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Manx Radio

Desperate Dan

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Ok....who's idea was it to give David Cretney an hour on air to come on and talk/waffle/boast/pontificate about himself...my god that was vomit inducing !


If it was you Stu....I will happily bite you !!

Reminds me of Ray Von from Phoenix shites.

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Seems Woman Today producers are trying to refocus the programme.


What really did David's appearance have to do with a programme that clearly says it's aimed at the female listener. It was more Geraldine Jamieson material really.


The show now sounds nearer to dessert island disks!


On the good news side David made a pitch for his own radio show and I think he will probably will get it as the station is looking for that extra £1,000,000 to put in a lift. They need votes!

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Talking Heads is also getting very tired and could do with a new lease of life, it's more like Stu's opinion show with old news clips thrown in to fill in between the crap adverts and a bit of fill in music.


If "Talking Heads" ever gets as boring as your moaning posts, I'm sure it will be pulled.

That should ensure it continues at least until Stu retires, because it has a long way to go yet. FFS man, what is your problem ?

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