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Manx Radio

Desperate Dan

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8 hours ago, KERED said:

From the MR web-page:    

The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents has applauded the ten year targets set by the Manx Government, to reduce the toll on Island roads.

Who knew we had toll roads on the Island?

Jeez. Don't give 'em ideas! Nice booths at Santon and Bungalow. £1 a trip!

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2 hours ago, Kopek said:

Isn't this an example of where MR should step in and advise their clients.? Singing phone numbers are crass, don't do them?

Who says they don't? And remember, it's the client who decides how he/she wants the ad to sound.

8 hours ago, KERED said:

From the MR web-page:    

The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents has applauded the ten year targets set by the Manx Government, to reduce the toll on Island roads.

Who knew we had toll roads on the Island?

Derek, you really are backwards aren't you - especially as a putative Grammar Nazi:

toll1 /təʊl/Submit noun 1. a charge payable to use a bridge or road. "motorway tolls" synonyms: charge, fee, payment, levy, tariff, dues, tax, duty, impost "a motorway toll" 2. the number of deaths or casualties arising from a natural disaster, conflict, accident, etc. "the toll of dead and injured mounted" synonyms: number, count, tally, total, running total, sum total, grand total, sum, score, reckoning, enumeration, register, record, inventory, list, listing, account, roll, roster, index, directory "the toll of dead and injured mounted"

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Thanks Woolley - I doubt it was an attempt at humour from Kered, who is an habitual snark. And since the 'strategy' aims to reduce both deaths and serious injuries, the wording is fine. 

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20 minutes ago, Stu Peters said:

Thanks Woolley - I doubt it was an attempt at humour from Kered, who is an habitual snark. And since the 'strategy' aims to reduce both deaths and serious injuries, the wording is fine. 

I have a confession to make Stu.

I've never spent a night in hospital so I have absolutely no idea what hospital radio is like.

I just thought you'd like to know that..... :)

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2 minutes ago, P.K. said:

I have a confession to make Stu.

I've never spent a night in hospital so I have absolutely no idea what hospital radio is like.

I just thought you'd like to know that..... :)

Most requested song is 'One Day at a Time (sweet Jesus)' by Lena Martell...

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9 hours ago, woolley said:

Seeing as we've just asserted our independence with that new pound coin initiative, shouldn't it be MI6?

Quite right...”My name’s Bond...Juan Bond”. Okells MPA...shaken not stirred”.

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9 hours ago, woolley said:

I'm not sure that they do work, actually. We have spent millions on advertising spread across multiple media, radio, printed page, internet etc. for a very long time. With traditional advertising, it is actually very difficult to know what is working for you unless you stop it to see what you lose. Often you simply carry on doing what you have been doing for years because you have budgeted for it and you fear what might happen if you don't.

That sounds like the IOMG approach to everything, ever.

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9 hours ago, Stu Peters said:

Most requested song is 'One Day at a Time (sweet Jesus)' by Lena Martell...

Are you sure?

A couple of searches seems to indicate Frank Sinatra's My Way or ABBA's Dancing Queen... :D

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