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Desperate Dan

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1 hour ago, Gladys said:

I see (or rather, hear) that MR's cost cutting is underway.  The letter G is now excised from all broadcasts, so we have a delay in the flight arriving from Birminum and this evenin can expect light snow fall. 

I am not advocating 1950's  BBC pronunciation, but can the presenters not go on some training to at least sound each letter in a word?  Radio is entirely sound and speech, so sloppy speech or exaggerated affectations just grate.  

Even the great Jon Moss pronounces infrastructure as infastructure.

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On 3/17/2018 at 7:56 AM, Gagster said:

They are quite sizeable Stu, considering the size and location of the station.  

The volume of staff is insane though, a Managing Director AND a Business Director?  You presumably have a Head of Sales or Sales Manager too?

An argument is often made of the need to produce and maintain quality output.  But then you come on here and tell us that you often don’t know what’s happening on Talking Heads until you arrive at about 11:30am!  That’s quite a scenario for a news and current affairs programme.

That's old news Gagster - for the last year or so I've not had a producer so have been getting in at 10am and doing my own show preparation. And I'm sure I've mentioned it before, but Talking Heads isn't a 'news and current affairs programme' per se in that it doesn't fall under the ambit of the news editor...it's an entertainment programme that reflects on news and current affairs, which means I can annoy most of the people most of the time by airing my own views and I don't have to pretend to be impartial (surely impartiality is a completely false philosophical construct and at the very least open to nuancing). Although I always attempt to be fair and allow equal airtime to anyone who feels aggrieved by my programme.

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12 hours ago, Stu Peters said:

 I'm sure I've mentioned it before, but Talking Heads isn't a 'news and current affairs programme' per se in that it doesn't fall under the ambit of the news editor...it's an entertainment programme that reflects on news and current affairs

An interesting admission Stu.  Manx Radio class ‘Talking Heads’ as news and current affairs in various literature and reports - eg. it is highlighted here (within the MDs report): https://mm.aiircdn.com/147/59db53a9639fc.pdf.  It’s an interesting that you, as presenter of the programme, tell us that it isn’t.

It is a bizarre scenario that Manx Radio management seek a huge government subvention in order to maintain output, with specific attention to news and current affairs programmes (within which they include ‘Talking Heads’) yet a presenter of such output freely admits that they consider it entertainment and not in fact part of the news and current affairs - contradicting the published programme strategy and MD reports.

It appears that if Manx Radio management are talking about budgets and subventions and it's committment to news and current affairs, they include 'Talking Heads' to bump up those hours.  But then if we're talking about quality and impartiality, you will come on here and say it's "entertainment" and not news and current affairs.  It's one or the other Stu.

Hats off to you Stu though,  you have highlighted clearly everything that is wrong with how Manx Radio is managed - you’ve done us proud.  A brilliant example of the left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing.  As it is funded with public money, can you see now why people become frustrated with Manx Radio?

Edited by Gagster
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4 minutes ago, piebaps said:

Most people aren't frustrated at all gagster. Just a small number of haters on here really.

The management are often frustrated though - squirming at all the meaningful news and current affairs output they have to deliver.  I'm sure they'll be mortified that the presenter of one of their flagship shows which they (Manx Radio management) consider part of news and current affairs can come onto Manx Forums to tell us that he presents it as entertainment and it doesn't have a producer. 

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8 minutes ago, piebaps said:

Most people aren't frustrated at all gagster. Just a small number of haters on here really.

Strong word, "hate." It's lost its proper meaning through misuse. Believe it or not, many people can't stand MR and would never dream of tuning-in, swiftly skipping by it when the auto-tune locks on in the car, finding they're listening-in by accident rather than choice. I imagine they do this without a smidgen of real "hate."

I can't stand Anchovies, dislike them intensely and their stench reminds me of an old acquaintance but I don't hate the little buggers...

Do MR still include those dreadful but immensely profitable American 'jesus-loves-you' evangelist segments in its programming?

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