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Desperate Dan

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1 minute ago, Last Ten said:

Hope she has declared it to the Tax Man Lol (not sure who she is employed by, but apparently reporting for MR in Australia Commonwealth Games later this month).

I imagine she has a contract for services with MR so in effect paid at least partially by the taxpayer to fulfill a role with the state broadcaster where she apparently does TT commentary and other motorcycle event commentary for money but won’t, apparently, support a motorcycling charity for free. A bit of an Alan Partridge moment I’d suggest.  

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53 minutes ago, Albert Tatlock said:
6 hours ago, piebaps said:

3FM Ran a story on their website this morning about Jo Pack allegedly asking a charity for a £150 appearance fee for hosting an event. Seems to have disappeared now.

Shame it wasn't Oxfam...she'd have at least likely got a free shag.

I doubt very much that she will ever need to pay for one. ;)

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A sports presenter has come under fire after asking £150 to compere a cheque presentation for an Island charity.

Jo Pack of the Sports Package asked for the money after fundraisers at the Market Inn in Douglas raised around £2,000 for a Southern 100 good cause.

Those behind the fundraising say they were shocked when they were asked for the fee, and declined it as it would cut the amount of cash they'd be able to present.

Miss Pack, who'll be reporting from Australia on the Commonwealth Games for Manx Radio later this month, couldn't be reached for comment.


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14 minutes ago, Neil Down said:

Wonder how many 3fm presenters work for free...;)

Well. It's hard to imagine why they would get paid at all really. Sad set up really. (Starting to sound like John Ottaway (really free):lol:)

Edited by dilligaf
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