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Manx Radio

Desperate Dan

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Leap, until recently I would have agreed. I never go to the doctor, never been to hospital, never had any social security help, always paid full income tax.


Then I was taken ill. Weeks in hospitals, many scans (different types), major surgery, now recovering. I recon my treatment will gave cost NHS many £100k for which, if course I am eternally grateful.


Of course my taxes also pay for street lights, police, roads, sewerage, street cleaning and many other public services. Personally I do not resent paying taxes. I do gate waste and inefficiency though.


Another desperate and hilarious post by a government employee. As if us other 80% of the population get more out than we put in. Who the hell do you think is funding it all then? The tooth fairy?

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The answers are fucking obvious.


Take away the subvention and thus ensure financial and editorial independence.


Sack all the bald old has-beens and halfwits and employ non halfwits who look healthy.


Play better music.



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Lots of autocorrect errors I had to fix in that post. I'm saying over half my monthly salary goes to the government in the form of taxes.



Like you are alone in that.


Unless you are earning 100k plus a year I suspect you are a net consumer.


Government subsidise many things. If it was purely down to commerciality on everything you would have hardly anything here.


Manx Radio provides a national broadcasting service and in order to do that it needs to make a huge and diverse range of programmes which costs money.


To be fair to MR they are diversifying the business which in future years should see results. But we are unlikely to get away from some sort of subsidy.


By your logic we should close the airport.



The fact that I'm not alone in that is precisely my point, DUH. All of us taxpayers are being stiffed into paying to fund and subsidise other people's overpaid jobs which would otherwise go if they had to compete in the open free market. The only reason these people are kept and paid is because they provide state propaganda. They are welcome to provide a national broadcasting service by funding their operation with the ads they already incorporate into their broadcasting and stop robbing off me. If they can't do that and balance their accounts then I suggest to you they're obviously doing something wrong. There are many very successful radio stations in the world which don't need any government funding. Sorry but your post strikes me as a desperate post by a Manx Radio employee trying to keep the gravy train choo-choo-ing to that shite station. All I can say is, if you have talent and ability, and really believe in radio, apply for a bank loan and fund it yourself. If your station has any commercial viability, I'm sure they'll be happy to provide a reasonable loan.



Have a listen to 3FM and Energy, then read your last sentence again. Those are two good reasons to keep MR going.

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I must be part of the 5% then - I've paid a lot more in than I'll ever take out.

You must have a crystal ball then, Stu. You know exactly how long you will live. You know how much pension you will draw. What medical conditions will befall you and the treatment required. If you end up in residential care after you have exhausted your assets you also must know for how long and at what cost. In short, your assertion is unknowable.



Medicine and care is only hugely expensive because there's a huge state monopoly and the state is in collusion with corporate providers. £1,000 or more a week to provide care, my arse. It's all a big money-making scam and there's no way they'd get away with it without state support. If they had to compete on the open market, prices would drop. Then again, I don't believe profit or the private sector should be involved with these things. It's in the unholy alliance between state and private corporations that these hugely expensive monopoly prices are allowed to operate.

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Lots of autocorrect errors I had to fix in that post. I'm saying over half my monthly salary goes to the government in the form of taxes.



Like you are alone in that.


Unless you are earning 100k plus a year I suspect you are a net consumer.


Government subsidise many things. If it was purely down to commerciality on everything you would have hardly anything here.


Manx Radio provides a national broadcasting service and in order to do that it needs to make a huge and diverse range of programmes which costs money.


To be fair to MR they are diversifying the business which in future years should see results. But we are unlikely to get away from some sort of subsidy.


By your logic we should close the airport.



The fact that I'm not alone in that is precisely my point, DUH. All of us taxpayers are being stiffed into paying to fund and subsidise other people's overpaid jobs which would otherwise go if they had to compete in the open free market. The only reason these people are kept and paid is because they provide state propaganda. They are welcome to provide a national broadcasting service by funding their operation with the ads they already incorporate into their broadcasting and stop robbing off me. If they can't do that and balance their accounts then I suggest to you they're obviously doing something wrong. There are many very successful radio stations in the world which don't need any government funding. Sorry but your post strikes me as a desperate post by a Manx Radio employee trying to keep the gravy train choo-choo-ing to that shite station. All I can say is, if you have talent and ability, and really believe in radio, apply for a bank loan and fund it yourself. If your station has any commercial viability, I'm sure they'll be happy to provide a reasonable loan.



Have a listen to 3FM and Energy, then read your last sentence again. Those are two good reasons to keep MR going.



Hardly a justifiable comparison given that Manx Radio has a near monopoly on all ad revenue. Also, I have listened to those stations and they're far better than Manx Radio. If Manx Radio is so great, as you keep saying, it should have no problem retaining everything about itself and funding itself with ad revenue alone. But we both know it's shit and needs subsidies or it'd go out of business.

