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Manx Radio

Desperate Dan

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On 1/19/2019 at 2:43 PM, Andy Onchan said:

 I don't listen to MR very often but when I do there seems to be many more adverts now than at any other time in the past.  


20 hours ago, Stu Peters said:

 The ad loading hasn't gone up in the 17 years I've been there I don't think - still the same number of minutes per hour.

I think that possibly you are both right. Perhaps the number of minutes allowed per hour is the same as years ago, but the listener experience is that there is far more commercial content now.

At one time you could listen late in the evening and hear few if any adverts. Now there are just as many as in the daytime. There is no escape. They throw them into packages as part of the deal. I know because we have bought them in the past before we became disenchanted with it as a marketing tool. Also, do the regulations cover the sponsorship of programmes, which is rife on MR? Are those sponsorship jingles considered part of the the regulated commercial time allowed? I doubt it. What about "infomercial" content, where Fred Bloggs comes into the studio to regale us on the benefits of the screws in his hardware shop, or the shrink/exercise mentor/organic food peddler who "guest" on with Women Today from time to time to tell us how life enriching their services can be? Or the on air "interviews" by Alex Brindley with hyped up voices who often have a product or an idea to sell? When CityWing sponsored the afternoon show, the whole programme might be based on a trip to the UK by Alex and Beth pushing the places you could fly to. Then there is the furniture "Radio Cafe", top ten holidays, death announcements associated with a commercial, etc. etc. The list goes on and it is way too long.

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Now I do not wish to enrage Stu, but is the nation's station a tinsy bit Anglo centric?

One of the joys of the Twittersphere - apart from arguing with Mr Thomas - is the sheer number of heritage, nature & culture related tweets you can see from around the British Isles & beyond

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2 hours ago, Non-Believer said:

Can't for the life of me understand why he gets so much airtime. Mind, with the passing of Brian Stowell, MR may inflict even more Gawne on us. :ban:

When Brian Stowell stopped doing the Sunday morning show they thrust in Phil Gawne because he speaks some Manx and has a high pitched whiney whinnying voice, like what they have at the Young Farners sketches. He is well nestled in with the establishment (yes @piebaps there is such a thing as an 'establishment' in this context, more so on the Isle of Man) and so he was the choice. Expect more and more and more ad infinitum.

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20 hours ago, gettafa said:

You've heard of spitting coffee all over the keyboard, well that's me just spewed vomit all over it. Manx Radio this morning has Phil Gawne on and they are just playing him singing a song.


was it 'fire starter' ?   if i was doing anything on the radio  ( good job i'm not ) i'd play the intro to that song every time he was being introduced or mentioned.

Edited by WTF
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10 hours ago, gettafa said:

Manx Radio has flourished since 3fm started.


According to Google, 3fm went on the air in October 2004.

I'm just going to leave some Manx radio audience figures here.

Dec 2004 - 42000 listeners, 67% Reach, 608000 Total listening hours, 39.9% market share.

Sept 2018 - 32000 listeners, 46% reach, 298000 Total listening hours, 21.3% market share.

Not sure I'd call that flourishing.  Floundering, maybe.  Perhaps it was your autocorrect?! ;-)


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7 minutes ago, overCome said:


According to Google, 3fm went on the air in October 2004.

I'm just going to leave some Manx radio audience figures here.

Dec 2004 - 42000 listeners, 67% Reach, 608000 Total listening hours, 39.9% market share.

Sept 2018 - 32000 listeners, 46% reach, 298000 Total listening hours, 21.3% market share.

Not sure I'd call that flourishing.  Floundering, maybe.  Perhaps it was your autocorrect?! ;-)


That would indicate that 3fm and Energy have managed to take 10,000 listeners away between them?

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19 minutes ago, Max Power said:

That would indicate that 3fm and Energy have managed to take 10,000 listeners away between them?

Kind of.  But also not! - as listeners aren't exclusive.  So, say 10000 of the listeners MR still has, might also listen to Energy and/or 3fm. And/or the the BBC...  And vice versa.

What is does show, however, is that significantly fewer people choose MR now than they did before 3fm existed.  The telling numbers for me are the market share percentage has halved, and the total listening hours have more than halved over the same period.

Apologies for my slightly grumpy pedantry btw - I just saw a sweeping statement that MR had flourished and thought it unlikely.  So researched some facts!

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7 hours ago, gettafa said:

When Brian Stowell stopped doing the Sunday morning show they thrust in Phil Gawne because he speaks some Manx and has a high pitched whiney whinnying voice, like what they have at the Young Farners sketches. He is well nestled in with the establishment (yes @piebaps there is such a thing as an 'establishment' in this context, more so on the Isle of Man) and so he was the choice. Expect more and more and more ad infinitum.

I like Phil Gawne, he speaks FLUENT Manx and he doesn't have a whiney blah blah voice!  So there! :)

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9 hours ago, Max Power said:

That would indicate that 3fm and Energy have managed to take 10,000 listeners away between them?

Or switched off completely or re-tuned to another non-Manx offering.

The Global Media Group, probably best known for Classicfm, have an impressive choice these days. There seems to be something there for everyone.

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I think there seems to be more adverts because they are the same few reguitated time after time and they are mostly boring and intrusive.   Some smell of desperation and would not encourage me to go anyway near the places advertised. Years ago adverts had some catchy tunes that stuck but having a name shouted over and over again does nothing for me.

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15 hours ago, overCome said:

Kind of.  But also not! - as listeners aren't exclusive.  So, say 10000 of the listeners MR still has, might also listen to Energy and/or 3fm. And/or the the BBC...  And vice versa.

What is does show, however, is that significantly fewer people choose MR now than they did before 3fm existed.  The telling numbers for me are the market share percentage has halved, and the total listening hours have more than halved over the same period.

Apologies for my slightly grumpy pedantry btw - I just saw a sweeping statement that MR had flourished and thought it unlikely.  So researched some facts!

What I was trying to say was that MR was once the only radio station on the island, now that there are three they have only lost approx 25% of their listeners? The fact that there are three is bound to affect advertising revenues too? 

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Why did 3fm start up? It seems to me it was more of a vanity project, like vanity publishing these days, rather than a business.

They have succeeded, of course, in cutting the available advertising revenue but this has only resulted in a liferaft by way of more government subvention to Manx Radio, which we all pay for.



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4 hours ago, Max Power said:

What I was trying to say was that MR was once the only radio station on the island, now that there are three they have only lost approx 25% of their listeners? The fact that there are three is bound to affect advertising revenues too? 

But if you look at the figures quoted, they've lost nearly half of their listening.  So not only are fewer people listening at all, but those that do tune in to Manx Radio sometimes, do so for fewer hours.  So at any one time there will be on average about half the people listening that there were about 15 years ago, and that's likely to effect advertising rates. 

I suspect that as well as the effect of 3FM and Energy in the local market, they've actually been hit more by streaming and the availability of so many more stations as well as services such as Spotify

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