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Manx Radio

Desperate Dan

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I disagree. The sound level continuity is AWFUL. When a newsreader or Stu, for example is speaking I have to turn it up. Then the music comes on and you have to turn it down. Then the benighted adverts come on and it is even louder. I don't know whether this is a deliberate attempt to make you listen to the ads but it certainly doesn't have the desired effect. It has me reaching for the off switch.


I do wonder if anyone there actually listens to the product that comes out the other end. I suspect they seldom do.

My studio headphones are switched to the FM signal so I can actually hear what's going out after all the transmitter processing, so I'm surprised at that Woolley. Could be that you need to drop in to the Audiology Clinic. I did and I now have bionic ears.



I too listen on FM, and the volume fluctuations are there, also. They are very annoying, and appear to be getting worse.

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I disagree. The sound level continuity is AWFUL. When a newsreader or Stu, for example is speaking I have to turn it up. Then the music comes on and you have to turn it down. Then the benighted adverts come on and it is even louder. I don't know whether this is a deliberate attempt to make you listen to the ads but it certainly doesn't have the desired effect. It has me reaching for the off switch.


I do wonder if anyone there actually listens to the product that comes out the other end. I suspect they seldom do.


Oh, OK, I don't listen that much & I ignore all adverts. The music sounds less tinny than it used to :)

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This MR subvention, and now an additional loss, are a result of granting too many broadcasting licences. Radio advertising is a shrinking market and we have too many after fewer advertisers.


3 licences and a major subvention to MR doesn't mean we are just supporting MR, it means we are supporting the whole industry, as otherwise the revenues taken by that third station would go to the other two stations and directly save the taxpayer from any subvention at all.


We have brought these costs on ourselves for no good reason.

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That's an interesting way of putting it Albert, I disagree, it speaks to the success of the 3fm team in expanding the amount of advertisers on the radio. I've used 3fm in the past and had a good relationship with them - manx radio got me more business overall and was more costly, but 3fm wasn't far behind.


It's not the amount of broadcast licenses that is the problem, it's that marketing budgets can be more effectively spent elsewhere like online. Google adwords got me more business for a grand each month than either of the radio stations. For companies cutting marketing costs, radio is one of the first to go.

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That's an interesting way of putting it Albert, I disagree, it speaks to the success of the 3fm team in expanding the amount of advertisers on the radio. I've used 3fm in the past and had a good relationship with them - manx radio got me more business overall and was more costly, but 3fm wasn't far behind.


It's not the amount of broadcast licenses that is the problem, it's that marketing budgets can be more effectively spent elsewhere like online. Google adwords got me more business for a grand each month than either of the radio stations. For companies cutting marketing costs, radio is one of the first to go.

I'm sorry, but that generalisation simply isn't true.

Manx Radio's advertising demographic are local people. The internet isn't the be all and end all for these businesses.

In addition Google is becoming very expensive for many people and if anything it's the Radio that is presenting the better return for the money invested in advertising.

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Ahhh I see what the problem is now Notwell has mentioned it. Manx Radio specifically worked well when I was selling to older manx people at the start, and before I sold the business, I had shifted from selling to local older to the more lucrative international younger markets. So in my case, it made sense to cut radio.

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We have variously used many kinds of advertising:


Printed page - newspapers: Initial response good. After a couple of months forget it.


Printed page - national magazines: The opposite. You need to run for at least a year to build an awareness. Web is now a big disincentive although costs have tumbled. Hardly worth it now unless you are very niche.


Yellow Pages: Put it in a museum. Nobody under 40 cares. Unless you're a plumber or selling something to the codgers maybe.


Website: Essential and it has to be findable. A long hard process to build your presence and the rules of the search game constantly change.


Google click. Expensive if you have a crowded market for what you are selling. Can be expensive and it's open to abuse IMO.


National radio: Creates a lot of contacts but many of them are timewasters,.


Specifically Local radio.

Manx: Effective for a couple of years then drops away.

3FM: Nothing like as good as Manx.

Energy: Didn't even register.


Cannot understand advertisers who persevere with the same ad for decades in some cases. It's nuts.


All my own experiences of course and we used to spend a good five figures a month on advertising. The lever the salesman has once he's signed you up for a while is that you have no idea what the effect on your business will be if you stop.

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"When a company is serving the wider public interest, it is not uncommon for Director's fees to be forsaken for the common good. If a fee is paid, it is usually a nominal fee. This does not seem to be the case here."


Meyers Report on Manx Radio (as yet unimplemented) 2013



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