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25 minutes ago, John Wright said:

It was a subscription feed service. Free. It was late, often ended up duplicating threads. I think it just got switched off at MF end.

Good to know, thanks. 

Good to see you’re back as a moderator now too. Hope that as things are improving after the reasons you gave for standing down. 

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10 minutes ago, thesultanofsheight said:

Good to know, thanks. 

Good to see you’re back as a moderator now too. Hope that as things are improving after the reasons you gave for standing down. 

Thank you. I’m in remission. I’ve got bone marrow biopsy tests every three months to check it doesn’t return. 

Ive quite serious side effects neurologically, from the arsenic trioxide chemo, in my hands and feet, severe, continuous pins and needles or numbness. Having to use a wheel chair to get any distance.

But I’m alive, got a second chance at life.

i know that sounds soppy. But 30 years ago APL type Leukaemia was fatal. Diagnosis life expectancy was 6 weeks. Now, if you survive the first 6 weeks ( which 95% do ) the chances of it returning are nearly zero.

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1 hour ago, John Wright said:

Thank you. I’m in remission. I’ve got bone marrow biopsy tests every three months to check it doesn’t return. 

Ive quite serious side effects neurologically in my hands and feet, severe, continuous pins and needles or numbness. Having to use a wheel chair to get any distance.


Good to know you’re officially in remission and on the up relatively speaking. I hope your mobility starts improving over time too. Just seen your edits. Indeed it’s not the death sentence that it often was which is comfort / inspiration to us all as I’m sure it has been for you. 

Your news brought back your announcement to me and just as a reminder how sad and pathetic some posters have been in the past and continue to be so it’s worth re-posting. Woolley summed it all up nicely in the end and turns out he was right! 



Edited by thesultanofsheight
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43 minutes ago, thesultanofsheight said:

Good to know you’re officially in remission and on the up relatively speaking. I hope your mobility starts improving over time too. Just seen your edits. Indeed it’s not the death sentence that it often was which is comfort / inspiration to us all as I’m sure it has been for you. 

Your news brought back your announcement to me and just as a reminder how sad and pathetic posters like Neil Down have been in the past and continues to be so it’s worth re-posting. Woolley summed it all up nicely in the end and turns out he was right! 



Not quite sure why you feel the need to drag my name into nearly every thread you are involved with. You are becoming borderline fruitloop. Give it a rest. You know you’ll feel better for it.


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2 minutes ago, thesultanofsheight said:

If by “creepy” some posters have an issue with me wishing a man who is in remission from leukemia and who has made a good recovery my best wishes and good luck then it certainly says more about them then it does about me. FFS what is creepy about that you unbelievable tosser? 

That you used it as an opportunity to have a go at Neil?

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8 minutes ago, Declan said:

That you used it as an opportunity to have a go at Neil?

That thread is just about an all time low for MF and it stuck in my mind. Some of posters are still at it as well. The fact that Neil instantly sent me a very angry PM calling me an arse licker (amongst other things) shows that at least he’s probably embarrassed about what he posted at the time now I’ve referred to it again. Its not normal behaviour to be honest and I don’t have an issue with what I said. 

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16 minutes ago, thesultanofsheight said:

If by “creepy” some posters have an issue with me wishing a man who is in remission from leukemia and who has made a good recovery my best wishes and good luck then it certainly says more about them then it does about me. FFS what is creepy about that you unbelievable tosser? 

Just the fact that you posted ,as in the first sentence, to hopefully excuse you from any punishment for posts like your second sentence .

They are far too common and it seems to me that you get away with vile abuse, while posters like myself ( and ND) get several bans.

Also good to see that you can't even stand by what you said about not responding to me, for more than a day. Cool.

 Edit to add, that we all wish JW a full recovery and I have already told him that. You are not alone in that.

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1 hour ago, John Wright said:

Thank you. I’m in remission. I’ve got bone marrow biopsy tests every three months to check it doesn’t return. 

Ive quite serious side effects neurologically, from the arsenic trioxide chemo, in my hands and feet, severe, continuous pins and needles or numbness. Having to use a wheel chair to get any distance.

But I’m alive, got a second chance at life.

i know that sounds soppy. But 30 years ago APL type Leukaemia was fatal. Diagnosis life expectancy was 6 weeks. Now, if you survive the first 6 weeks ( which 95% do ) the chances of it returning are nearly zero.

That's great to hear, John. The neurological side-effects not so great to hear, but still better than the alternatives which don't bear being mentioned. Though it isn't reciprocated, I have always enjoyed or appreciated your contributions both on here and on Facebook and wish you the very best of health.

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