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Manx Radio

Desperate Dan

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The main point people are making is that we don't really need a public service broadcaster and for the best part of £1m a year there are much better things government could be spending our money on than an expensive retirement home for 1970s DJs. The news isn't that much different to the other stations. We've also already established that very few people are interested in local politics by the terrible turnout we saw at the recent elections; and I would suggest that one of the main reasons for that lack of interest is the hideous sycophantic treatment of politicians and government in general by Manx Radio under the guise of its public service mandate. It's one of the primary reasons why people have all but given up on the ability of government and society here to deliver any form of increased accountability or change whatsoever. For the last 15 years at least it's become just like the state broadcaster in any Eastern Bloc country during the Cold War. There are much better things we could spend £1m on in these straightened times and if they are diversifying income they should be doing it quicker and with their own money not ours.


Certainly the clamp down on open public discussion of political issues in the run up to the general election was a major contributing factor to the low turnout IMHO

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Does anyone here really believe that if Manx Radio stopped getting the subvention that that money would come back to the people, or go to something more worthy? *chuckles*


That money is gone my friends, lost to the Government

No but if you are optimistic in your outlook it's possible to believe that if they stopped investing £1m into a retirement home for Smashie and Nicey they'd then have £1m to put into the health services or the fire or ambulance services etc. It might not work exactly like that but the more frivolous expenses that get dumped should logically free up more money for key services.
Someone needs to tell iom politics on Facebook the amount paid out to Manx radio I'm pretty sure they'll get their pitchforks out and start marching on the nation's station

Therein lies the problem too as Facebook is no substitute for a grass roots political transformation which is what is required. You have a state broadcaster on one side (as that all it is), and the unwashed internet rabble on the other posting passive rubbish on Facebook without actually being a catalyst for anything but moaning and irritating background noise. The only way to reform is through a proper political party committed to driving a change agenda that will properly engage with people off line in the various communities in the IOM about the real things that affect their lives. Not a site gathering online polls, asking for passive feedback, or other idealistic Facebook nonsense. But a real grass roots agenda for change that will challenge the likes of Manx Radio and the political establishment and kick the legs from under them.



Well form one then

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Does anyone here really believe that if Manx Radio stopped getting the subvention that that money would come back to the people, or go to something more worthy? *chuckles*


That money is gone my friends, lost to the Government


No but if you are optimistic in your outlook it's possible to believe that if they stopped investing £1m into a retirement home for Smashie and Nicey they'd then have £1m to put into the health services or the fire or ambulance services etc. It might not work exactly like that but the more frivolous expenses that get dumped should logically free up more money for key services.
Someone needs to tell iom politics on Facebook the amount paid out to Manx radio I'm pretty sure they'll get their pitchforks out and start marching on the nation's station

Therein lies the problem too as Facebook is no substitute for a grass roots political transformation which is what is required. You have a state broadcaster on one side (as that all it is), and the unwashed internet rabble on the other posting passive rubbish on Facebook without actually being a catalyst for anything but moaning and irritating background noise. The only way to reform is through a proper political party committed to driving a change agenda that will properly engage with people off line in the various communities in the IOM about the real things that affect their lives. Not a site gathering online polls, asking for passive feedback, or other idealistic Facebook nonsense. But a real grass roots agenda for change that will challenge the likes of Manx Radio and the political establishment and kick the legs from under them.

Well form one then

I'm aware of a few people who may well do.

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Trouble is, Quayle is really the leader of the reform postponement party


If he's as clever as he thinks he is he'll take what is bubbling up amongst the reformers who are now the leading members of CoMin & dangle reform on those issues like carrots over their heads

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Does anyone here really believe that if Manx Radio stopped getting the subvention that that money would come back to the people, or go to something more worthy? *chuckles*


That money is gone my friends, lost to the Government

No but if you are optimistic in your outlook it's possible to believe that if they stopped investing £1m into a retirement home for Smashie and Nicey they'd then have £1m to put into the health services or the fire or ambulance services etc. It might not work exactly like that but the more frivolous expenses that get dumped should logically free up more money for key services.
Someone needs to tell iom politics on Facebook the amount paid out to Manx radio I'm pretty sure they'll get their pitchforks out and start marching on the nation's station

Therein lies the problem too as Facebook is no substitute for a grass roots political transformation which is what is required. You have a state broadcaster on one side (as that all it is), and the unwashed internet rabble on the other posting passive rubbish on Facebook without actually being a catalyst for anything but moaning and irritating background noise. The only way to reform is through a proper political party committed to driving a change agenda that will properly engage with people off line in the various communities in the IOM about the real things that affect their lives. Not a site gathering online polls, asking for passive feedback, or other idealistic Facebook nonsense. But a real grass roots agenda for change that will challenge the likes of Manx Radio and the political establishment and kick the legs from under them.

