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Manx Radio

Desperate Dan

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Perhaps it is time the BBC took over Manx Radio after today's little episode on the 1.00pm news.   Daphne Caine has apparently been whining on Twitter that her intention had only been to form a committee to scrutinise Overseas Aid, what absolute arrogance.   This item was read out on the main news by her brother in law with her husband waiting in the wings to read his sports report.   There is something very wrong here I have never heard any other MHKs twitter remarks given a shout out like this.   Nepotism at best, at worst...well.   Totally disgusting.

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3 hours ago, hissingsid said:

Perhaps it is time the BBC took over Manx Radio after today's little episode on the 1.00pm news.   Daphne Caine has apparently been whining on Twitter that her intention had only been to form a committee to scrutinise Overseas Aid, what absolute arrogance.   This item was read out on the main news by her brother in law with her husband waiting in the wings to read his sports report.   There is something very wrong here I have never heard any other MHKs twitter remarks given a shout out like this.   Nepotism at best, at worst...well.   Totally disgusting.

Whilst I'm no fan of Daft Daphne, in the interests of accuracy and fact, the MR sports reporter is Chris CAVE, who has no connection to Mrs Caine! Nor does her husband work for Manx Radio, except as a freelance presenter of an hour jazz music, each week. 

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I hear that Manx Radio are holding a lunch for MHKs next Thursday to underline why the money must keep flowing. At the same time they are about to announce who is taking over from Mr Pugh. My money is on someone already working for the station. Its meant to be a short contract until their future is clearer.

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5 hours ago, hissingsid said:

Perhaps it is time the BBC took over Manx Radio after today's little episode on the 1.00pm news.   Daphne Caine has apparently been whining on Twitter that her intention had only been to form a committee to scrutinise Overseas Aid, what absolute arrogance.   This item was read out on the main news by her brother in law with her husband waiting in the wings to read his sports report.   There is something very wrong here I have never heard any other MHKs twitter remarks given a shout out like this.   Nepotism at best, at worst...well.   Totally disgusting.

bbc radio merseyside coming in your ears where the listener comes first.......

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36 minutes ago, hissingsid said:

Are you sure, I thought it was Chris Caine and his voice certainly sounds like Chris Caine.

Yes, 100% sure. 

In addition, I noticed that they also referenced a Tweet from Juan Watterson on this evening’s news, so no special treatment for Daft Daphne, either. 

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3 hours ago, Nellie said:

Whilst I'm no fan of Daft Daphne, in the interests of accuracy and fact, the MR sports reporter is Chris CAVE, who has no connection to Mrs Caine! Nor does her husband work for Manx Radio, except as a freelance presenter of an hour jazz music, each week. 

You and your bloody facts, clarifying matters. Get lost!

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If you go to Manx Radios Facebook page there is a picture of Chris Caine as a presenter, he is not as you rightly said the sports presenter but has presented a lot of programmes recently, unlike his brother he has a very clear speaking voice and certainly does a lot of work and is employed by Manx Radio.





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36 minutes ago, hissingsid said:

If you go to Manx Radios Facebook page there is a picture of Chris Caine as a presenter, he is not as you rightly said the sports presenter but has presented a lot of programmes recently, unlike his brother he has a very clear speaking voice and certainly does a lot of work and is employed by Manx Radio.





Howard is the employee. Chris does one hour a week on the Jazz prog. https://www.manxradio.com/on-air/chris-caine/

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