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Manx Radio

Desperate Dan

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9 minutes ago, P.K. said:

The government, such as it is, have a duty to ALL of their citizens to keep them informed about all their latest disasters, overspends, U-turns etc etc and the radio is by far the best medium to do that. So the government have to fund it.

But that is exactly what Manx Radio DOESNT do. The sanguine “Nothing to see here, move on ... “ bullshit it broadcasts is genuinely laughable. 

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3 minutes ago, thesultanofsheight said:

But that is exactly what Manx Radio DOESNT do. The sanguine “Nothing to see here, move on ... “ bullshit it broadcasts is genuinely laughable. 

Quite.  Stu’s clear inability to even hold himself and/or Manx Radio to account with regard to it’s own programming remit and what counts (or not) as publicly funded news and current affairs doesn’t install much confidence for holding others to account.

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1 minute ago, Gagster said:

Quite.  Stu’s clear inability to even hold himself and/or Manx Radio to account with regard to it’s own programming remit and what counts (or not) as publicly funded news and current affairs doesn’t install much confidence for holding others to account.

So get yourself on Talking Heads and air your gripes.

PS - nobody forces you to listen to MR you know. It's actually completely voluntary....

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6 minutes ago, P.K. said:

PS - nobody forces you to listen to MR you know. It's actually completely voluntary....

I never said they did, but I contribute to its funding - in which I have no choice.

If Talking Heads effectively counts as 15% of £476k subvention money, but is presented as entertainment rather than news and current affairs (source: Stu Peters, presenter of Manx Radio’s Talking Heads in a post yesterday) then where does that money go instead? 

Edited by Gagster
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1 minute ago, Gagster said:

I never said they did, but I contribute to its funding - in which I have no choice.

If Talking Heads effectively counts as 15% of £476k subvention money, but is presented as entertainment rather than news and current affairs (source: Stu Peters, presenter of Manx Radio’s Talking Heads) then where does that money go instead? 

That will be a good question to ask on TH.

Off you go then....

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22 minutes ago, P.K. said:

That will be a good question to ask on TH.

Off you go then....

I can’t see Stu putting us on.  

Stu announced previously that his was an entertainment show and not news and current affairs, so we had a go on the Mannin Line previously, but we were cut short quite quickly.  

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Well, at least you got some small return on your tax dollars. Just ask Stu and see what's what.

I can understand the frustration some people feel because they are funding something that's simply not for them. Unfortunately there's not much can be done about that.

I personally like MR because when it's really awful it's so bad it's good! Each to their own I suppose.

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31 minutes ago, P.K. said:

I can understand the frustration some people feel because they are funding something that's simply not for them. Unfortunately there's not much can be done about that.

But plenty can be done to clarify the spending of the funding given.   An MD taking the position of "look at all of this we have to do, all of this public service stuff and news/current affairs" and then including Talking Heads within that, only for the presenter to come on here and say that Talking Heads is "entertainment" and not in fact part of news and current affairs.  This tells me that the MD isn't spending the money in the way that is claimed.

It wasn't that long ago when the same MD claimed, in response to a FoI request that it had only spent £632 on hospitality between April 2014 to March 2015 - but later confirmed that Manx Radio's 50th anniversary party event in November 2014 actually cost £13,679.36.

In another area, Manx Radio was happy in 2009 to pay a tidy fortune for jingles sung and produced with full orchestra at Abbey Road:


Industry standard and professional jingles can be sourced and produced for a fraction of the price paid here.


Of course later in 2012, and worthy of a mention, here's David North talking about Manx Radio's budget struggles.



And more recently, Manx Radio reported another loss.


Interesting that Chairman Bill Mummery describes them as ‘short-term problems’.  From what I sit, this has been ongoing for year - plead poverty one day, but then splash the cash the next.


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"Manx Radio's 50th anniversary party event in November 2014 actually cost £13,679.36"

Not that impressive really. The multinational I worked for "Incentivised" their workforce with R&R's like a two week cruise around the Greek Islands, two weeks in St Lucia etc etc  all found of course. And what good fun it was too!

All public monies HAVE to be accounted for and I don't see the gov chucking a wedge at MR to let them do whatever with. Ask your MHK, who strange but true actually works for you, what the process is. Always assuming there is a process of course. As to the staffing levels perhaps the Public Servants in charge of the process are trying to mould MR in it's own image!

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1 hour ago, Gagster said:

I never said they did, but I contribute to its funding - in which I have no choice.

If Talking Heads effectively counts as 15% of £476k subvention money, but is presented as entertainment rather than news and current affairs (source: Stu Peters, presenter of Manx Radio’s Talking Heads in a post yesterday) then where does that money go instead? 


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4 hours ago, Stu Peters said:

I suspect Gagster has a vested interest in this. Or too much time on his hands.

No vested interest at all, don’t know what you’re trying to say there. 

Too much time - that would also be a no.  I have a Manx Forum ‘content count’ of 165.  Your ‘content count’ is 3621 - you clearly have more time than many!  

Perhaps you should spend less time on Manx Forums and more time on your radio work and clarifing facts - such as the status of your show and how it fits in with Manx Radio strategy.  Speak to the MD and clarify your programme role.

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