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Manx Radio

Desperate Dan

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I realise that there are those on MF who are dismissive of correct punctuation but I’d certainly expect it of a (so called) professional media outlet. And yet there’s a story on Manx Radio’s website this morning referring to the comments of an MHK that government should pay a living wage to all of “it’s” workforce.  Pathetic.

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These days kids come out of university with a degree but not a clue nor care about punctuation, spelling, grammar, capitalisation etc. They have been taught to say "does it really matter?"


This Manx Radio report has another take on the little word (second paragraph). 'Just a typo' is the euphemism of journalistic choice.


Edited by gettafa
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"Damage in the capital will cost £30,000 to repair, whilst in the Northern town, it's estimated £180,000 will be needed to reconstruct parts of the promenade.

Mr Harmer says the elements aligned to wreck havoc along Island seafronts, and re-building will be costly: "


Galloping illiteracy at Manx Radio now comes as standard.

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"Following the damage caused to the promenade by Storm Emma last week, Braddan Comissioner Andrew Jessop ???

Mr Harmer says these comments were ill informed and, the department has incoporated a sea wall into the £21 million pound project for the 'gateway to the Island'."

Your taxes pay for this level of reportage.


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They are always a day or two behind with the news, e.g. Today's reporting of Post Office sale when it was public information yesterday.   Obviously not in this case but with regard to political subjects it makes me wonder if it has to pass scrutiny before being broadcast.

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3 minutes ago, 2112 said:

Today’s Sunday Opinion is a belter. It’s devoted to Freemasonry, and Keith Dalrymple the Head. Manx Radio must be absolutely short of people to interview or topics to discuss on one of their flagship radio programmes.

It's the Isle of Man. We're short of poisoned Russian spies to interview...

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49 minutes ago, 2112 said:

Manx Radio could interview and then have as guest on Moanin Line, Howard Quayle. It will make a change than interviewing Chris Thomas multiple times.

You make a telling point. The extent to which Quayle is absent from the media - especially the radio - is astonishing. I volunteer two possible reasons, from opposite ends as it were. Firstly, it’s undeniable that Quayle is utterly dreadful when interviewed or invited to explain public policy. He’s ill-informed, inarticulate, and thoroughly unconvincing. Even if his ego doesn’t allow him to see it, his civil service handlers will. It’s positively advantageous to prevent him having a media presence.

Alternatively, such is the pre-eminence of the political desire for self-preservation, Quayle may feel that at least some of government’s various policies will go belly up and incur public displeasure. Much better then to have other politicians linked in the public mind to those policies - usually Thomas, but Cannan in the case of the forthcoming fundamental review of healthcare. There may be some logic to this as “never-off-the-bloody-radio” Bell was personally linked to every government failure.

Where Quayle does seem to want to be seen is the off-Island “statesmanship” guff such as the interminable Brexit discussions. But if you notice these are always just news releases, never interviews. It’s also amusing to see that his various tweets (again, almost exclusively on non-local topics) attract zero, or one/two “likes”.

I’m actually a supporter of a news blackout on Quayle. It’s bad enough having the moron as CM. At least we’re spared the torture of listening to his vacuous, cliche-ridden mangling of English as he attempts to explain matters he doesn’t understand.

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Who needs English when you know a smattering of Latin.

Every time I hear Howard Quayle on Mannin Line I just remember him and Quirky being sent up the hill to defend the toilet tax. 


7 hours ago, Stu Peters said:

It's the Isle of Man. We're short of poisoned Russian spies to interview...

@Stu Peters, rather than seeking out Russian  spies to black op, I think you should spend your time rapping the knuckles of the young whippersnappers in the newsroom. Especially about possessive pronouns and apostrophes. But I think you probably realise all you'll get is them sneering up from their mobies and giving you a shrug and a "meh".


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4 hours ago, Uhtred said:

You make a telling point. The extent to which Quayle is absent from the media - especially the radio - is astonishing. I volunteer two possible reasons, from opposite ends as it were. Firstly, it’s undeniable that Quayle is utterly dreadful when interviewed or invited to explain public policy. He’s ill-informed, inarticulate, and thoroughly unconvincing. Even if his ego doesn’t allow him to see it, his civil service handlers will. It’s positively advantageous to prevent him having a media presence.

Alternatively, such is the pre-eminence of the political desire for self-preservation, Quayle may feel that at least some of government’s various policies will go belly up and incur public displeasure. Much better then to have other politicians linked in the public mind to those policies - usually Thomas, but Cannan in the case of the forthcoming fundamental review of healthcare. There may be some logic to this as “never-off-the-bloody-radio” Bell was personally linked to every government failure.

Where Quayle does seem to want to be seen is the off-Island “statesmanship” guff such as the interminable Brexit discussions. But if you notice these are always just news releases, never interviews. It’s also amusing to see that his various tweets (again, almost exclusively on non-local topics) attract zero, or one/two “likes”.

I’m actually a supporter of a news blackout on Quayle. It’s bad enough having the moron as CM. At least we’re spared the torture of listening to his vacuous, cliche-ridden mangling of English as he attempts to explain matters he doesn’t understand.

His vacuous policies don't bear up well to close examination or questioning

The Chief Minister of 'Isle of Man, A Special Place' is mostly exiled to London & for good reason

Fact that he's rarely asked a question in Keys or Tynwald speaks volumes

Highly unlikely he will be re-elected in his own constituency, let alone Chief Minister next time round

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