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Desperate Dan

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9 minutes ago, dilligaf said:

Maybe you need to go back through your posts then, if only to refresh your memory.

I stopped posting while abroad some months back, but read this forum quite often. You were very abusive , not only to Neil down , but to anyone who questioned your fixed opinions.

I can't be arsed quoting any of them but you know I am correct about this.

 If anyone can be bothered to search, they will find that the most abusive posters on here are you, Gizo, Tarne, poss. me and about another half dozen. 

Who has had the most bans ?, me.

Disappointed not to get a mention.

Also, Neil Down deserved every single bit of abuse he ever got.

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Just now, thesultanofsheight said:
2 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

Also, Neil Down deserved every single bit of abuse he ever got.

 I agree, Neil Down was(is)  a massive cunt and these Forums are much better without his twattish interludes. 

So that is you not being abusive ? 

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1 minute ago, thesultanofsheight said:
2 minutes ago, dilligaf said:

So that is you not being abusive ? 

You’re boring people. Drink up. 

Can't drink without a slice of lemon in the vodka. Tesco were sold out and they said some sad bloke in a big coat bought them all to chew on.

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Just now, thesultanofsheight said:
2 minutes ago, dilligaf said:

Can't drink without a slice of lemon in the vodka. Tesco were sold out and they said some sad bloke in a big coat bought them all to chew on.

You’re boring people Neil. 

Which tram horse is missing it's blinkers then ?

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Stu Peters, what he said way back when.....

My first name is indeed J but my surname is not a T!

I do not hate MR but rather the subsidy for a commercial service that is not performing. Hypocritically I would support some subsidies, Social Services, benefits and Childrens Playgrounds that also, do not provide a service to the whole Island or its residents.

The million quid saved.............. but would you also argue that a million quid wasted at the MUA, any Govt dept, or any foolish scheme dreamt up by our good representatives would not '' make difference to majority of tax payers'' and so, can be ignored?

''That MR is only there to provide a platform for politicians'', of course it is not MRs prime purpose but it is the reason that you get so much support in TYnwald.

The papers give a much more inquiring and critical view of politicians.

I am Manx but do not consider that to be condition to offer a critisism of MR. Your reasoning smacks of jingoism but 100% of the Islands population listen to the BBC at other times. Are they all 'traitors'?

Talking of traitors, who was it from within MR that alerted the MP who asked a question in the English parliament about the ongoing debate? Was that not an underhand and unnecessary involvement of a Foreign Govt in Our Affairs?

The treasury support you! Well they would, wouldn't they!

I a not 'keen to promote ' 3 FM or Energy but rather keen to get rid of the subsidy to a minority service that has little relevance to the majority of Manx residents. I see these stations as being in a position to provide the PSB service at no cost to the taxpayer.

MR ceded its young audience to........ E nergy? Well that just proves that it can be done. 3FM take over the older audience with some stipulations, News, politics etc.  and MR close down to provide some extra advertising income to the other 2 to allow the cost of the new services to be pfofitable and..........

No more subsidy for a commercial service. Voila!

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19 hours ago, gettafa said:

Got to pick you up on that Declan. On this point you are being unfair.

Even Chris 'good number' Kinley plays the occasional local band on his morning show. I heard a local band the other week on his 'bit in the middle' feature. (Disclaimer: I don't, as a rule, listen to Kinners unless I have to ie. TT week, but Manx Radio was on in a shop).

The Sunday Afternoon show with that ginger lass, interviews local musicians and often has them playing live.

The Folk Show, which is listened to from all over t'world occasionally features a local band. Ditto brass bands on a Monday.

Then there's Bob Carswell's show, and Judith Ley, and more I'm sure, who feature local musicians and bands.

Oh, I forgot to mention the Sunday Morning programme Moghrey Jedoonee, but it means having to listen to the ubiquitous Phil Gawne so it's BBC Radio 4 Archers or anything else whatsoever for me when that is on.

Edited by gettafa
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15 hours ago, dilligaf said:

Maybe you need to go back through your posts then, if only to refresh your memory.

I stopped posting while abroad some months back, but read this forum quite often. You were very abusive , not only to Neil down , but to anyone who questioned your fixed opinions.

I can't be arsed quoting any of them but you know I am correct about this.

 If anyone can be bothered to search, they will find that the most abusive posters on here are you, Gizo, Tarne, poss. me and about another half dozen. 

Who has had the most bans ?, me.


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