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Manx Radio

Desperate Dan

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28 minutes ago, joebean said:

In that case it should not pretend to be a business and compete with businesses and merely provide the level of public service that the public can and wants to afford. 

Exactly. But to do that they need cash and we already pay the BBC the licence fee to cover local radio so either they need to take over Manx Radio or go for a S4C style model where they pay the subvention but the company maintains its independence. There is no point in the gov paying the subvention as the manx populace paying twice (taxes and licence fee) for the same service. A lot of older people seem to be very attached to Manx Radio (probably because it has manx in the name. The content and constant ad's make it unlistenable at times) so the S4C model might work best. Have a listen and crucially a watch (because they have moving pictures offered by their PSB) of what the channel islands are given by the BBC. The content is excellent pretty sure they would do a great job of the TT. I suspect they may not want to be directly associated with it though given how controversial the race can be.




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40 minutes ago, Ham_N_Eggs said:

Exactly. But to do that they need cash and we already pay the BBC the licence fee to cover local radio so either they need to take over Manx Radio or go for a S4C style model where they pay the subvention but the company maintains its independence. There is no point in the gov paying the subvention as the manx populace paying twice (taxes and licence fee) for the same service. A lot of older people seem to be very attached to Manx Radio (probably because it has manx in the name. The content and constant ad's make it unlistenable at times) so the S4C model might work best. Have a listen and crucially a watch (because they have moving pictures offered by their PSB) of what the channel islands are given by the BBC. The content is excellent pretty sure they would do a great job of the TT. I suspect they may not want to be directly associated with it though given how controversial the race can be.


iomg already get that from the bbc.......

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7 hours ago, Ham_N_Eggs said:

Exactly. But to do that they need cash and we already pay the BBC the licence fee to cover local radio so either they need to take over Manx Radio or go for a S4C style model where they pay the subvention but the company maintains its independence. There is no point in the gov paying the subvention as the manx populace paying twice (taxes and licence fee) for the same service. A lot of older people seem to be very attached to Manx Radio (probably because it has manx in the name. The content and constant ad's make it unlistenable at times) so the S4C model might work best. Have a listen and crucially a watch (because they have moving pictures offered by their PSB) of what the channel islands are given by the BBC. The content is excellent pretty sure they would do a great job of the TT. I suspect they may not want to be directly associated with it though given how controversial the race can be.




The problem MR has is that if it is good it gets slated for competing with commercial businesses. If it is crap it gets slated for being crap, so it can't win. I wouldn't want to see the BBC take it over, but I would like to see the licence fee take over the funding to get rid of the awful you know whats.

As for the BBC being squeamish about the TT, why should they be? They would only be covering it, not advocating it. I believe that they have transmitted death crashes live at the NW200.

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The very sad accident that occurred during cyclefest when a competitor was badly injured was all over the social media on Monday but Manx Radio did not get around to report it until Friday......the news is stale most of the time.   I do hope The competitor is making progress, very sad.

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On ‎4‎/‎30‎/‎2018 at 10:28 PM, hissingsid said:

The very sad accident that occurred during cyclefest when a competitor was badly injured was all over the social media on Monday but Manx Radio did not get around to report it until Friday......the news is stale most of the time.   I do hope The competitor is making progress, very sad.

I think Manx Radio wait for the official news release, as opposed to reporting gossip.;)

 ETA, I too hope he improves.

Edited by dilligaf
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But there was no name given and how long does it take in the Isle of Man to ascertain a few facts.   Perhaps we are all waiting for the official release of what the Isle of Man 2018 is all about, but wait, it happened at the Villa only no one went because no one knew it was on......what is the point of having 'news' nearly a week after the event this is how gossip and incorrect information starts. Some poor soul died at the London Marathon R I P and his name and so on was in the papers the next day.  News is supposed to keep us up to date Manx Radio should pull their socks up and do not get me on Sunday Mornings !!!!!


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14 minutes ago, hissingsid said:

But there was no name given and how long does it take in the Isle of Man to ascertain a few facts.   Perhaps we are all waiting for the official release of what the Isle of Man 2018 is all about, but wait, it happened at the Villa only no one went because no one knew it was on......what is the point of having 'news' nearly a week after the event this is how gossip and incorrect information starts. Some poor soul died at the London Marathon R I P and his name and so on was in the papers the next day.  News is supposed to keep us up to date Manx Radio should pull their socks up and do not get me on Sunday Mornings !!!!!


Family requested name withheld

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On 4/28/2018 at 7:24 AM, Ham_N_Eggs said:

I've just re-listened to his evidence online and apparently Manx Radio are selling advertising cheaper than they did in the 70's, this because they get £850,000 each year by the Govt which is not tendered for and they don't pay rent on the building, electricity but do get paid extra cash by home affairs to maintain the transmitters they get to use for free! That's not just an uneven playing field that's one where they've boarded over the oppositions goal as well as being allowed to hack down any opposition player without the referee stepping in because the refs a fan.

I assume that the advertising being cheaper than the 70s is in real terms after taking account of inflation. I can vouch from experience that there is no way it is cheaper in actual cash terms!! Therefore, this would seem an obvious consequence of a competitive market, because in those days there was no competition and they could charge pretty much what they liked.

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In the 60's, 70's and 80's, MR also received a far old wedge from religious programming. Anyone remember the syrupy yank and, "The Word for Today" or the late night christian broadcasts? They paid very well... 

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5 hours ago, Declan said:
7 hours ago, woody2 said:

are they still using vinyl.......


Sadly not, I've picked up some top-notch ex-MR records at markets and car boots over the years. 

I used to have quite a few ex demo singles won as prizes for phone in comps from MR

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