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Manx Radio

Desperate Dan

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19 hours ago, quilp said:

In the 60's, 70's and 80's, MR also received a far old wedge from religious programming. Anyone remember the syrupy yank and, "The Word for Today" or the late night christian broadcasts? They paid very well... 

They still have a couple of those. Absolute shite, and they should hang their heads in shame for insulting the intelligence of the listeners. Not like they don't have any actual adverts is it? I could understand Caroline doing it, especially in the desperate years of battling for survival after the MeBO Act, but a public service broadcaster? I don't think so.

Anyone remember UCB? That went on into the 90s. A FOUR HOUR nightly dose of god bilge courtesy of Manx Radio.

Edited by woolley
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8 minutes ago, Dave Hedgehog said:

done deal.....


the station will soon be recognised in primary legislation to deliver public service broadcasting


a Select Committee currently sitting to determine the Isle of Man’s future commitment to public service broadcasting


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9 minutes ago, Dave Hedgehog said:

I'd have to see what the salary was before I could consider it. Anything less than £150k pa is not worth getting out of bed for, for such a position. Very remiss of the station's "HR Executive" not to have quoted the figure in the ad too, IMHO.

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I'd imagine commercial radio is in something of a precarious position at the moment. Streaming services like Mixcloud, iTunes, Spotify or whatever let you choose a genre you're in the mood for, and away they go playing stuff you like with no adverts or annoying twaddle. I was decorating yesterday, and had Mixcloud on, playing 70's soul and funk for a few hours - frankly, it was bloody ace! Manx Radio is difficult to endure for more than half an hour because of the annoying adverts for DPM, Quayside Exhausts etc. which are in between every single song. It's SO bad, that they have a 'feature' called Back To Back, where they play TWO songs (completely unrelated). And they're not even back to back, as they are separated by an advert! How is playing 2 songs a 'feature'? Absolute shite. I see in the news today Bill Malarkey reckons there should be less 'talk' content. That would reduce costs, but also make it pointless. Without the local news/current affairs and specialist shows it's not worth having. Who would bother with commercial radio without quality content? If it's just a jukebox ticking over, with loads of adverts, it's got no future.

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10 minutes ago, woody2 said:

talk content should be cheaper....

I was at a talk in Noa Bakery about how musicians could maximize  earning by engaging with publishers etc. Ron Berry was in the audience and rather took over with gripes about the whole system. Anyway he revealed that he paid about a grand a quarter to play music on 3fm, imagine having to pay someone to talk for all that time. Even contact centre staff would cost you more. 

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2 hours ago, Non-Believer said:

I'd have to see what the salary was before I could consider it. Anything less than £150k pa is not worth getting out of bed for, for such a position. Very remiss of the station's "HR Executive" not to have quoted the figure in the ad too, IMHO.

Less than 100k in 16-17 https://mm.aiircdn.com/147/59db53a9639fc.pdf

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10 minutes ago, Declan said:

I was at a talk in Noa Bakery about how musicians could maximize  earning by engaging with publishers etc. Ron Berry was in the audience and rather took over with gripes about the whole system. Anyway he revealed that he paid about a grand a quarter to play music on 3fm, imagine having to pay someone to talk for all that time. Even contact centre staff would cost you more. 

the bazza and buster show.......

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15 minutes ago, woolley said:

I think the principle is that it has to be thought about and therefore those doing the thinking cost more money than the performing rights fees for playing records.

they would need a presenter and a producer regardless of content.....

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