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Desperate Dan

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He is not alone in this, and certainly not the worst offender.   I don't like it when my posts gets rubbished, who does, but at the end of the day it is just an opinion and it would be a very dull and boring world if we all had the same point of view.   Sometimes you can read an opposite point of view and see value in it even if you do not totally agree with everything that is said.   It is great that we can give all different view and vent our spleen, keeps the blood pressure down !!!!well some of the time, but I miss the light hearted banter because the world is not at a great place and you need a bit of humour to keep going.   

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1 hour ago, Declan said:

Mostly aggression. 


It's not his opinions that are the problem, it that as soon as he's disagreed with he kicks off.  

You are entitled to your views. Probably in the past I have kicked off but when you get the usual gang of trolling idiots on here scouring the pages like rabid wolves, it is sometimes a little hard to keep quiet. However feel free to point out the aggression you talk about...

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45 minutes ago, hissingsid said:

He is not alone in this, and certainly not the worst offender.   I don't like it when my posts gets rubbished, who does, but at the end of the day it is just an opinion and it would be a very dull and boring world if we all had the same point of view.   Sometimes you can read an opposite point of view and see value in it even if you do not totally agree with everything that is said.   It is great that we can give all different view and vent our spleen, keeps the blood pressure down !!!!well some of the time, but I miss the light hearted banter because the world is not at a great place and you need a bit of humour to keep going.   

Be careful here Sid, the usual suspects will accuse you of being me/dilli... :rolleyes:

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8 minutes ago, Neil Down said:

You are entitled to your views. Probably in the past I have kicked off but when you get the usual gang of trolling idiots on here scouring the pages like rabid wolves, it is sometimes a little hard to keep quiet. However feel free to point out the aggression you talk about...

How about this thread...

I made a joke about Albert's tendency to be turn any thread into an anti-government jibe. And you respond that I must therefore believe that they are doing a sterling job. Gizo foolishly feeds your anger (I would rather ignore it and hope you calm down) and points out your error. You call him a fool. 

A minor incident really but you are involved with them every day. Frankly, I think when you are triggered, it is better to ignore you and I don't put any weight on anything you say.  But other people respond and threads derail. Obviously it'll be better when you learn self restraint, but until then I wish everyone would just ignore the angry man. 

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1 hour ago, Neil Down said:

You are entitled to your views. Probably in the past I have kicked off but when you get the usual gang of trolling idiots on here scouring the pages like rabid wolves, it is sometimes a little hard to keep quiet. However feel free to point out the aggression you talk about...

I don’t think there is a regular band of trolling idiots as you claim to be honest. Just you and then everyone else that you disagree with. 

Edited by thesultanofsheight
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4 hours ago, Neil Down said:

Be careful here Sid, the usual suspects will accuse you of being me/dilli... :rolleyes:

Nah, dilligaf had a touch of class. God bless him, think I miss the pissed angry old fool, suppose it's like Father Ted without Jack, just not the same.

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4 hours ago, Declan said:

How about this thread...

I made a joke about Albert's tendency to be turn any thread into an anti-government jibe. And you respond that I must therefore believe that they are doing a sterling job. Gizo foolishly feeds your anger (I would rather ignore it and hope you calm down) and points out your error. You call him a fool. 

A minor incident really but you are involved with them every day. Frankly, I think when you are triggered, it is better to ignore you and I don't put any weight on anything you say.  But other people respond and threads derail. Obviously it'll be better when you learn self restraint, but until then I wish everyone would just ignore the angry man. 

Then you just look at who likes your comment. The usual suspects.

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3 hours ago, thesultanofsheight said:

I don’t think there is a regular band of trolling idiots as you claim to be honest. Just you and then everyone else that you disagree with. 

You should read Declan's suggestion and take heed...

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4 hours ago, Declan said:

How about this thread...

I made a joke about Albert's tendency to be turn any thread into an anti-government jibe. And you respond that I must therefore believe that they are doing a sterling job. Gizo foolishly feeds your anger (I would rather ignore it and hope you calm down) and points out your error. You call him a fool. 

A minor incident really but you are involved with them every day. Frankly, I think when you are triggered, it is better to ignore you and I don't put any weight on anything you say.  But other people respond and threads derail. Obviously it'll be better when you learn self restraint, but until then I wish everyone would just ignore the angry man. 

Have you led such a sheltered life that a question to you is somebody displaying anger? I was aware of what was said and by whom. How on earth you managed to arrive at the conclusion that it was an angry response amazes me. You are correct however in that they should be ignored. Sometimes though they just have to be put back in their box. Hope that helps...

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4 minutes ago, Neil Down said:

You should read Declan's suggestion and take heed...

And maybe you should take heed of everyone else? It seems everything is starting to slip on here again just because a few people (largely the same people as when it went really bad the least time) seem to think that they have the right to dictate what is said on here and what isn’t. 

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1 hour ago, Neil Down said:

Have you led such a sheltered life that a question to you is somebody displaying anger? I was aware of what was said and by whom. How on earth you managed to arrive at the conclusion that it was an angry response amazes me. 

Questions usually begin with a W word - who, what, why where, when sometimes how and end with a question mark. 

You wrote - “So you feel they are doing a sterling job ...”

That’s an assertion. The sort made by red faced men on Question Time. It’s the kind of sentence structure that in the real world is usually accompanied by specks of saliva and punctuated by a jabbing finger.  

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2 hours ago, Declan said:

Questions usually begin with a W word - who, what, why where, when sometimes how and end with a question mark. 

You wrote - “So you feel they are doing a job ...”

That’s an assertion. The sort made by red faced men on Question Time. It’s the kind of sentence structure that in the real world is usually accompanied by specks of saliva and punctuated by a jabbing finger.  

Funnily enough, you appear to be the "angry man" in all of this with your continual incorrect assumptions.

What I also find bizarre is that during all of this, not once have you called out anybody else but me. This despite the fact the swearing, insulting gang continue with their antics. Once could begin to believe you have some sort of agenda going on. I can tone down/respond in a like for like manner. Do you see how this works. When the sharks were going in for the kill on dilli, did you step up to the plate and call for a halt? In a word NO. So don't sit anonymously behind your keyboard attempting to take the righteous moral high ground. When it all boils down, you are no better than anybody else.

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