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Desperate Dan

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8 minutes ago, dilligaf said:

I genuinely would though.

Once our heritage has been eroded, we have next to fuck all. We will then be no different to the bigger island across the water.

Some clown in tinpotwald could pick up on your post and declare that the plebs are happy to have their taxes doubled!

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7 minutes ago, dilligaf said:

PG would count himself in with us Finlo.

When asked did they take any notice of the electorate's thoughts on the prom refurbishment he said "we don't listen to the plebs their only role is to pay for it!" Quoted from when  the microphones were "accidentally" left turned on in Tynwald.

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2 minutes ago, finlo said:

When asked did they take any notice of the electorate's thoughts on the prom refurbishment he said "we don't listen to the plebs their only role is to pay for it!" Quoted from when  the microphones were "accidentally" left turned on in Tynwald.

From the video, did he look like it was said tongue in cheek ? Oh no, there was no video, so people made their own minds up. nothing new ?

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Ok only just got round to listening to the Paul Moulton/John Moss exchange from 5 years ago but it was pointed out in the interview with Charles Guard, more on that another time.

What is incredible happens in the final red/unbroadcast part where Moss admits he can’t use it as the management wouldn’t like it!

What does this say for the independence of the newsroom? Surely they should have broadcast it and got some brownie points for doing so. Should Manx Radio respond to the terrible censorship admission?


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