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Desperate Dan

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Summerland was not rebuilt.  The fire destroyed the superstructure and the remaining concrete base was refurbished to the sports complex.

I watched that event, it was horrific.  We were in the Crescent Cinema watching a film for my Dad's birthday.  When we came out we saw the smoke over the bay, lots of fire engines and ambulances screaming towards the north end of the prom. I was 13 and can remember shouting ' you are too late'. Summerland was a bright red and orange brick. My Mum told me to be quiet,  as you did in those days.  

We went home and watched the TV news.  My Dad went to the hospital to offer blood (universal donor O)

 For the next few days you could not get a telephone line, they were all out, overloaded I guess.

After the event, we asked our friends if they were in there, hoping all were ok.  We all exchanged stories of how close we were to being there. There was a terrible gloom.

Then the newspaper pictures came out and the most memorable was of  one poor soul, silhouetted against the fire on the concrete stairs with one arm up to shield them from the inferno. 

It was a defining moment for very person who lived here and one that every person who saw it will always carry.  

When we came back to live here in 2002, it was a very odd feeling taking my kids into the children's play area, walking across what was the main level and seeing the stage where I disastrously demonstrated my lack of talent in a talent show. I reconstructed the original in my head and felt uncomfortable and very sad.

It does not need a memorial on the site, the memorial exists in every person that witnessed it and the aftermath.

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1 minute ago, dilligaf said:

I agree with most of that except it was to all intents and purposes rebuilt but not a copy of what was there before

It was far more than a sports complex too


I don't think it was rebuilt.  The fire destroyed the superstructure and what remained was the remodelled concrete base. The awful textured concrete panels remained.  I only went into the night club there once, despite it having a bit of a cache, it wasn't my thing. You will have to remind me but I think the nightclub was where a lot of people died because the exit doors were chained. 


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4 minutes ago, Gladys said:

I don't think it was rebuilt.  The fire destroyed the superstructure and what remained was the remodelled concrete base. The awful textured concrete panels remained.  I only went into the night club there once, despite it having a bit of a cache, it wasn't my thing. You will have to remind me but I think the nightclub was where a lot of people died because the exit doors were chained. 


It wasn’t rebuilt you are right. Some of those back stairwells were very creepy and had scratch marks in the concrete render. As you say most of the textured concrete base was from the original building. 

Edited by Linz
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Just now, Gladys said:

I don't think it was rebuilt.  The fire destroyed the superstructure and what remained was the remodelled concrete base. The awful textured concrete panels remained.  I only went into the night club there once, despite it having a bit of a cache, it wasn't my thing. You will have to remind me but I think the nightclub was where a lot of people died because the exit doors were chained. 


They were if I remember

The rebuilt structure was again a vast entertainment centre though and was extremely popular with thousands going therd

 The cave too was very busy for many years

This is why I say there is no need whatsoever for a memorial on the site 

The memorial , like you said for most is ingrained and for those who didn’t see it there is the memorial garden just down the road

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The BBC has recently filmed a documentary series to be screened in September or October this year covering the 5 largest British fire disasters, all in the wake of Grenfell, there have been a number of interviews for the first time to publically put on record the fire service and and medical staff memories and accounts of the tragedies - I believe Summerland will be the first screened in the 5 part recording.

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Anyone hear Talking Heads with Andy Wint today? Wow how that show could really rock again and become great public service broadcasting. Think the MHKs would love it. No more of the ‘fake news’ text messages just read out without checks. He’s a total pro, only playing music when all speech input had dried up. Can’t Brindley make some changes after all these years? Think Stu might sound good on the late show.

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You reckon. He's as smug as he ever was.

The good thing about Stu Peters is he does read out texts, as is, (obviously dropping any profanities), and will read out stuff he doesn't agree with. 

I doubt Wint would do that. Oh, he knows best you know. I was told by one contributor that he  unnecessarily edits texts and emails and causes them to lose their meaning.  So it's The Andy Wint show in every single respect . "Total pro" my arse. No thanks from me. You can listen to Andy all you want during the week day after 9pm, you're wlecome.

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Although I see Andy Wint is on the Sunday morning Manx programme for the next two weeks. With Phil Gawne.

Although there was another chap on today who was interesting enough (I only caught the last few minutes, I didn't tune in thinking it would be yet another PG platform) aren't there any other Manx men out there or is it just Phil Gawne and Brian Stowell?

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I was a youngster at summerland with family on that tragic day and we all left about 2/3 hours before the fire took hold, also I have enjoyed many good nights in the cave disco for many years , also saw a great gig by ocean colour scene upstairs, we should never forget those who lost there lives or suffered injuries but we have to move on from the Diana effect that seems to have an affect on every tragedy. 

I  would be happy to see the site developed. As for Stu no ones comes anywhere near as good as him for the talking heads slot.


Edited by GreyWolf
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