Well form one then

I'm aware of a few people who may well do.



I can see it now, post-18002-0-14379900-1476099348.png,post-18002-0-39263100-1476099374.png

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You're so funny Dilligaf.


Actually your not.


It's a shame your illogical attachment to Manx Radio makes you ignore some of the logic in some of the debates on here. It does however show that you do indeed know a lot about comedy.

Edited by JackCarter
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You're so funny Dilligaf.


Actually your not.


It's a shame your illogical attachment to Manx Radio makes you ignore some of the logic in some of the debates on here. It does however show that you do indeed know a lot about comedy.


I've listened to and enjoyed Manx Radio since it's inception as have a lot of people my age. I have no problem whatsoever with tax money being used in subvention, as MR is a great asset, it's just a shame people like you don't understand community radio.

If you and Llap etc. think Energy and 3FM are anything other that "pop music" stations then you are very wrong.

As for advocating people forming a protest group, FFS, get a grip.

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You're so funny Dilligaf.

Actually your not.

It's a shame your illogical attachment to Manx Radio makes you ignore some of the logic in some of the debates on here. It does however show that you do indeed know a lot about comedy.


I've listened to and enjoyed Manx Radio since it's inception as have a lot of people my age. I have no problem whatsoever with tax money being used in subvention, as MR is a great asset, it's just a shame people like you don't understand community radio.

If you and Llap etc. think Energy and 3FM are anything other that "pop music" stations then you are very wrong.

As for advocating people forming a protest group, FFS, get a grip.

Ok grandad I get it. One day when I'm in a home weeing into my adult nappy I'm sure that I will also agree with you.

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You're so funny Dilligaf.


Actually your not.


It's a shame your illogical attachment to Manx Radio makes you ignore some of the logic in some of the debates on here. It does however show that you do indeed know a lot about comedy.


I've listened to and enjoyed Manx Radio since it's inception as have a lot of people my age. I have no problem whatsoever with tax money being used in subvention, as MR is a great asset, it's just a shame people like you don't understand community radio.

If you and Llap etc. think Energy and 3FM are anything other that "pop music" stations then you are very wrong.

As for advocating people forming a protest group, FFS, get a grip.


you have to remember people like Jack are still at school.thumbsup.gif

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There was a PAG meeting at the Legion regarding radio stations on IoM. It was to do with Ron Berry's idea of amalgamating stations/3FM getting their hands on some of that money.


Highlight of the night was when Roger Watterson (genuinely and without a hint of irony or malace), in describing the radio stations on the Island said 3fm was "musical wallpaper". At that, the 3fm camp, all decked out in their red 3fm jumpers and fleeces etc, stoop up en masse and left in silent protest, led by George Ferguson.


I suppose I can't blame them but it was interesting to see.

Edited by gettafa
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The main point people are making is that we don't really need a public service broadcaster and for the best part of £1m a year there are much better things government could be spending our money on than an expensive retirement home for 1970s DJs. The news isn't that much different to the other stations. We've also already established that very few people are interested in local politics by the terrible turnout we saw at the recent elections; and I would suggest that one of the main reasons for that lack of interest is the hideous sycophantic treatment of politicians and government in general by Manx Radio under the guise of its public service mandate. It's one of the primary reasons why people have all but given up on the ability of government and society here to deliver any form of increased accountability or change whatsoever. For the last 15 years at least it's become just like the state broadcaster in any Eastern Bloc country during the Cold War. There are much better things we could spend £1m on in these straightened times and if they are diversifying income they should be doing it quicker and with their own money not ours.


Certainly the clamp down on open public discussion of political issues in the run up to the general election was a major contributing factor to the low turnout IMHO


That's because there are laws surrounding elections. Manx Radio has to abide by them.

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You have to be unbiased and give equal airtime. You (actually not you personally) attempted to do this by not allowing any opinions to be expressed, unless that's by Roger Watterson and it's an arrogant and condescending response to any suggestion of change.

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