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Manx Radio

Desperate Dan

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8 hours ago, Andy Onchan said:

I see/hear that Ron Berry isn't too enamoured with MR: 


He's whinging about a non-level playing field.

Ron and George Ferguson went to the Woodbourne one day, had a few drinks and had the idea to start their own radio station. They muscled in on the market and started taking a share of the advertising. Fair enough, it's a free world. But they can't then start complaining that the playing field isn't level, when it is them that have, to a degree, upset it.

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7 hours ago, gettafa said:

He's whinging about a non-level playing field.

Ron and George Ferguson went to the Woodbourne one day, had a few drinks and had the idea to start their own radio station. They muscled in on the market and started taking a share of the advertising. Fair enough, it's a free world. But they can't then start complaining that the playing field isn't level, when it is them that have, to a degree, upset it.

I've just re-listened to his evidence online and apparently Manx Radio are selling advertising cheaper than they did in the 70's, this because they get £850,000 each year by the Govt which is not tendered for and they don't pay rent on the building, electricity but do get paid extra cash by home affairs to maintain the transmitters they get to use for free! That's not just an uneven playing field that's one where they've boarded over the oppositions goal as well as being allowed to hack down any opposition player without the referee stepping in because the refs a fan.

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I see if Juan Turner had his way we would replace Manx Radio with BBC Radio Isle of Man - and he reckons that the BBC would do a better job.

With due respect to Juan, I think this is a terrible proposal. The BBC isn't really interested in local / regional radio, it caved in at the beginning of the 1980s and started properly rolling out local radio in the UK only due to the impact of local / community pirate radio stations stealing the BBC's audience in the '70s, just as it only caved in and started playing pop due to competition from the offshore pirates of the 60's. The BBC as an institution is a puppet of the UK Gov't and will remain so as long as the license fee system remains.

We should hang on to control of our own Public Service Broadcasting, but fix the model. It would probably make more sense to separate the PSB content creation into a separate entity under MNH or similar, convert Manx Radio into a 100% commercial broadcaster without any state aid, and allow all the local stations to license the PSB content appropriate to their audience segments. That way we get a level playing field for commercial competition and retain the PSB content which the subvention is supposed to provide.

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What PSB do we actually need? What is it is it that we are paying all this money for? The Tynwald coverage is, or should be available on the Tynwald website. There is other stuff that Manx radio do, but what is the audience for it? The internet is a great and appropriate place for special interest content, provided by those that are interested in it. It is simply not necessary to pay all this public money to a "national broadcaster". This is one of many public spending issues that need to be grasped in order to bring public expenditure in check. There are, actually, many good local BBC stations but I suspect it would be beyond the wit or resolve of this Government to persuade the BBC to use the licence fee it collects from the Isle of Man to provide us with a local service. It will be much easier to carry on with the current arrangement and current expenditure than do anything different and I suspect that this will be talked around for a bit and nothing will happen.

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8 minutes ago, joebean said:

What PSB do we actually need? What is it is it that we are paying all this money for? The Tynwald coverage is, or should be available on the Tynwald website. There is other stuff that Manx radio do, but what is the audience for it? The internet is a great and appropriate place for special interest content, provided by those that are interested in it. It is simply not necessary to pay all this public money to a "national broadcaster". This is one of many public spending issues that need to be grasped in order to bring public expenditure in check. There are, actually, many good local BBC stations but I suspect it would be beyond the wit or resolve of this Government to persuade the BBC to use the licence fee it collects from the Isle of Man to provide us with a local service. It will be much easier to carry on with the current arrangement and current expenditure than do anything different and I suspect that this will be talked around for a bit and nothing will happen.

iomg get money from the bbc to supply local radio, it was iomg choice to go down this route.....

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1 hour ago, joebean said:

There are, actually, many good local BBC stations but I suspect it would be beyond the wit or resolve of this Government to persuade the BBC to use the licence fee it collects from the Isle of Man to provide us with a local service.

Do their morning news and current affairs programme employ a veritable of army of journalists/presenters ? That Mandate used to be done by one bloke at one time, Stu Peters, and another time the lad McMillan. David Callister and Charlie Guard in the very early days. 

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2 hours ago, craggy_steve said:

With due respect to Juan, I think this is a terrible proposal. The BBC isn't really interested in local / regional radio, it caved in at the beginning of the 1980s and started properly rolling out local radio in the UK only due to the impact of local / community pirate radio stations stealing the BBC's audience in the '70s, just as it only caved in and started playing pop due to competition from the offshore pirates of the 60's. The BBC as an institution is a puppet of the UK Gov't and will remain so as long as the license fee system remains.

Local radio in Cornwall and Devon is very good indeed, as are the commercials such as Pirate FM.

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1 hour ago, joebean said:

What PSB do we actually need? What is it is it that we are paying all this money for? The Tynwald coverage is, or should be available on the Tynwald website. There is other stuff that Manx radio do, but what is the audience for it? The internet is a great and appropriate place for special interest content, provided by those that are interested in it. It is simply not necessary to pay all this public money to a "national broadcaster". This is one of many public spending issues that need to be grasped in order to bring public expenditure in check. There are, actually, many good local BBC stations but I suspect it would be beyond the wit or resolve of this Government to persuade the BBC to use the licence fee it collects from the Isle of Man to provide us with a local service. It will be much easier to carry on with the current arrangement and current expenditure than do anything different and I suspect that this will be talked around for a bit and nothing will happen.

Because the so-called government have a duty to keep the populace informed of the latest wheeze they've dreamt up on which to squander taxpayer's money.

In terms of access the wireless is the best medium to use therefore the government have to pay for it.


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