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Manx Radio

Desperate Dan

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JackCarter, all you post is tosh attacking posters like Stu Peters and Rob Callister without offering any point except to attack them. You're blatantly someone's ranting sock puppet. Give it a rest eh?

I didn't attack Stu Peters until he came back on what I said in my original post here:




I stand by what I said as well. It is a retirement home for 1970s DJs, it costs us the best part of £1m a year, and I'm sure it's partially responsible for the generally low interest in local politics and low voter turn out in the IOM as its coverage of local politics is so utterly uninspired and stage managed so as not to offend government.


As for Rob Callister in my opinion he needs someone to manage his image and his publicity. If he continues to act like a big mouthed attention seeking Facebook arsehole where everything and every issue seems to be solely about him then he's going to get continually called out for it. By me and by other people. I don't ask him to project himself in the way he does. He has enough sock puppets on here though when he wants to throw the crap at his opponents without sticking his head above the pavement.

Edited by JackCarter
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Public Service Broadcasting?


Some guys on Manx Radio have spent the last 10/15 minutes talking about their 'ideal football team' of local players.


What would happen if three women came on and talked about their ideal netball team?


And is this really public service broadcasting?

Yes but no one had any interest in women's sport.

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  • 4 months later...

Looks like the Beeb has lots of dough to throw around again:




Maybe a good time to go back and ask them to throw a couple of million a year at Manx Radio so we can dispense with those Godawful effin' adverts and leave that market to the private stations.



Or just leave the market to the private stations and stop funding a legacy technology. The island doesn't need state funded pop radio.


A few £thousand a month would be more than enough to instead fund a small production unit to produce online news and current affairs content.

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Looks like the Beeb has lots of dough to throw around again:




Maybe a good time to go back and ask them to throw a couple of million a year at Manx Radio so we can dispense with those Godawful effin' adverts and leave that market to the private stations.


Or just leave the market to the private stations and stop funding a legacy technology. The island doesn't need state funded pop radio.


A few £thousand a month would be more than enough to instead fund a small production unit to produce online news and current affairs content.

I agree with you there.


MR is the Fletcher Memorial Home for failed 50+ Smashie and Nicey types to live out their remaining years trying to re live past glories on taxpayer money. At least the BBC would invest in reporters and proper impartial current affairs. Not set up a Russian style state broadcaster mixed in with the spirit of Ron Burgandy.

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I'm not advocating a BBC Radio Mann. Oh no. Can do without their take on things. No. Just to provide the Manx Radio funding from the licence fee. We don't get full value here.


@ Pongo: We have had the discussion before about steam radio and we aren't going to convince each other. You think it's had its day. I think the demand for broadcast radio will be there for longer than that for broadcast TV. It's just easy to have on as background. No effort. People like it. Even the young. However, surely you would not object to a couple of million from the BBC coming into the Island economy each year? Can we at least agree at that level that it would be a positive?

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the bbc already lose money broadcasting to the island

But it's license holders money they are losing not taxpayers. It you're paying a license to hear a service you want to hear and it's loss making that's a different thing to being a reluctant payer for a service you don't like, never listen to, and think is total cack, mandatory via your taxes.

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surely you would not object to a couple of million from the BBC coming into the Island economy each year? Can we at least agree

No I would much prefer to see the BBC gradually being set free. It has a fantastic reputation internationally and could be a great international commercial brand competing with Netflix, Amazon etc. Meanwhile I certainly don't believe that the state today should be in the business of providing light entertainment and tin-pot local radio.


With respect to producing local news and current affairs on the IOM I believe that an independent production company could do the job. Online only would be adequate at worst but potentially much better. It doesn't need "a couple of million".

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