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Manx Radio

Desperate Dan

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17 minutes ago, CharlieBrown said:
23 minutes ago, dilligaf said:

I think he is a dick like his buddy Juan. Two spoiled brats.

You are no doubt a good judge of character, and as I know neither I will take your word for it as I doubt you have ever fucked up in this area ever.

I've really missed your warm words of support. Thanks darling.:wub:


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I think Manx Radio could do a good job with less people.  In that respect it is a bit over-manned and civil servantish. And when some of them went from being paid staff to being contract I believe the hourly rate offered was one that couldn't be refused. Kerchunk and all that.  How many people staff 3fm?

Anyway, I like the Manxie fella who does the Sunday night programme, he's Manxie without being affected, theatrical or smug about it.


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21 hours ago, Gladys said:

That's the point though, MR is not a business, it is a public service.  The rules and considerations are vastly different.

In that case it should not pretend to be a business and compete with businesses and merely provide the level of public service that the public can and wants to afford. 

Edited by joebean
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