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Manx Radio

Desperate Dan

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4 hours ago, Gizo said:

Roll up, More top heavy management required at Manx Radio. The gravy train is never ending. How about some culling before employing. 

http://www.iomtoday.co.im/article.cfm?id=45097&headline=New boss appointed at Manx Radio&sectionIs=NEWS&searchyear=2019

How is it more management, when he is replacing Mr Pew. ?

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1 minute ago, thesultanofsheight said:

You have to question how many managers it takes to run a failing business. 

It isn’t a business. Take away the subvention, and there is no business. So exactly why so many managers? And back to my point that MR lover Dilli was trying to mock, they need to cull first. 

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It's as much of a business as any government department is.

When so much public money is being handed down from the magic money tree you don't need any business nous at all. By all means, dress, look like and speak like one, and draw a managers salary and pension too, but you don't really have to be a manager or some sort of business leader.

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7 minutes ago, gettafa said:

It's as much of a business as any government department is.

When so much public money is being handed down from the magic money tree you don't need any business nous at all. By all means, dress, look like and speak like one, and draw a managers salary and pension too, but you don't really have to be a manager or some sort of business leader.

You’ve just summarized most of the problems with why the Manx economy will never change there. 

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But it's more a public service than a business. The commercial side is there primarily to reduce the amount of public subvention needed, and support the programming pot. Unlike the commercial side of the hospital where income from private work by doctors primarily goes to them personally.

And it's certainly not a 'failing' business. It's evolving more into multimedia than pure radio, but that's surely to be expected and welcomed as consumer habits change.

I'm not part of management so have no axe to grind, but I don't think there are any more managers at Manx Radio than in any comparable organisation. Let's face it, someone in authority has to bollock me every now and then.

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