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Manx Radio

Desperate Dan

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13 hours ago, Ham_N_Eggs said:
13 hours ago, Derek Flint said:

My only issue with this whole thing is that the BBC should be paying for, if not providing the service, like they do in the CI.

This is exactly the issue and maybe get Manx Radio run with a little bit more financial acumen and not posting a loss every year. Manx Radio should be lobbying for this and quite frankly I don't understand why they aren't. 

The BBC taking over or paying for Manx Radio, just isn't going to happen.  The last new BBC Local Radio station was set up in 1993 (and that didn't last long).    If they haven't provided a new one since, they're hardly going to start one for 85,000 people who have two local commercial alternatives.  And they're certainly not going to start paying for something that someone else runs.  In fact when the UK Government made the BBC start paying for services once paid for by the Govt, such as BBC Monitoring, they just cut it back so much that, according to Private Eye,  the UK has had to start providing its own at much greater expense and with less expertise.

The main structural problem with Manx Radio is that it is massively over-managed and administered and those doing those jobs are over-paid and unwilling to do anything differently from how they have been doing them for the last 30 years.  The commercial side seems mainly to exist to fund itself, if rumours are correct (even by Manx standards the accounts lack transparency).  None of these problems will be fixed by the Government intervening because they are just the fame faults the IOM Government has itself, but in miniature.

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1 minute ago, finlo said:

I'm not ridiculing him but his voice is painful, "Popper" Kinnish from Laxey is another.

We often go to concerts where Phil and his missus will recite poetry or tell stories in the Manx drawl and always sing Manx songs. They are amazing entertainment and a great reminder of our heritage or past. Phil and Annie are both very clever people and extremely popular.

I can not get my head around this anti Manx rubbish.

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8 minutes ago, dilligaf said:

We often go to concerts where Phil and his missus will recite poetry or tell stories in the Manx drawl and always sing Manx songs. They are amazing entertainment and a great reminder of our heritage or past. Phil and Annie are both very clever people and extremely popular.

I can not get my head around this anti Manx rubbish.

I'm as Manx as the hills Dilli, but those ads for the farmers markets etc are absolutely cringeworthy.

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13 minutes ago, dilligaf said:

I have a lot of time for Phil Gawne. It's a great shame that people who don't know him always ridicule him.

dilli lad, this forums knows the type of character who you defend

I'll give you 10/10 for loyalty though, misplaced as it can be.

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1 minute ago, gettafa said:

dilli lad, this forums knows the type of character who you defend

I'll give you 10/10 for loyalty though, misplaced as it can be.

Errrr excuse me but Dilli & Co enjoy evenings out listening to the Gawnes and thoroughly enjoy it.

So it's not to everyone's taste is not grounds to criticise.

Each to their own....

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10 minutes ago, dilligaf said:

We often go to concerts where Phil and his missus will recite poetry or tell stories in the Manx drawl and always sing Manx songs. They are amazing entertainment and a great reminder of our heritage or past. Phil and Annie are both very clever people and extremely popular.

I can not get my head around this anti Manx rubbish.

He’s a part time clerk in a tiny rural electoral sheading. He’s had more than his 15 minutes of fame. Nobody is interested. He didn’t even succeed in setting fire to a comeovers house. The bloke that owned it was Manx. He’s a knob.  

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3 minutes ago, gettafa said:

dilli lad, this forums knows the type of character who you defend

I'll give you 10/10 for loyalty though, misplaced as it can be.

With one obvious exception, I tend to defend those who are bullied or derided for someone's pleasure.

Sounds like autism when you keep bringing this up.

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3 minutes ago, thesultanofsheight said:

He’s a part time clerk in a tiny rural electoral sheading. He’s had more than his 15 minutes of fame. Nobody is interested. He didn’t even succeed in setting fire to a comeovers house. The bloke that owned it was Manx. He’s a knob.  

I don't know how many bans you have had for being abusive, but I've had 7. Your posts are no better than mine. Maybe you just know the right people eh?

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Is that 7 bans or is it bans and/or flounces?

Dill, I don't want to wind you up any further in case you go and do one. You're too valuable as a forum member for that.

But I'll just say:

21 minutes ago, dilligaf said:

We often go to concerts where Phil and his missus will recite poetry or tell stories in the Manx drawl and always sing Manx songs. They are amazing entertainment and a great reminder of our heritage or past. Phil and Annie are both very clever people and extremely popular.

I can not get my head around this anti Manx rubbish.

He doesn't read it from memory though, does he (Betsy Lee). Not that it makes any difference, but just sayin'.

And I believe Phil is very popular with the landowning classes.

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2 minutes ago, dilligaf said:

I don't know how many bans you have had for being abusive, but I've had 7. Your posts are no better than mine. Maybe you just know the right people eh?

I’ve had one ban in 15 years Mr Flouncer. I’m not abusive  either. . In contrast you are. Nobody cares what you or your sock puppets have to say. 

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9 minutes ago, thesultanofsheight said:

I’ve had one ban in 15 years Mr Flouncer. I’m not abusive  either. . In contrast you are. Nobody cares what you or your sock puppets have to say. 

Maybe you need to go back through your posts then, if only to refresh your memory.

I stopped posting while abroad some months back, but read this forum quite often. You were very abusive , not only to Neil down , but to anyone who questioned your fixed opinions.

I can't be arsed quoting any of them but you know I am correct about this.

 If anyone can be bothered to search, they will find that the most abusive posters on here are you, Gizo, Tarne, poss. me and about another half dozen. 

Who has had the most bans ?, me.

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7 hours ago, dilligaf said:

Maybe you need to go back through your posts then, if only to refresh your memory.

I stopped posting while abroad some months back, but read this forum quite often. You were very abusive , not only to Neil down , but to anyone who questioned your fixed opinions.

I can't be arsed quoting any of them but you know I am correct about this.

 If anyone can be bothered to search, they will find that the most abusive posters on here are you, Gizo, Tarne, poss. me and about another half dozen. 

Who has had the most bans ?, me.

I was apparently abusive the Neil’s Down was I? Funny that you specifically remember that. Where is Neil Down now? Why does me allegedly being abusive to Neil Down stick in your mind? You seem to be quite angry on Neil’s behalf. You’re not even that plausible / good at playing the victim when the clear evidence of all your crimes is all around you. 

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This is getting silly, the thread is not about Pil Gawne, love him or loath him, it is about MR.

21 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

The BBC taking over or paying for Manx Radio, just isn't going to happen. 

If the BBC were allowed to provide a service drawing on radio 2s music and radio 4s factual, drama and comedy it would be a great service and highly professional service. There may be a requirement  to provide a comprehensive Manx News service

This would provide the platform for Manx politicians to spout on as they wish, give more indepth analysis of what they are saying and maybe, that is the problem for 'our lot'?

Howard Quayle v John Humphries??? No bets taken!

I'm a Radio 4 fan, excellent factual and comedy ( not sure about the drama!). This would be a excellent service to those stuck on MR.

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1 minute ago, thesultanofsheight said:

I was apparently abusive the Neil’s Down was I? Funny that you specifically remember that. Where is Neil Down now? Why does me allegedly being abusive to Neil Down stuck in your mind Neil?  You seem to be quite angry on Neil’s behalf. You’re not even good at playing the victim when the clear evidence of all your crimes is all around you. 

I won't post a copy of your PMs then as I would then be getting down to your level. FFS Sultan look at yourself too.

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