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Desperate Dan

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23 hours ago, Uhtred said:

Well they can’t spell and they can’t punctuate so dropping G’s and H’s was just waitin’ to ’appen. Perhaps you should call the “pleece”.

This is what you get when you cost cut edjumication...

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3 hours ago, Gagster said:

The management are often frustrated though - squirming at all the meaningful news and current affairs output they have to deliver.  I'm sure they'll be mortified that the presenter of one of their flagship shows which they (Manx Radio management) consider part of news and current affairs can come onto Manx Forums to tell us that he presents it as entertainment and it doesn't have a producer. 

You win Gagster. I shall ritually disembowel myself in shame that you have caught my chicanery out.

Actually no, belay that blade...seppuku may not be the answer, which is that you are simply trying to score nitpicking points to further your attempts to discredit something that many thousands of people enjoy and a handful of people work hard to produce. This is my second attempt at a reply - the first went on into much more detail, but knowing that you'll use my words against me I can't be arsed to make a noose for myself.

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There are lots of things I listen to and enjoy on Manx Radio, love Carnaby Street on Saturday mornings and Paul on Sunday evenings, by this confession you will probably deduce I am ancient!!!!! I also listen to Stu if I am interested in the subject matter, I think he has a difficult job maintaining structured comments of listeners as it is live and easy to get into hot water, only at Farmers Concerts can you get away with oral murder.  Also the morning programmers are fine until some rap artiste starts.   I know a lot of people to listen to M.R. but they are all in my age group, I think the station has to recognise they do not appeal to the youth of the Island and adapt their music content to suit us oldies as the truth of the matter is we are the loyal listeners, until the bang, bang music comes on.   I may be featuring in the news myself shortly if the next door neighbour does not stop feeding the gulls they are dive bombing my car at the minute, strangely enough they never seem to hit hers.


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18 minutes ago, Stu Peters said:

You win Gagster. I shall ritually disembowel myself in shame that you have caught my chicanery out.

Actually no, belay that blade...seppuku may not be the answer, which is that you are simply trying to score nitpicking points to further your attempts to discredit something that many thousands of people enjoy and a handful of people work hard to produce. This is my second attempt at a reply - the first went on into much more detail, but knowing that you'll use my words against me I can't be arsed to make a noose for myself.

The reply this morning would make sense Stu except for the substantial discrepancy that clearly exists around your programme - Manx Radio classing it clearly as News and Current Affairs, but you don’t.  It is a fair and reasonble point.  I am not trying to discredit anything - just trying to clarify the remit of the programme and Manx Radio.  

If Manx Radio require a subvention to support its PSB remit of News and Current Affairs and count Talking Heads as part of that, I do find it incredible that you can announce that it isn’t News and Current Affairs and doesn’t have a producer.  At what point will government come along query that?  It sounds like your show is grossly underdunded, which shouldn’t be the case.  Your reply does leave Manx Radio wide open to scrutiny though - if they’re using the subvention for the right things.  



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1 hour ago, hissingsid said:

There are lots of things I listen to and enjoy on Manx Radio, love Carnaby Street on Saturday mornings and Paul on Sunday evenings, by this confession you will probably deduce I am ancient!!!!! I also listen to Stu if I am interested in the subject matter, I think he has a difficult job maintaining structured comments of listeners as it is live and easy to get into hot water, only at Farmers Concerts can you get away with oral murder.  Also the morning programmers are fine until some rap artiste starts.   I know a lot of people to listen to M.R. but they are all in my age group, I think the station has to recognise they do not appeal to the youth of the Island and adapt their music content to suit us oldies as the truth of the matter is we are the loyal listeners, until the bang, bang music comes on.   I may be featuring in the news myself shortly if the next door neighbour does not stop feeding the gulls they are dive bombing my car at the minute, strangely enough they never seem to hit hers.


Sid - the logic is that my programme is mostly listened to by people of 'our' generation - many retired or people not in work for whatever reason and with time on their hands. But the reality is ( and I don't have the official data to hand) that I get a good mix of ages. I am especially rewarded when I meet someone for the first time and they admit to liking TH. Couple of garages I've frequented recently being good examples - young mechanicky blokes who enjoy the bants. I expect they're laughing AT me in many ways rather than WITH me, but I'll take new (and young) listeners however they come to the programme.

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9 hours ago, Stu Peters said:

I can see where I'm going wrong. Thank you again.

Okay, a typo from me is the bit you respond to rather than the point I’m making.  Goodness me - who is nitpicking now?  

I think the disparity between whether or not Talking Heads is part of Manx Radio’s news and current affairs is an important one.  I can see the difficult position you’re in, telling us that it’s entertainment (with no producer) but knowing that Manx Radio do label it as news and current affairs and contributes to their need for government subvention.  I was merely questioning how can Manx Radio claim the need if, as it turns out, they don’t use the money for such output.

I’m intrigued that you simply move away from the argument when the questions get a little complicated.  A bit like your radio show.


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On 19/03/2018 at 12:54 AM, Stu Peters said:

And I'm sure I've mentioned it before, but Talking Heads isn't a 'news and current affairs programme' per se in that it doesn't fall under the ambit of the news editor...it's an entertainment programme 

If you look at the first part of Page 7 of Manx Radio’s MD report, you’ll see that it clearly states that £476k from the £875k subvention is allocated to News and Current Affairs.

In the second part, you’ll see that Talking Heads is included within News and Current Affairs.

By my calculation, and reading the report, Talking Heads amounts to 15% of Manx Radio’s News and Current Affairs output.

You’d do well to perhaps liaise with Manx Radio’s MD on this, clarify the facts and then decide on what happens next.  I’m sure he’ll not be pleased that his public facing accounting is not a true reflection.


I stand by my point that your admission highlights the poor organisation and management of the radio station - Talking Heads being run as entertainment, but classed as something else for subvention matters. Does the MD even know that your show is delivered as entertainment? And if so, will this reduction of News and Current Affairs output be reflected in his next report and subvention accounting.

These are big sums of public money Stu, Manx Radio and a a presenter yourself should be aligned and working to the same published strategy.  You joined Manx Radio as a journalist many years ago, you should know this by now.  Incredible that the ‘national broadcaster’ can run like this.


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11 hours ago, Stu Peters said:

Couple of garages I've frequented recently being good examples - young mechanicky blokes who enjoy the bants. I expect they're laughing AT me in many ways rather than WITH me, but I'll take new (and young) listeners however they come to the programme.

Pretty much guaranteed to be the case I’d say. 

Well spotted Gagster. 

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So MR is just a level above a "hospital" channel. Well so what???

The government, such as it is, have a duty to ALL of their citizens to keep them informed about all their latest disasters, overspends, U-turns etc etc and the radio is by far the best medium to do that. So the government have to fund it. This isn't rocket science. Now you can drip and moan on here about staffing levels and so forth all you like and guess what? Nothing will change. OK, it's your bandwidth and you can waste it in any way you care to.

Frankly maybe some of the keyboard warriors on here should  change their platform to widen the debate. If only there was a medium on the island that could give them a means to make their points "nationwide" in an easily accessible way.

Errrr hang on a minute!

Paging Stu's TH to thread.......

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