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Desperate Dan

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15 hours ago, GreyWolf said:

Had to look up what encomium means, must of had poor English teachers in my day or maybe i should of payed more attention at school

Yes, you must have and should have

Edited by Declan
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Thing is Stinky, many of us DO care about that sort of thing. It's a framework for communicating accurately. Punctuation, spelling and capitalisation remove uncertainty and standardise the written form. I understand the argument that 'as long as you can make it out, it's fine' but it shows an alarming disregard for abiding by rules and making your written points properly. It also increases the chance of the reader deciding (possibly unfairly) that you're as thick as pig shit and spent your entire education wagging school or smoking behind the bike sheds.

I blame social media - at one time you only saw things written by people who could do it, now anyone with a computer can and happily does display their illiteracy for all to see. And society in general where our young people are taught more about gender fluidity, safe spaces and self-empowerment than about the basics.

I once worked with a very good writer who eschewed punctuation in emails because he thought it hip and trendy. His publisher disagreed when it came to books.

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^   ^   ^

What he said.

We were forced to take in some work placements from the local "university".

Their written work was so poor we could only use them for menial tasks like binding reports down the right hand side, supervising them moving up from the two-hole punch to the four-hole etc etc.

The foreign OpCos used better English than they did....

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