong by the spell checker, as it has been on here, too.

Manx Radio clearly doesn't have anyone who understands red wavy lines under words.

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