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Manx Radio

Desperate Dan

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3 hours ago, CharlieBrown said:

Lol her main subject Dads on taxi runs, and encouraging people to get pissed.

Yep, all BBC Radio 2 presenters seem to do that, talk of "having a cheeky prosecco" and all that. To be fair Chris Evans didn't just talk about it, he would turn up either totally hammered from the night before or suffering a severe hangover, and made it an artform. It's all normal Auntie Beeb 21st Century stuff.

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2 hours ago, gettafa said:

Yep, all BBC Radio 2 presenters seem to do that, talk of "having a cheeky prosecco" and all that. To be fair Chris Evans didn't just talk about it, he would turn up either totally hammered from the night before or suffering a severe hangover, and made it an artform. It's all normal Auntie Beeb 21st Century stuff.

How different is this to manx radio? Those wimmin in the afternoon often cite how they drink every night, I mean for fucks sake they don't even work.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Interesting to see the latest listening figures for Manx Radio and 3FM, seems Energy are not included.

Manx has stopped the massive drop over the last 3 months, but year on year it must still be a worry as 3 FM are now biting at their heels to be the Nations favourite tune in as their numbers are up again.

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7 hours ago, WKRP said:

Interesting to see the latest listening figures for Manx Radio and 3FM, seems Energy are not included.

Manx has stopped the massive drop over the last 3 months, but year on year it must still be a worry as 3 FM are now biting at their heels to be the Nations favourite tune in as their numbers are up again.

3FM hasn't made inroads in Manx's listening figures it's simply less people are listening to the radio. As more people begin to stream music, which plays exactly what they want to listen to, or download podcasts, again with what they want to hear, all without adverts in them, the days of radio are numbered. It'll rapidly become that only nostalgia ridden hipsters (or whatever the next incarnation of the youth movement is) that will keep it going.

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It was said on MR this morning around 8 that the harbour master would make the decision whether the boat would sail tonight.   I thought it was always the Captain who made this decision although obviously there are strict guide lines to adhere to because of insurance.   When did this change ? Or have I been under a delusion about this.   Alex Bell made an tearful farewell and sad music was played, lightened somewhat by the next presenter wishing Alex Wharton good luck.   Pure Michael Mouse stuff, again.

Edited by hissingsid
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Phil Gawne on Radio Gawne just now, explaining what a stickler he is for ploughing furrows, and especially when he is a judge.

It's a pity he didn't pay so much attention to the roadworks that were carried out under his watch when he was the whatever it was department Minister.

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2 minutes ago, gettafa said:

Phil Gawne on Radio Gawne just now, explaining what a stickler he is for ploughing furrows, and especially when he is a judge.

It's a pity he didn't pay so much attention to the roadworks that were carried out under his watch when he was the whatever it was department Minister.

Oh I don’t know, during his tenure it felt like we were driving on ploughed furrows 

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6 hours ago, gettafa said:

Phil Gawne on Radio Gawne just now, explaining what a stickler he is for ploughing furrows, and especially when he is a judge.

It's a pity he didn't pay so much attention to the roadworks that were carried out under his watch when he was the whatever it was department Minister.

He appeared to have paid particular attention to the needs of the Sloc though.

Also close scrutiny applied to the fact that his Dept had £500k left towards the end of that financial year that it needed to get rid of, sharpish.

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4 minutes ago, Dirty Buggane said:

So is old Phil still sucking on teat that is the tax payers money or is he presenting out of the goodness of his heart and the opertunety for his droning voice to make me switch off

He's sucking on ratepayers money as a commissioners clerk down south, taxpayers money for the manx school, doesn't he have a farm too, so he'll probably be well compensated for the hassle of owning land, and as a 3 time MHK he'll no doubt have a substantial taxpayer pension. Nice work.

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1 hour ago, Dirty Buggane said:

So is old Phil still sucking on teat that is the tax payers money or is he presenting out of the goodness of his heart and the opertunety for his droning voice to make me switch off

He was mimicking the high pitched whining drone of a Manx farmer today. That is to say, a pantomime high pitched whining drone of a manxie type farmer voice mimicking the pantomime high pitched whining drone of a manxie type farmer voice.

Phil also mentioned Countryside Care Payments or "whatever they are now called". Yeah Phil as if you don't know 

20181104 MR Sunday Morning Phil Gawne Countryside Care Payments.mp3

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