Edited by llap
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Just a quick disclaimer here. I'd say Stu Peters' show is quite good. Not good enough for me to bother to listen to except a couple of times a year but I've no doubt he could operate that in the free market and not require a subsidy. But 95% of the other crap? No chance! You all keep saying how great it is. If it was great, it wouldn't need subsidies. Are you aware of the cognitive dissonance you are displaying in this respect?

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Lots of autocorrect errors I had to fix in that post. I'm saying over half my monthly salary goes to the government in the form of taxes.



Like you are alone in that.


Unless you are earning 100k plus a year I suspect you are a net consumer.


Government subsidise many things. If it was purely down to commerciality on everything you would have hardly anything here.


Manx Radio provides a national broadcasting service and in order to do that it needs to make a huge and diverse range of programmes which costs money.


To be fair to MR they are diversifying the business which in future years should see results. But we are unlikely to get away from some sort of subsidy.


By your logic we should close the airport.



The fact that I'm not alone in that is precisely my point, DUH. All of us taxpayers are being stiffed into paying to fund and subsidise other people's overpaid jobs which would otherwise go if they had to compete in the open free market. The only reason these people are kept and paid is because they provide state propaganda. They are welcome to provide a national broadcasting service by funding their operation with the ads they already incorporate into their broadcasting and stop robbing off me. If they can't do that and balance their accounts then I suggest to you they're obviously doing something wrong. There are many very successful radio stations in the world which don't need any government funding. Sorry but your post strikes me as a desperate post by a Manx Radio employee trying to keep the gravy train choo-choo-ing to that shite station. All I can say is, if you have talent and ability, and really believe in radio, apply for a bank loan and fund it yourself. If your station has any commercial viability, I'm sure they'll be happy to provide a reasonable loan.



Have a listen to 3FM and Energy, then read your last sentence again. Those are two good reasons to keep MR going.



Hardly a justifiable comparison given that Manx Radio has a near monopoly on all ad revenue. Also, I have listened to those stations and they're far better than Manx Radio. If Manx Radio is so great, as you keep saying, it should have no problem retaining everything about itself and funding itself with ad revenue alone. But we both know it's shit and needs subsidies or it'd go out of business.



Because most people listen to MR, that's why advertisers use them. Listeners to Energy wouldn't know what "double glazing" is FFS, they would probably think it was a bad reaction to something they took at the club, or playground.

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If most people listen to MR, as you keep saying, then they should have no problem funding themselves with ad revenue. Why do they need taxpayer subsidisation if they're so amazing that even people as far away as America are tuning in? Give me a break.

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If most people listen to MR, as you keep saying, then they should have no problem funding themselves with ad revenue. Why do they need taxpayer subsidisation if they're so amazing that even people as far away as America are tuning in? Give me a break.


To cover the cost of the dozens of smaller interest shows, talk shows, shows for women, covering sports events, covering Keys etc. etc. The other two stations are bland and very hollow compared to Manx Radio. I am more than happy that MR get a few bob from us to keep those differences up.

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I am starting to wander about the state of llap's health. Such vehemence about MR.


The reality is that for a small subsidy we get a very good local broadcaster.


Sure, if the Government is broken then it will have to go. We're told that is not the case (yet)

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If most people listen to MR, as you keep saying, then they should have no problem funding themselves with ad revenue. Why do they need taxpayer subsidisation if they're so amazing that even people as far away as America are tuning in? Give me a break.


To cover the cost of the dozens of smaller interest shows, talk shows, shows for women, covering sports events, covering Keys etc. etc. The other two stations are bland and very hollow compared to Manx Radio. I am more than happy that MR get a few bob from us to keep those differences up.



None of which I have any interest in. So remind me again why I subsidise it?

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I am starting to wander about the state of llap's health. Such vehemence about MR.

The reality is that for a small subsidy we get a very good local broadcaster.

Sure, if the Government is broken then it will have to go. We're told that is not the case (yet)

I also worry about his general state of sanity (or his alcohol intake, or indeed both) but in this instance I think people are right to question the value of the taxpayer investing £1m a year into a business to provide such toothless political coverage when we have such poor voter engagement as it is. It's not like it's public service credentials are bringing anyone else to the table when it comes to the general election. In fact I'd say it's turning more people off local current affairs and politics purely because the coverage is so contrived and awful.

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Also, with the amount of overpaid and underworked people employed in Tynwald who do nothing all day, why can't one of them get off their big fat arses and broadcast audio coverage of the Keys? It's not as if Manx Radio is impartial, neutral or a provider of adversarial journalism.

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