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Manx Radio

Desperate Dan

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All this breast beating about Manx Radio is a cunning stunt to distract the public from the real problems the Island have such as the Health Service, pension black hole, rating reform etc..  It gets resurrected every few years and now they have discussed Syrians, goats, seagulls etc..  they find something else, lets have a go at Manx Radio that will keep the great unwashed occupied for a bit.   Next will come Brexit in some shape or form and all our troubles will be blamed on that.   Some of the new intake of MHKs are so shallow it is frightening they are supposed to be running the country for gods sake not complaining about their brothers Sarnie has been nicked, or trying to exhort another million pounds guilt tripping us about vulnerable Syrians, there are vulnerable people on the Island.    I would rather give the Salvation Army, who do untold work in a very quiet way a million pounds.

Edited by hissingsid
Miss spell
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20 minutes ago, hissingsid said:

All this breast beating about Manx Radio is a cunning stunt to distract the public from the real problems the Island have such as the Health Service, pension black hole, rating reform etc..  It gets resurrected every few years and now they have discussed Syrians, goats, seagulls etc..  they find something else, lets have a go at Manx Radio that will keep the great unwashed occupied for a bit.   Next will come Brexit in some shape or form and all our troubles will be blamed on that.   Some of the new intake of MHKs are so shallow it is frightening they are supposed to be running the country for gods sake not complaining about their brothers Sarnie has been nicked, or trying to exhort another million pounds guilt tripping us about vulnerable Syrians, there are vulnerable people on the Island.    I would rather give the Salvation Army, who do untold work in a very quiet way a million pounds.

Largely on the money there Sid. We have the most abject, tepid, clueless House of Keys in living memory and a Council of Ministers packed with nonentities “led” by a blustering buffoon. Sad to say, nowt will improve anytime soon. Certainly not the major strategic issues that you list. They just ain’t good enough to tackle them mate.

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On 11/5/2018 at 1:25 AM, Stu Peters said:

Two people have left of their own volition and been replaced. You should have applied.

They must have left Manx Radio for a reason.  'But they haven't 'really'  left have they, Stu. They may have been replaced but do as much on Manx Radio as they did before.


On 11/5/2018 at 11:57 PM, Stu Peters said:

Alex Bell and Catherine Nicoll (my old producer) have left MR News and gone to the BBC, which may have an office at Broadcasting House but is completely self-contained and funded through the TV License fee rather than commercial activity and an IOMG subvention.



On 11/6/2018 at 10:42 AM, Stu Peters said:

 I think Ewan's role is funded by the BBC and his work available to any medium, not just M.R. There may be the occasional crossover with BBC IOM, but rarely

It's not "but rarely" though is it Stu. Catherine is even presenting a programme on Manx Radio as I write this. 

Effectively, Manx Radio is getting even more bloated with staff, at the cost of not only the IoM Taxpayer, but the BBC Licence Fee payer too.







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Gettafa - you're wrong. If the two former staffers are still on air it will be stuff they recorded prior to leaving. There is very little cross-pollination between BBC and MR, they are completely separate organisations although BBC IOM has some space at Broadcasting House. And can you tell me how many more staff are employed now, or might it be that you hear more name credits from the newsroom these days?

Woody 2 - I just don't know as much as you seem to, sorry. I presume they pay rent but I'm not privy to that information, and if they contribute to BH broadband costs, that's understandable in that it's probably cheaper than having their own discrete connection. 

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7 hours ago, Stu Peters said:

Gettafa - you're wrong. If the two former staffers are still on air it will be stuff they recorded prior to leaving. There is very little cross-pollination between BBC and MR, they are completely separate organisations although BBC IOM has some space at Broadcasting House. And can you tell me how many more staff are employed now, or might it be that you hear more name credits from the newsroom these days?


The young fella Ewan was on Mandate only this morning. Billed as "Our local democracy reporter". (Yes, yes, I know he is employed by BBC but does stuff for you boys)

He was interviewing regarding the Laxey Sea Wall. He's been with Auntie Beeb for many months so I can't see that one being recorded, can you?

Stu, you should join the army of spin-doctors up at the Cabinet Press Office, you can't do worse them them. 

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Well I'm talking about Ewan, and Catherine had a programme on yesterday - may have been recorded I don't know.  Why does MR constantly need BBC Ewan so much when it has a wee army of reporters itself - not enough work for the BBC?

It just seems like a way to employ more staff on the Isle of Man in the name of the sacred cow that has become Manx Radio. Something sometime has to give, and it may well be the latest Tynwald Report is an indication for this.

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36 minutes ago, gettafa said:

If you're gonna set the youngfella up with a job you may as well make it a teat-sucker

Do you think anything else would even have been considered....?

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