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Desperate Dan

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55 minutes ago, thesultanofsheight said:

That thread is just about an all time low for MF and it stuck in my mind. Some of posters are still at it as well. The fact that Neil instantly sent me a very angry PM calling me an arse licker (amongst other things) shows that at least he’s probably embarrassed about what he posted at the time now I’ve referred to it again. Its not normal behaviour to be honest and I don’t have an issue with what I said. 

Don’t cherry pick the PM, I was not embarrassed more shocked that you would stoop so low as to have yet another unfounded go at me via a post wishing JW well. Bit by bit your true colours are starting to show

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57 minutes ago, thesultanofsheight said:

That thread is just about an all time low for MF and it stuck in my mind. Some of posters are still at it as well. The fact that Neil instantly sent me a very angry PM calling me an arse licker (amongst other things) shows that at least he’s probably embarrassed about what he posted at the time now I’ve referred to it again. Its not normal behaviour to be honest and I don’t have an issue with what I said. 


Edited by Neil Down
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I really think that TSOS has let the league table of popular posters go to his head and that has given him wings.

I feel quite sorry for him, especially when he cant see the difference between two posters who just happen to share similar views and who have both seen straight through him, (or her).

I will bet that he used to bring an apple into school each day for his teacher too.

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Might be worth checking/asking BBC if the local democracy reporters are allowed, under their contract, to work for other broadcasters.

If the answer is yes, that’s fine if not, then Manx Radio will have to use John Moss more! 

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1 minute ago, WKRP said:

Might be worth checking/asking BBC if the local democracy reporters are allowed, under their contract, to work for other broadcasters.

If the answer is yes, that’s fine if not, then Manx Radio will have to use John Moss more! 

That’s Johnny Moss to you, unhip prole.

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OK, it's not much good!

In it's defense one could say that it is not any worse that other 'local' stations, even those BBC local stations.

Would it sound better without those dreadful adverts? They are so cliched surely someone at MR should be warning advertisers against using a 'singing phone number'?

Does this add to the feeling that MR is a very amateur attempt at local radio? Possibly?

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3 hours ago, John Wright said:

Thank you. I’m in remission. I’ve got bone marrow biopsy tests every three months to check it doesn’t return. 

Ive quite serious side effects neurologically, from the arsenic trioxide chemo, in my hands and feet, severe, continuous pins and needles or numbness. Having to use a wheel chair to get any distance.

But I’m alive, got a second chance at life.

i know that sounds soppy. But 30 years ago APL type Leukaemia was fatal. Diagnosis life expectancy was 6 weeks. Now, if you survive the first 6 weeks ( which 95% do ) the chances of it returning are nearly zero.

Wishing you a full recovery john, all the best x

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49 minutes ago, thesultanofsheight said:

Any way ... Manx Radio .. many don’t think it’s much good ... discuss? 


On 12/8/2018 at 12:07 PM, P.K. said:

I'm a bit surprised that Stu "Sitting Duck" Peters takes all the abuse so equably. After all, he's just a small cog in the mighty media machine that is MR.

All right, once more for the kiddies.

The Gov have a duty to keep their electorate informed. From policy changes to road closures to who is off on the next waste of space jolly etc etc.

The wireless is the best medium to do this.

So they have to fund it. This isn't rocket science.

Do they represent value for money? Could it be done by another organisation to the same standard or better and cheaper? Is that even relevant as they're a government neccessity like the MLC's? 

OK, poor choice of comparisons there as I know what I would rather pay for.....

Personally I like MR. Sure it's a bit "hospital" and a bit quirky but to me that just adds to the charm. A bit like Alan Partridge being so bad it's good. 

Sure the adverts are awful but just view them as money in YOUR pocket. It's a much healthier viewpoint....


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