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Manx Radio

Desperate Dan

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Does anyone here really believe that if Manx Radio stopped getting the subvention that that money would come back to the people, or go to something more worthy? *chuckles*


That money is gone my friends, lost to the Government

No but if you are optimistic in your outlook it's possible to believe that if they stopped investing £1m into a retirement home for Smashie and Nicey they'd then have £1m to put into the health services or the fire or ambulance services etc. It might not work exactly like that but the more frivolous expenses that get dumped should logically free up more money for key services.
Someone needs to tell iom politics on Facebook the amount paid out to Manx radio I'm pretty sure they'll get their pitchforks out and start marching on the nation's station
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Does anyone here really believe that if Manx Radio stopped getting the subvention that that money would come back to the people, or go to something more worthy? *chuckles*


That money is gone my friends, lost to the Government

No but if you are optimistic in your outlook it's possible to believe that if they stopped investing £1m into a retirement home for Smashie and Nicey they'd then have £1m to put into the health services or the fire or ambulance services etc. It might not work exactly like that but the more frivolous expenses that get dumped should logically free up more money for key services.
Someone needs to tell iom politics on Facebook the amount paid out to Manx radio I'm pretty sure they'll get their pitchforks out and start marching on the nation's station

Therein lies the problem too as Facebook is no substitute for a grass roots political transformation which is what is required. You have a state broadcaster on one side (as that all it is), and the unwashed internet rabble on the other posting passive rubbish on Facebook without actually being a catalyst for anything but moaning and irritating background noise. The only way to reform is through a proper political party committed to driving a change agenda that will properly engage with people off line in the various communities in the IOM about the real things that affect their lives. Not a site gathering online polls, asking for passive feedback, or other idealistic Facebook nonsense. But a real grass roots agenda for change that will challenge the likes of Manx Radio and the political establishment and kick the legs from under them.

Edited by JackCarter
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Does anyone here really believe that if Manx Radio stopped getting the subvention that that money would come back to the people, or go to something more worthy? *chuckles*


That money is gone my friends, lost to the Government

No but if you are optimistic in your outlook it's possible to believe that if they stopped investing £1m into a retirement home for Smashie and Nicey they'd then have £1m to put into the health services or the fire or ambulance services etc. It might not work exactly like that but the more frivolous expenses that get dumped should logically free up more money for key services.
Someone needs to tell iom politics on Facebook the amount paid out to Manx radio I'm pretty sure they'll get their pitchforks out and start marching on the nation's station



Looks like one of them has already been reading this thread and created a poll. LOL

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Does anyone here really believe that if Manx Radio stopped getting the subvention that that money would come back to the people, or go to something more worthy? *chuckles*


That money is gone my friends, lost to the Government


No but if you are optimistic in your outlook it's possible to believe that if they stopped investing £1m into a retirement home for Smashie and Nicey they'd then have £1m to put into the health services or the fire or ambulance services etc. It might not work exactly like that but the more frivolous expenses that get dumped should logically free up more money for key services.
Someone needs to tell iom politics on Facebook the amount paid out to Manx radio I'm pretty sure they'll get their pitchforks out and start marching on the nation's station

Looks like one of them has already been reading this thread and created a poll. LOL

Wow that will really hit them where it hurts.


A Facebook poll!

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Jack Carter, LLAP, J2PO and other haters, I'd offer to sit down with you over a beer and try to explain rationally and reasonably the difference between broadcasters, why the subvention is necessary to fulfil the brief, why Manx Radio is NOT beholden to CoMin or any political group, and give you an idea of what resources are needed in filling 19 hours of airtime every day of the year.


But you're all apparently either a) too stupid or b) too bitter to waste any more time on. You haven't a clue what you're talking about, yet you promulgate the same nonsense without anything to back up your unreasonable assertions. I hope you all have a good stock of antacids.

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Jack Carter, LLAP, J2PO and other haters, I'd offer to sit down with you over a beer and try to explain rationally and reasonably the difference between broadcasters, why the subvention is necessary to fulfil the brief, why Manx Radio is NOT beholden to CoMin or any political group, and give you an idea of what resources are needed in filling 19 hours of airtime every day of the year.


But you're all apparently either a) too stupid or b) too bitter to waste any more time on. You haven't a clue what you're talking about, yet you promulgate the same nonsense without anything to back up your unreasonable assertions. I hope you all have a good stock of antacids.


A) I'm certainly not stupid B) I'm really not bitter, except about my tax money being wasted. I'm more than happy to call into Coffee Exchange tomorrow or even to the Manx Radio studio and have you explain to me why I'm wrong over a cup of coffee. You just let me know when to be there and I'll be there. Seriously, there's no bitterness about my view on this. My view is entirely based on being a fiscal conservative and a belief in free market capitalism. If you want to prove me wrong, feel free.

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Also, who says 19 hours of airtime need to be filled? Why can't you broadcast 5 hours per day? With podcasts and other catchup software, I don't see why a radio station needs to operate 19 hours per day. Nobody really listens to more than a couple of hours. I don't even listen to one minute.

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But you're all apparently either a) too stupid or b) too bitter to waste any more time on. You haven't a clue what you're talking about, yet you promulgate the same nonsense without anything to back up your unreasonable assertions. I hope you all have a good stock of antacids.

A predictable response. Why are people always referred to as "haters" when these things are challenged on the Internet like they're bullies for even questioning the whole issue? Some perfectly valid points have been made on how almost £1m of taxpayers money is spent each year. We also have a pretty poor voter turn out and a pretty low level of interest in Manx current affairs and politics which hardly creates a demand for a pubic service broadcaster of any kind. Maybe they should be asking whether it's met its public service brief given the 40% turn out rate to vote in some constituencies? Clearly nobody is interested in local matters or the local political debate in that instance. Perhaps there is a correlation between the fawning easy ride given to politicians and government workers throughout the run up to the election and the lack of in depth coverage or analysis on the real issues affecting the IOM and high levels of voter apathy?

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filling 19 hours of airtime every day of the year.

Pointlessly filling 19 hours of airtime every day.


There is no need for it to exist at all as an old fashioned radio station. The news and current affairs output could be done by a small production company for distribution online - and / or made availble for the local commercial stations to broadcast to those who still want to listen via old fashioned radio.


No need for the whole technical infrastructure involved in putting out a signal. No need for the banter, talkback, silly voices competitions etc.

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I would imagine that to a lot of older, retired, infirm and anyone at home for most of, or all of the day, Manx Radio will be a friend/companion in the corner of the room and would make those people feel involved in what is going on, with it's wide range of output.

You could never feel any sort of community spirit or involvement listening to the other two, or from so called newspapers.

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I sort of agree with pogo's view if Mr is just a publicity mouthpiece/propaganda tool for the Government. But it isn't is it?


MR provides airtime for opposition to be heard. I would like more investigative reporting though.

They provide airtime, but work to the civil service brief, so play their part in trying to keep the illusion of a democracy. And as to stu I don't pay to have airtime 'filled', I want to be challenged, informed and enriched by radio so quality output is the only justification for a subvention, but all Manx radio is cheesy jocks bad music and wall to wall adverts.

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