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Desperate Dan

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17 hours ago, thesultanofsheight said:

Good to know you’re officially in remission and on the up relatively speaking. I hope your mobility starts improving over time too. Just seen your edits. Indeed it’s not the death sentence that it often was which is comfort / inspiration to us all as I’m sure it has been for you. 

Your news brought back your announcement to me and just as a reminder how sad and pathetic some posters have been in the past and continue to be so it’s worth re-posting. Woolley summed it all up nicely in the end and turns out he was right! 



I generally try not to derail threads but, with apologies to Manx Radio and since JW brought it up again, it is good to know that he is indeed on the mend. Well done John and the medics. I just followed Sultan's link to that thread to look again at what all the fuss was about and it was pretty gruesome. The other thing that struck me though was how many of the posters we seem to have lost in the meantime. It was only just over a year ago. Names there who were once prolific seldom appear now or have stopped altogether. What a shame that is. Died? Banned? Fed up? Left Island? I know that I can also disappear for months at times, but some stalwarts who were very good and readable seem sunk without trace. Just an observation.

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23 minutes ago, woolley said:

I generally try not to derail threads but, with apologies to Manx Radio and since JW brought it up again, it is good to know that he is indeed on the mend. Well done John and the medics. I just followed Sultan's link to that thread to look again at what all the fuss was about and it was pretty gruesome. The other thing that struck me though was how many of the posters we seem to have lost in the meantime. It was only just over a year ago. Names there who were once prolific seldom appear now or have stopped altogether. What a shame that is. Died? Banned? Fed up? Left Island? I know that I can also disappear for months at times, but some stalwarts who were very good and readable seem sunk without trace. Just an observation.

What struck me was for all the fuss and bother, I can't even remember what the subject under discussion was. 

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1 hour ago, piebaps said:

Sorry Andy but there's loads of IOM content on the BBC website. You can even tailor your view so it comes up https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/localnews/im1-im1/0

The undercurrent from the troll here is that Ewan is not doing a real job but instead is getting a wedge of cash cause is Dad is Phil Gawne.

I don't know Ewan or his background. I'll wager however that he has appropriate academic qualifications and is working a full week and he's not getting a handout due to his Dad's background (which is fairly questionable in any case).

Obviously if anyone has a single shred of evidence which proves that young Ewan is getting a free lunch then no doubt he will produce it for us to see.

I've seen no objective criticism of Ewan's content or delivery. All I'm seeing is people whining that he's Phil Gawne's son. Former politicians have children. They get jobs. Some are in the public service. Get over it. Criticize him objectively and professionally. Saying he only got the job coz of his dad is typical of the childish nonsense that's prevalent on here these days.



I have no axe to grind against Ewan who does a good job, but to say there is loads of IOM content is a bit rich. Average is around 2 to 3 items per day. From 2 BBC journalists. Sorry but that is just crap. WTF are they doing apart form landing young Mr Gawne with all the work. They can't be off 'training' in Media City all the time can they?

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4 minutes ago, Twitch said:

I have no axe to grind against Ewan who does a good job, but to say there is loads of IOM content is a bit rich. Average is around 2 to 3 items per day. From 2 BBC journalists. Sorry but that is just crap. WTF are they doing apart form landing young Mr Gawne with all the work. They can't be off 'training' in Media City all the time can they?

I think you have a reasonable point about BBC on-line. Perhaps the two BBC staff are really the MI5 operatives to keep an eye on IOMG. 

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2 minutes ago, Declan said:

I think you have a reasonable point about BBC on-line. Perhaps the two BBC staff are really the MI5 operatives to keep an eye on IOMG. 

The BBC Ellan Vannin webpage is a disgrace. It seems to be just a fig leaf to show some kind of on-Island engagement from the corporation. Compared to what they do for the CIs it is a sick joke. At the very least I think that they should fund Manx Radio from the licence fee. No chance of that though with them crying poverty about the over 75s free licence.

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20 minutes ago, Twitch said:

I have no axe to grind against Ewan who does a good job, but to say there is loads of IOM content is a bit rich. Average is around 2 to 3 items per day. From 2 BBC journalists. Sorry but that is just crap. WTF are they doing apart form landing young Mr Gawne with all the work. They can't be off 'training' in Media City all the time can they?

As I said, tokenism.

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From the MR web-page:    

The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents has applauded the ten year targets set by the Manx Government, to reduce the toll on Island roads.

Who knew we had toll roads on the Island?

Edited by KERED
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2 hours ago, Andy Onchan said:

I'd be interested to know what benefits (other than what I have outlined above) IOM gets from this appointment.

training, access to events (olympics etc.....) access to studios in the uk, access to bbc news feeds......

and tons of other stuff.....

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1 hour ago, Andy Onchan said:

As I said, tokenism.

That point of view requires the BBC to have a corporate strategy for the Isle of Man and for someone in the management structure to think “they don’t have a radio station, the website’s shit, and we’re getting a bit of flack. I know let’s create the roll of Local Democracy reporter to shut them up.”

The problem is I don’t think the BBC has anyone executive with responsibility for the IOM or even a corporate strategy relating to us. 

Also I think BBC local radio, the website, the Local Democracy scheme operate as separate fiefdoms. 

The question asked was “does the Iom meet the criteria for this scheme” not whether the IOM receives value for money from the BBC overall. 

Are you saying that the money funding Gawne would be better for the Island funding someone in England?

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4 hours ago, Declan said:

I think you have a reasonable point about BBC on-line. Perhaps the two BBC staff are really the MI5 operatives to keep an eye on IOMG. 

I might be completely off the wall here (or off my rocker more like) but donkeys ago didn’t Hazel Hannan have a bee in her bonnet that there was an MI5 mole in the upper echelon of our civil service?

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5 hours ago, woolley said:

I generally try not to derail threads but, with apologies to Manx Radio and since JW brought it up again, it is good to know that he is indeed on the mend. Well done John and the medics. I just followed Sultan's link to that thread to look again at what all the fuss was about and it was pretty gruesome. The other thing that struck me though was how many of the posters we seem to have lost in the meantime. It was only just over a year ago. Names there who were once prolific seldom appear now or have stopped altogether. What a shame that is. Died? Banned? Fed up? Left Island? I know that I can also disappear for months at times, but some stalwarts who were very good and readable seem sunk without trace. Just an observation.

I’m glad your comments were a nice ending to that thread. Yes it seems that some of those posters no longer post. It’s clear from subsequent comments that some subsequently got bans. I’m not sure with the sock puppet culling we’ve lost that many posters in reality outside of a few bans which were well known at the time as people have probably reverted to other accounts or snuck back in with new accounts. Dale Cooper I’m looking at you ;)

Edited by thesultanofsheight
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31 minutes ago, Uhtred said:

I might be completely off the wall here (or off my rocker more like) but donkeys ago didn’t Hazel Hannan have a bee in her bonnet that there was an MI5 mole in the upper echelon of our civil service?

It would be amazing if there were not one. 

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14 hours ago, Max Power said:

Of the three local broadcasters I can only listen to Manx Radio. I would probably listen a bit more but for the women's programme in the afternoon. How sexist, how about some men's programming?

Wouldn't Men's programs have to be video instead of audio ?:ph34r:

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