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Desperate Dan

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1 hour ago, dilligaf said:

He has done more for our island than anyone , ever, and is very loyal to the Manx nation.


That is so woolly as to be meaningless.

There are far too many up their own arse people proclaiming they or someone else is the great Manxman/women ever because,.....they were an MHK, or a musician, or whatever.

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4 hours ago, Ham_N_Eggs said:

To change the subject from Dilli's meltdowns to Charles Guard's, the second part of that interview is even worse isn't it?  The way he defends the over-numerous and over-paid management by declaring that they're really underpaid because they get less that Departmental CEOs is wonderful.  It just highlights how overpaid the latter are rather than the Manx Radio lot are hard-done-by. 

He also seems really resentful that Moulton actually gets makes a living in the private sector and that what he does is somehow 'unregulated'.  Presumably exactly the same regulations apply to Moulton as Manx Radio, maybe what he really is thinking of is 'uncensored'.  And of course the snobbishness about the gardeners, which seems to imply that anyone who works with their hands, no matter how well-qualified or knowledgeable about their job, is somehow inferior to every white-collar worker and so should be paid less.

Of course Moulton produces a lot of very good and often investigative content on a much smaller budget than Manx Radio.  Often fulfilling the public service requirement far better than those who make such a fuss about it.  I also suspects his take-home pay and perks are a bit less than Mr Pugh's. 

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I'll not comment on the video for obvious reasons, but to answer a couple of Roger's points, I believe CG is correct in saying MTTV is unregulated as it is a collection of taped interviews like any other (i.e. YouTube) online-only channel. Manx Radio by comparison is uncensored but highly regulated. And I'm sure Paul would concede that the cost per minute of what MTTV puts out is MUCH higher than the equivalent MR output - even if you only compare it with the huge number of online video interviews posted (as it should - they are mostly studio pieces whereas his are mostly on location).

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10 hours ago, dilligaf said:

The last three posters are what is wrong with todays society. FFS Grow some balls.


10 hours ago, dilligaf said:

Your comments as a non local are more than welcome. 

Hmmm. I think you are out of touch with today’s society. It isn’t 1970 anymore. 

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26 minutes ago, Gizo said:


Hmmm. I think you are out of touch with today’s society. It isn’t 1970 anymore. 

Thanks Gizo. Dilligaf last comment was directed at me, even though my ancestors have been here centuries. I didn't know whether correcting the error would be validating the opinion that only "locals" could have an opinion on Manx Radio. 

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6 hours ago, Stu Peters said:

And I'm sure Paul would concede that the cost per minute of what MTTV puts out is MUCH higher than the equivalent MR output

Take away the adverts, the music and jingles how many minutes of original content do MR produce compared to Paul Moulton,  he is one man and maybe a helper operating out of a car using reasonably cheap camera gear, and uploading to youtube the costs are no where near that of MR, has everyone up there been smoking crack or something.

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1 hour ago, CharlieBrown said:

Take away the adverts, the music and jingles how many minutes of original content do MR produce compared to Paul Moulton,  he is one man and maybe a helper operating out of a car using reasonably cheap camera gear, and uploading to youtube the costs are no where near that of MR, has everyone up there been smoking crack or something.

You're wrong, but I don't suppose I can prove that to you, or that you'd believe me if I did.

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7 hours ago, Stu Peters said:

I'll not comment on the video for obvious reasons, but to answer a couple of Roger's points, I believe CG is correct in saying MTTV is unregulated as it is a collection of taped interviews like any other (i.e. YouTube) online-only channel. Manx Radio by comparison is uncensored but highly regulated. And I'm sure Paul would concede that the cost per minute of what MTTV puts out is MUCH higher than the equivalent MR output - even if you only compare it with the huge number of online video interviews posted (as it should - they are mostly studio pieces whereas his are mostly on location).

Cost-per-minute! Come on Stu, you can do better than that. Manx Radio is largely filler. Some great original content, but lots of stuff is rehashed over and over again: once you've written a news story, it's written. Paul Moulton's content is varied and various and it's posted online forever - a source of content and a slice of Manx Culture that will survive for future generations of Manx people. Manx Radio's "content" is largely broadcast into the ether and disappears, never to be heard again.

IOMG should be funding the former: a databank of culture and news, available to all, forever. An investment in the present AND the future for the Manx people.

A media fund - where people like Paul, and yourself, could bid for funding and go off and provide such content would serve the nation better than the ephemeral content that Manx Radio provides in between Phil Collins records.

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43 minutes ago, gettafa said:


Note to self: don't ask dili for a character reference.

Between all your sniggering and scoffing , you may have missed the fact that Charles Guard has just recieved a Lifetime Achievement award, voted for and awarded by smarter people than your good self

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3 minutes ago, Stu Peters said:

You're wrong, but I don't suppose I can prove that to you, or that you'd believe me if I did.

It's not the presenters or the journalists fault, particularly, but I probably do get more out of Moulton's coverage than all of MR's. This is partly because the MR website never really gives the full background on a story - take the Baker amendment that is mentioned in two stories recently, but not quoted or explained. What goes on-line probably made sense in the context of the Radio show it was part of, but without that context it's half a story. 

Ten years ago this was raised and the response was but "we're a radio station" and then it was fair enough. But is it still. 

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30 minutes ago, dilligaf said:

Between all your sniggering and scoffing , you may have missed the fact that Charles Guard has just recieved a Lifetime Achievement award, voted for and awarded by smarter people than your good self

I've nothing personally against CG but I saw some of the accolades he received for the award. Eg from his bf the ex-deemster.

Oh, I'm sniggering and scoffing like a good'un alright.

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